MakeItSoQ ago

The Q message needs to get out there, but seeing some of the other offensive posts on this site kinda sickens me. I miss the decentralized RSS driven internet.

Curioustriplet ago

Hi there! I joined r/greatawakening a couple of weeks ago and missing connecting with others on Q topics after the big ban today. Thought I’d check this forum out! Thanks for having me ✌️

329Dana ago

Newb here too

McBozo ago

Newfag red pulled lurker here. I only used reddit for one sub and now I’m gone. But here nonetheless

bopper ago

And good ones, all about Reddit (articles justifying the slam).

bloodykisses84 ago

Ya some crazy stuff going on today

ProceedPlanBravo ago

Reddit r/greatawakening refugee here. Glad I found a place to land. Let's start some shit.

President_Trump_2020 ago

We are under attack - Q

Muelza ago

Just part of the GA debris field. Neon suggested the move over. Hope to rebuild here!

Capprii ago

Hello patriots, I’m here from Reddit GA!

MollyMcGee ago

Hello Patriots! I’m here from reddit GA

Bloodfoe ago

Hey guys, as with probably most of us here, I'm new. That means I can't start a post.

Here's one of my images in the meme war.

Blacksmith21 ago

And you don't have a single submission to v/GA. So take a backseat, son.

Jimmyjames ago

Are the Admins from r/greatawakening here?

Does anyone remember their names?

marsgirrrll ago

I just closed my reddit account and told them it was because of censorship.

Krazeesheet ago

Things gonna be ok.

Upvoat the positives so we can get back to posting and sharing information/ideas.

Hugs for all my fam.

Mindy2000 ago

I bought a bunch of Trump stickers to put on random public poles, benches, wherever. We need to show people, we love Trump. I can imagine some snowflakes having a meltdown if they see one!!!! Hahahahahaha

MadMex2267 ago

Yes. According to it went down last night at midnight. Right after Q posted about dropping the hammer.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Is this the reason why I've been getting 403 errors on Voat all day and messages about Voat being bad?

TheWitnessOfCacti ago

Reddit is actively banning new Chan's as well. It's a war on that site.

tango_whisky_blunt ago

Stop visiting reddit, they are owned by massive corporate overlords in media, they are as crooked as they come.

BestowFlower1Crown ago

I'm pretty pissed. After 9 years and they cannot even have the common decency to let me get all my verbiage packed up and out before they slam the door on me!

Blue7Sapphire ago

Hello that reddit has banned the_greatawakening, where is everyone going?

angryanalyst ago

Fuck Reddit. Bunch of pricks and commie mods.

Feels good to be able to say that.

Mindy2000 ago

They never thought she would lose... WWG1WGA

OG-Kush ago

Yup they banned GA and all backup / alternate subreddits for Q

bodiazrising ago

Just arrived - total newfag. I'll be in the back lurking. WWG1WGA

GranimalSnake ago

The seats back here fold out fyi.

bodiazrising ago

Sorry, I was passed out on floor. Thanks patriot.

QisUS_wwg1wga ago

Smh... fuck this censorship... where do we go from here on voat?? I feel lost on this thing...wwg1wga

srayzie ago

Sorry. I answered in his inbox. I wasn’t ignoring Bopper

Rebelghirl ago

Made it over from Reddit after deleting my account there. Hi all!

Voopin__Voopin ago

Rebelghirl ago

ooh thanks.

radiantregret4 ago

So pissed . . . I am so ready for NEW venues, glad for Voat . . . love Gab!

dot_block_deek ago

The more they do this, the more desperate they appear. November is breathing down their neck and they're unprepared.

KimnanaT ago

This confirms Q is very REAL and the traitors are scared!!

Quasipsuedo ago

Indeed! I never saw any violent comments on GA. Only reminders for all to be focused and nonviolent

HarrisonArturus ago

All for a larp.

KimnanaT ago

So the gestapo has kicked into high gear....they've banned A. Jones, Michael Savage and now Great Awakening....I just dont understand how the liberal lunatics cant see whats happening.

Bigfoot_lol ago

Has there been any official explanations thus far? Any GA mods know what's up?

rompele ago

Yes, a mod posted more upthread the “official” reasons for GA’s ban.

