zbou ago

If you haven't learned how to punctuate a sentence, you'll have a hard time here discerning sarcasm, lol

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

V/introductions is a sub verse for post like this

Blacksmith21 ago

@nednederlander - Protip: Look at anon's posts and comments by clicking on their handle. That will give you a good idea of who and what the poster is.

Christosgnosis ago

voat will never be a place to on-board Normies that are in process of red-pilling

and voat culture doesn't give a shit about that

At the end of the day GreatAwakening is going to have to find a different home if it wants to grow and ramp back up to 70,000 members and beyond

Voat is just a fucking potty mouthed shithole outhouse that you constantly have to hold your nose to tolerate because of its odor

It's only redeeming feature is that it isn't 8chan - and certainly not reddit - but it's not a place to call home, because who'd want to live in a fucking outhouse all the time?

Blacksmith21 ago


fujison ago

I think everyone from r/GreatAwakening has moved over to v/theawakening.

Headwest127 ago

Ahhh, nope. They seem to be engaging in quite a bit of fuckery already.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Think of it as hazing/cult deprogramming. Its voats immune system at work.

Universal_Management ago

Long time lurker first time commentor. Well aware of the environment. Been watching posts without registering an account since pizzagate sub went down. Recent events inspired account creation. Also a silent refugee from reddit and old school 4/8 chan anon. Thats a bit about me. Hello world.

Durm ago

He is slarping, which is larping someone who isn't larping. Like sly-larping, or slarping.

Cheetah1964 ago

Boy I'm confused. :)

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

Personally I am just rolling with it. I'll figure things out as I go. I have already seen a few here that have made the exodus from Shreddit. Be Brave. We will win!

WitnesstheSalt ago

Not everyone here is Larping or Trolling, but at the moment there's an immune reaction in play that's turned some of our more aggressive habits up to eleven. This feeds directly into your next question: Who is trolling, larping, or whatever? You'll have a better idea in a week or so once things settle down, so yes, it gets much easier.

My recommendation:

All users have a Block button available for any and every sub. That happy little button says "I don't want to see this shit." To be blunt, that button means no-one is forcing you to interact with subs you might find irrelevant, insane, and/or idiotic, without having to fuck with their right to say what they want. This won't stop seeing weirdness when it makes into more mundane spaces, but such is life.

Also, even people who are generally positive will fuck with you on occasion. Not me, though. You can always trust me in all things.

aekotra ago

I can tell you're from reddit because your title begins with "So, ...".

100% Soy.

nednederlander ago

I apologize, I did not realize people on Voat do not use the word So. That's my b

Next time I'll be sure to start off with 'well' or 'hmmm', or is that even more 100% soy?

who tf cares

aekotra ago

I should clarify: it's not a reddit vs voat thing, but reddit is the home of the soy so it's a natural connection to make.

Starting a post "So..." indicates a general lack of self confidence. An attempt to be overly casual such such that one can be "heard" without appearing to be asserting oneself. The use of "So.." makes the post appear as a continuation of an already existent conversation. This is intentional, subconscious or otherwise, because the idea of starting a new conversation and owning it gives the soys some anxiety. If it all goes south they can tell themselves"Oh, I was just adding my voice to the conversation" and mitigate some of those feelings of failure. Soys need to be able to blend into the background at a moments notice, lest they stand out in any way. "So..." is a defense mechanism. A fear of being judged. A weakness of character.

who tf cares

Soyboys must become aware of their deficiencies so they can work on them and improve the overall quality of men everywhere. One way to do this is to shittalk them on the internet.

nednederlander ago

I was told to not get your panties in a wad on here because shit talking is normal, I was trying to adapt, but you clearly didn't get it. I really don't care what you have to say about me saying 'So'

General_Anxiety ago

I'm a little worried but here I am!!

Durm ago

Welcome to real life. If you wouldn't believe some random person walking up to you on the street saying whatever, this is no different. The whole point is that you get to decide, not other people decide for you.

Welcome to the real red pill.

TheParadigmMan ago

Crazy watching all this play out ... Refugee faggot myself and trying to get the lay of the land. Glad Voat was her to fall back on but the reality of it is we were all quite disorganized in the purge(s). These globalist fucking kikes have gobbled up everything and we are essentially in the dark corners just simply finding a place to vent. FUCK !!!!

