Mylon ago

Me. Still a Q skeptic, but hard to deny "if you're taking flak you're over the target". Hardly plan on doing much because the best moderation is just removing spam and that's about it.

srayzie ago

No. I am gonna be really picky about this and am trying to handle it behind the scenes @MolochHunter. I asked you because you are trust worthy., I don't want anyone that I don’t know know or trust as a mod. Would you mind deleting this?

MolochHunter ago

no problem darlz, done

I'm not saying no to being a Mod - I'm strongly considering it. I'll let you know before tomorrow

Shizy ago

(Please say yes)!

MolochHunter ago

its very tempting, i hear the backstage cocktail parties are to die for

shygrrrl ago

See @srayzie? I told you you just have to keep spreading rumours about GA cocktail parties, and he will take the bait!! :-P

MolochHunter ago

lol whats with the alt?

is this some kind of digital cosplay?

shygrrrl ago

Digital forep...err cosplay? LOL.

looks innocently

think- ago

Digital forep...err cosplay? LOL. looks innocently

Shizy ago

Haha! We wish!

think- ago

Why don't you have a mod badge, @Shizy?

Shizy ago

I like to be undercover 😎!

Actually it isn't working for some reason!

think- ago

I like to be undercover 😎!


Vladimir_Komarov ago

@Srayzie Gotta bridge the divide early with v/TheAwakening and @NeonRevolt . The rest of voat will puke if they see double coverage of every Q drop. There's a good group over here pinging every drop, and know the local shills. Please work with alternate Q subs to coordinate as best as possible. I'll be lurking on it for sure.



MolochHunter ago

member for more than 3 years, pretty good at dodging those downvoats, there's some merit to your application

over to you, @Srayzie , here's one to keep in consideration

srayzie ago

Ok. I’m doing all this behind the scenes @MolochHunter. There's plenty of people that have been here for a long time. I don't know this person.

WhiteDragonMage ago

I vouch for any of the mods from r/The_GreatAwakening not r/greatawakening. Those guys killed it and actually made a much better sub. The other guys had their chance and plenty of people were not happy with how they handled themselves (censorship, control freaks, and rude). Seems they have a sub called theawakening here already so hopefully they stay there. The names I can remember from TGA are FartsonToast, Jollyfeed, lovexxx, HoudiniTowers, anyone else remember the rest?


There was a massive sliding operation taking place on GA. The posts that I noticed getting removed from new were always piss poor quality, low effort attempts at farming upvotes. I'm talking about the MASSIVE amount of retards posting how they see Q references irl and insinuate it's some kind of sign.

"Look at this wooden letter Q at the craft store I was at today! Give me upvotes." "I got ticket #17 at the deli today! Upvotes now."

If I start seeing this shit here I'll consider this board compromised.

WhiteDragonMage ago

yeah that was happening for sure. I honestly enjoyed TGA alot more and it was higher quality posts. I don't know why anyone would follow them to another sub?

jpGrind ago

i would actually be against blindly adding any of the mod staff from any of the aforementioned subreddits

they are comped and cannot be trusted

WhiteDragonMage ago

agreed they all went to theawakening from the looks of it. i say keep them there. what will they do with their time if they can't go around deleting everyone's posts and comments? they had their chance and proved themselves to be untrustworthy of the job.

jpGrind ago

i am a fan of less moderation, as that means much lower chance of comped mod team.

Diggernicks ago

Jesus fucking Christ fuck. Moderation is like government. The less the better.

ObamasPinkSock ago

I disagree because Q said to expect attacks to increase and those attacks manifest as spam and concern trolling posts... and the problem with having only one active mod is that mods needs to sleep sometimes.

It shouldn't matter if we have a couple or a few mods, as long as we keep an eye on the moderator logs to ensure they are behaving themselves!

Shizy ago

Hey I'm still not a mod at jelly pit 😝

MolochHunter ago

daaahhhling, daaahling, what a dreadful oversight - you are now!

Shizy ago

Thank you good sir!