Ok enough of that ... Glad to see you all here !! WWG1WGA

lord_nougat ago

You'll get used to it. There are a few total cunts who think they're funny, cunting up the place with their larpy fake trolling; but even the worst offenders somehow manage to be entertaining from time to time.

pby1000 ago

A lot of people here were active on both sites. Check out v/pizzagate, too.

You will get people shit testing you. If you don't like words like nigger, faggot, like, etc., then just ignore. There is no use complaining because it is Free Speech.

TeddyJackson ago

The shills here are much higher quality than the ones on reddit. On reddit they are blatant with everything. Here they are weaselly mother fuckers who plant seeds and throw in bullshit mixed with truths.

Because voat isn't moderated by paid shills, for the most part, the shills can't bullshit as much because they will be called out on it. So they have to use different tactics here.

This site still has problems with bought accounts, shill networks, and foreign spooks. While as others have said submission score and comment score combined with account is good info to have, it is only useful if you know how to read it. One of the more useful features if you can see an accounts highest and lowest voted scores for submissions and comments.


Is anyone doing research here? Man all I see is Oldfags freaking the fuck out. Fuck man what the hell ya'll gonna do when 200k show up? GET MAD at them? Damn, I'm gonna search Voat for research and not get sidetracked anymore. Welcome to Voat Patriots! Now go the fuck Home right? Niggers cant put a patriotic agenda ahead of backstabbing each other. Get your shit from chans until this 13 yr old bullshit settles down.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what is it exactly you perceive as larping?

nednederlander ago

Shit, I mean I guess the same thing as trolling. idk. I've always done my research and gone down rabbit holes then kept the information to myself. It's not that I'm new to the corruption or not awake to what is really going on in the world, its that I don't have social media and just recently discovered these boards with like minded people, (/rGreatAwakening about a month of two ago) so I didn't realize how big of a thing larping or trolling what the fuck ever was until I got on here and find myself having a conversation with a bot unknowingly until someone else pointed it out. So I find them hard to spot, but as I've been told, over time and spotting patterns I will be able to spot out the shit posters/larps/trolls whatever you want to call them.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

well what on voat do you see as trolling? can you give any examples? people do shitpost and such here but idk if that's what you're talking about if you're so vague

nednederlander ago

Well, I've only been here for a day, (and yesterday the site was fucked because of the influx of people crossing over from reddit) so I haven't had that much interaction. But there have been so many posts about newbies coming and what to expect, and then I read some of the comments left on these posts and its hard to sell if they are genuine or are being sarcastic, because it seems genuine but it also feels like it could have a sarcastic tone and I don't want to be an asshole to someone I mistook for a troll or whatever. I have no idea how to spot a bot. But I'm guessing this just comes with being new to the whole thing.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

again I can't help you if you don't provide any examples, however I recommend being skeptical all the time while suspending your disbelief and keeping an open mind, also ask for sources and citations.

jasonco ago

welcome, fresh meat. If you stay here, you won't be the same person in a year or two.

Relevant: http://magaimg.net/img/2gx3.jpg

yurisrevenge ago

Welcome GA bulldog comrade to voat

Me am yuri

Me biggest troll in all voat.

If someone give u butt hurts call upon me comrade

Me and me trolls will deals with these heretics

Happy shit posting comrade and may shit posting be in you favor

Micheal84 ago

When you spent more time here, you get to know the trolls.

Btw, nice too see another Dutch guy here.

Hayashimo ago

Lurk more.

Think of it like one half of one of the chans and one half Reddit.

A lot of people are going to hate you for a while because you're new and haven't proven that you're not going to bring the retardation of Reddit with you like a diseased rat or something.

Adapt to the culture. Don't expect the culture to adapt to you.

watch_listed ago

The gist of the anger is that floods of new users overwhelm an already overtaxed server with people who think they want free speech, but only if it's the sort they agree with. It drags in swarms of people who think that freedom of expression should have limitations and advocate policing "improper" thoughts. This place is over the top because it helps keep much of the pearl clutching "there ought to be a law" types at bay. If you don't want to hurl around racial epithets, gas jews, create an ethnostate, capture Jerusalem, or re-conquer Europe, cool. If you want to debate the perceived merits, limitations, and drawbacks of these ideas, great. If you want to deny others the ability to discuss them as freely as they choose, well, fuck right off. If you don't want to insult other users, awesome. If you don't want to be insulted, sorry, snowflake. If you want to prevent people from insulting you and others, again, fuck right off. It's nothing personal, really.

The shitposting here is widespread, just roll with it. There are subs dedicated to it, where not shitposting is banned. You'll get a handle on which users are bots, which ones are here for shits and giggles, which ones are shills, and who actually can carry on a conversation. The anon subs are mostly full of shills and one man's crusade against Phil Collins. Amalek is gone, so no worries there. Good luck.

NoisyCricket ago

Contrary to immediate perceptions there is a diversity of opinion. Those opinions, however, are generally rooted outside of political correctness. While not immediately apparent, there is much nuance in the opinions here. Believe it or not there are racial Jews, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and other minorities here. Some are here to troll, some to stir the pot, some simply want to better understand or even learn WTF is going on in the world. That wanting is why most people are here on Voat. Many minorities are embraced by the greater community. Even after identifying themselves as belonging to these racial groups. For example, many people commonly make the distinction between "nigger" and "black." Many people here appreciate and respect the likes of Thomas Sowell. There is a huge difference in behaviors and it's the behaviors which divide. It's those behaviors which matter. Accordingly, many apply the "nigger" label based on behavior, regardless of race. Nuance.

The most important element to accept is that contrary to surface reflection, Voat is not a monolithic, group-think, organism; even though it may appear so on the surface. Intellectual diversity is highly valued. But it better be fact based diversity. If you dissent you need to logically justify and rationalize it. Iif you just spew leftist dogma you're going to get burned and shat upon.

Thinking is encouraged. Honesty is encouraged. Research is encouraged. Intellectual diversity is desired. Debate and discussion of the facts is held high.

Choosing to take offense to facts will result in GFO.

Perspective: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2509679/12539097

Lastly, shilling is real. There are shills here. There are extremists here. Their job is to divide and push people away.

dooob ago

You are not wrong. Lots of joo-spammers, racist trolls and Posobiecs are here on voat. Do not trust anyone. Please use v/new to browse and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS upvote quality posts. So little people vote here on voat, very easy to manipulate and slide posts.

Blacksmith21 ago

And ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS downvoat the shills.

slwsnowman40 ago

It just feels like everyone here is LARPing, shill and trolling. After a while, you can start to pick them all out.

nednederlander ago

Glad someones agrees, its hard to decide what is and isn't sarcasm over the internet sometimes, and I was bad at ruling LARPer's even on reddit too, I've always been anti any form of social media or forums like this, thought it was all bullshit, but my own research into MSM bias and corruption in the government led me to Q and eventually places like these, where I didn't realize just how many people thought the same way I did. So, the whole LARPing on the internet thing is completely new to me.

slwsnowman40 ago

Just hold onto your butt, the first few days will be rough if you don't visit halfchan's pol.

SolomanAl ago

" theawakening Previously known as reddit.com/r/greatawakening."

syntaxaxe ago

Of course it must be LARPing. I mean, nobody would seriously think and say the things being posted here, right? Questioning the holocaust, thinking that environmentalism has become an industry better representing the pursuit of power and money than actual science, saying that there appears to be an active cultural campaign to destroy white European cultures and histories and populations (and these efforts can almost always be traced back to the ruling class among the Jews, who own Western media, academia, and finance), etc etc etc... nobody really acts this way, right?

I mean, there was a pretty wide variety of views on places like Reddit and Facebook, and you can't find those thoughts there (besides maybe a few crazies and trolls, who rightfully are kicked off the platform). You, like me, probably went to a respectable University and listen to reputable news sites; we know that intelligent, educated people don't think this way. Just think - all of the experts are in agreement about all these issues (except the very small percentage who are bought or ideologically driven, so we rightfully dismiss them). And even in the wide, open debate that happens in governmental politics, no serious politician would ever take Voat-like views seriously. We're definitely trolls.

I recommend: spend a few weeks, maybe months listening to the arguments, contemplating the reasoning, checking the links and citations and evidence. You'll find that there are whole troll subverses here. The rest - you'll have to make up your own mind.

MB_MoonPearl ago

Hi Nednederlander. I recognize your username from GreatAwakening.

nednederlander ago


Glad some of us have successfully made the transition. Or trying to successfully make the transisiton i should say!

lord_nougat ago

You're definitely one of my favourite Amigos.

nednederlander ago

Thank you, someone finally gets it.

brewpot ago

Welcome to the wild west of the internet. Enjoy it while it lasts.

30MagazineClip ago

There was a really good post about the kinds of culture control tactics etc the deep state do here yesterday. I thought I saved it but can't find it.

kommisar6 ago

I'm confused, there is v/GreatAwakening v/theawakening and v/CalmBeforeTheStorm. What is the difference between the subject matter on these three sub voats?

TapasTree ago

Trying to discern this myself. My strategy in the meantime is to sub to all of them and then pick through the bullshit as it gets posted. Also upvoating a fuckton

Optional-Reading ago

Voat is blackpilled

7thoughtforms ago

[Larps never mainstream]

DimSimTiminit ago

I did try and create a post but apparently i needed 10 CCP or some shit, so ill just post it in the comments to this, keep in mind im from AUS and everyone gets called a cunt here but im worried it'll be used against us.


Hey guys,

I know we are all excited and giddy about our new free speech zone and want to exercise our rights to call everyone niggers and faggots, and I understand that it's the Voat way but PLEASE be wary of the Q community and the implications it may have on us when using those derogatory terms excessively. I'm honestly not trying to shit on you guys but professionalism needs to be a big priority of ours. Sure saying "look at all the bad words they call each other" wont discredit solid evidence/research but it can damage our current and future user base. Probably more now than ever because we have ourselves a refugee situation and everyones flooding here, not just from our subreddit but from the entirety of Reddit, and I can gaurentee theres going to be a shit load of shills coming in too. It shocked me once I landed here and just seen nonproductive filth being spewed into the comments, I know it'll wear off and I understand it can be fun but with the amount of blatant lies about us being echoed throughout Reddit and News Organizations, a simple screenshot could drive potential Patriots away. Just please PLEASE remember all eyes are on us right now, this could be history in the making, people will try to infiltrate, discredit and divide us please dont give them that ammunition.

Just needed to get this off my chest. WWG1WGA!

TheBookWasBetter ago


cleo777 ago

Spot on @DimSimTiminit - nicely said

Blacksmith21 ago

@DimSimTiminit - Thanks for the solid comment. There are a LOT of eyes on us here. There are a handful of us who have been here a relatively long time. We defend our territory fervently. v/GA isn't about calling people "nigger" and "fag". v/GA is about understanding what is Q. There are a LOT of eyeballs on us here.

The highly sensitized bedwetters are lookign for any excuse to discredit us, which includes allegations of "racism". We try to keep the jingoism to a minimum.

albatrosv15 ago

Let's keep ourselves civil while everyone is shooting at us.

Nope. Fuck off. You act like a literal kike.

Blacksmith21 ago

SHill ^^^ alert

albatrosv15 ago

The arrows point at your name, so...

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL...they kinda do. Fail.

Let's see if you're for real or a fake...TBD.

pby1000 ago

That is actually a good point. We were joking that that is why Q did not reference voat.

CokeOrPepe ago

Here ya go, fam

4GodAndAmerica ago

I could not agree more, Patriot, my hope is that the community will rise above the fray and we can unify and get back to fighting the globalist cabal that wants to enslave us. Your point is well taken: professionalism needs to be a big priority of ours.

WWG1WGA - God Bless America!

Blacksmith21 ago

We have a solid management team at v/GA. All patriots. No shills. No ulterior motives.

nednederlander ago

This is a goood point, I've also been reading in multiple places that the boards here are already compromised as they knew we would be flooding over here. It might be a tactic to try and generalize us in with the other types of subs there are on here, which we all know can be a lot nastier and meaner than ours is. It might be time that we all learn how to use the chans, even though that content can be just as vulgar, it might be the only platform left that isn't being censored.

Blacksmith21 ago

We've been fighting the shills for the last year and a half. We know who they are. We know how to defend. It's going to be harder now that we are herding cats. We need the Patriots to be obvious and helpful. Kill the shills.

DimSimTiminit ago

I disagree, dont call for voilence against them, engage a civil discussion. I know reading that a lot of you will chuckle because we all know there's nothing civil when challening a shills argument and 9/10 times anything you reply to them is pointless. But last night I actually engaged with them on Reddit, challenged their ideas, gave my personal views, encouraged them to do their own research and not rely on what everyone else is saying. My posts werent trying to reason with the shills, they were directed at the 1000s of lurkers that will scroll past my comments without ever interacting directly with the post.

FlappyJappy ago

the mods of the new subverse you guys made, theawakening, have already shadowbanned themselves from v/all with their ccp restrrictions, so no matter what information you may post there, nothing will show up to anyone who doesnt browse that sub, and the number of mods they have screams "narritive control" here, you dont need that many. controlled, quarantined, no longer a threat. dont use that subverse if you want Q content to reach other people.

DimSimTiminit ago

This is 100% true, I've been through this when Reddit killed the PizzaGate sub and we migrated here, it's great we're being welcomed with open arms but at the same time we were just squashed out of a place with structures and everyones running around like ants.

nednederlander ago

The whole thing is systemic and coordinated, it feels like they are just rounding us up and corralling us into one corner of the internet so they can attempt to do some kind of final blow in an attempt to destroy/divide the whole movement, and make it to where we don't have any form of communication.

Lock-M-Up ago

X-Reddit patron / Qanon supporter; let's see how this platform works out. MAGA!!!

Paranoiaattack ago

The language tells us we're still free here, just don't be a kike

hangry ago

It's just you, niggerfaggot.

LostandFound ago

Theres a bit of a hazing period during each reddit exodus, things will go back to normalish in a few days.

Working out the geniune ones is a skill you will build up over time, recognise usernames etc. The flipside of free speech I guess. No one can give you a direct answer here but if you are legit you will be welcomed.

Firinmahlazer ago

All the autism really comes to the surface when a sub gets banned. It will subside.


Have patience and observe. Habitual faggotry will be exposed and clensed by vigilant, real users.

Textualintercourse ago

I made my account when the Voat first started. Looks like it's coming in handy!

Banned from /r/Conspiracy/The_Donald/CBTS/GreatAwakening, let's see how long this place holds up!

MB_MoonPearl ago

Just saying Hi to ya, because I recognize your username from GreatAwakening. I remember the usernames of people I thought were good contributors.

Textualintercourse ago

Thank you! I'm hoping this place survives. I just hope that with my 'digital' armband in place that Google has us marked with, it will not carry over.

baneofretail ago

Don't look at upvoats, look at account age and submission history to determine whose a troll, jidf, or just screwing with you. Don't beg for upvoats, gain it organically. You're new here so don't shit on the floor, and have fun you nigger faggot!

Blacksmith21 ago

"Don't shit on the floor" - Love it!

SkippyThane ago

My son once shit on the floor in Walmart as a prank, when he was 15. Funniest thing he ever told me!

Cheetah1964 ago

It's a shame it wasn't at Costco right before Hillary's book signing.

lord_nougat ago

Yeah, well pretty much all walmartians do that quite frequently. It dey kulcha!

nednederlander ago

Thanks for your words of wisdom

Poot_McGarvey ago

I think the most ardent pure racism and other trash is done by straight up shills.

It would make sense for the craziest stuff to be pushed here (and pol) on purpose so people on the fence will run back towards the establishment.

Iwashbeforeipee ago

Newfag from deddit here... best thing to do is sit back and observe voat as a whole. We’re in a new environment and lucky to have somewhere to gather.

Blacksmith21 ago

Spread the word

emperorbma ago

In 4chanese, "Lurk MOAR."

lord_nougat ago

Hey! Stop looking at my whole!

pby1000 ago

Please check out v/pizzagate!

Blacksmith21 ago

@pby1000 - did you see the subscriber counter finally moved after the last 6 months?

pby1000 ago

No. I will look.

Blacksmith21 ago

I meant on v/PG - it was stuck at 17,691 (I think) for a loooong time.

pby1000 ago

I see. I was not aware of that one.

gentronseven ago

Don't say "faggot here, whatever you were going to say"

Just say what you're going to say you fucknut niggerfaggot.

lord_nougat ago

He can say what he pleases, fagtard!

Iwashbeforeipee ago

Fuck off whitefag

TippyHome ago

I know I'm happy to have others expand what we know about DS. I came to Voat close after the election and it was great to have somewhere to ask the pressing questions. And since most of can't say the President's name out loud without getting push back, this is a place you can be happy he's the President.

nednederlander ago


She-Zu ago

Welcome - finding my way too!

nednederlander ago

It's a little bit rougher around the edges here I've learned. And not as pretty and organized as the reddit layout, but then again fuck reddit right? This will be a good new home for us.

realopticsguy ago

My question is where can you see the Q drops?

OsoCovfefe ago

This new home has the menus over on the right too, you can go to map or research or proofs. Look------------right. And I thank Voat again, all the Patriots who made this space for us, freely giving up server space for us beggars. WWG1WGA

Iwashbeforeipee ago

They show up as posts. Otherwise Qanon.pub is where I go for Q drops