Aakasha_Essa ago

Patriot checking in! Wooah

Stuntmanmike52 ago

Well, to new homes and old friends. :)

CosmicRemix ago

Insane. The censorship is so real and just flat out in our faces now. The storm is coming folks. It's not over until we win. #MAGA

BSCB4U ago


Dktrogers6250 ago

Had this set up some time ago for just this contingency. Glad to have a place to come to..

user1212 ago


hitekhobo ago

And they're still gonna lose... it's gonna go from a Red Wave Tsunami to a complete wipe-out... asswipes...

chickenfarm5 ago

found ga on reddit by accident around dec., and went there just for the great info on that board. hoping the folks that move here will continue to get out the info esp. the links. love neon revolt, praying medic, and ipot so guess i have to thank reddit for them, but hate what they did to shut us down. hope it won't happen here!

TheParadigmMan ago

Super Glad to see you all over here ... Fuck Reddit WWG1WGA !

teriyakuza ago

404 coincidence? I think not.

jc99ta ago

I tell you what this is some seriously Orwellian shit.

Blacksmith21 ago

EVERYONE needs to read 1984. It's 7.00 on Amazon. Drop 100.00 and hand out a bunch of copies to everyone you know. Leave them in the shitter at work. Drop one off in the confessional. Welcome to the real battlefront.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Also free to read on George Orwell site.

donaldjtrumplican ago

I cannot even believe they just silenced 70k people like that. INSANE.

Krazeesheet ago


Per Q post

linthat22 ago

Yeah, I figured it was just a matter of time. Glad I still have my trusty Voat account.

Paranoiaattack ago

Shit about to hit the fan?

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

I posted on the reddit GA. Some people are saying not to come to voat because it's full of viruses - what's that about?

repoman ago

Everyone on voat has AIDS. Now you have AIDS too so may as well stick around, AIDSFAG

Digisphere ago

Really poor slander and a weak attempt at keeping people on Reddit.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

ok thx

vegan4trump ago

Increasing attacks means that DC is panicking. We must be close to the start of the clock. FUCC REDDIT

Moomay ago

I cant believe that Reddit banned GreatAwakening ....... Oh no I can .... So that's why I'm here ..... Hi guys

Salicaz ago

Why are you fags of all people still using Reddit to be concerned by this? Jfc

Voat_IsBetter ago

What a shame...rules for thee not for me.

Astroplaner ago

hello everyone Reddfugee here as well Welcome Patriots ! Red Five Standing By!

Andrewcpu ago

Yes it was. r/GA mods have created v/TheAwakening here. Sub up.

FrozenFire74 ago

Did you and the other mods reach out to Srayzie about joining up with the existing community on Voat?

GranimalSnake ago

Welcome to the next layer of the onion. Cheers!

Qanon4life76 ago

Yes everything is gone banned

koolchange ago

Gotta learn this site. Ugh!

bopper ago

It's visually more attractive than Reddit imo, it's easier if you've done Wordpress before.

koolchange ago

What are those side arrows?

fuckingmockies ago

Ha! This is excellent. Now you faggots can get some real fucking red pills.

gavin10 ago

Just joined Voat. Hoping that the patriots will regroup here. Please let me know if there are any good Qanon/GA links here as I am a newbie!

N3DM ago

Oh I've been here a while. Never got the top bunk, but SaneGoat once screencapped and logged my shilling (on a previous account, obviously)

Indigo5D ago

Just saw GA was banned. First time on Voat, and extremely glad it's here. wwg1wga!

adolf_wilders ago

/r/greatawakening on Reddit didn't have racist or offensive content. It's not like we weren't warned about the possibility of this happening. For some, the truth is a real threat.

ReMs-71 ago

Well this sucks, I just get home from work, and log into reddit to catch up on GA and it is BANNED. The_Great Awakening sub is gone as well. Reddit must really have it out for Q followers. T_D is still up tho, wonder how long thatone is going to last. Glad I subbed here for when this happened as I knew it would sooner or later.

rompele ago

If you see T_D as controlled opposition (as some have theorized) then it will never get banned.

Foxfire1028 ago

I could sure use a QDrop right now, guys...

BestowFlower1Crown ago

He drops here, keep it open in another tab and it will autorefresh.

Foxfire1028 ago

Work won't allow the chans :(

BestowFlower1Crown ago

It is under the new tab, here at our new home!

Foxfire1028 ago

I must be an idiot because I don't follow at all

bopper ago

Ditto, they're well aware..

BleachyMcServerwiper ago

Hi there, mod from r/GA here. Wanted to give you guys an update...

Seems that the admins over at Reddit didn't want to stop with r/GA. All other subs have been banned now, too. That includes, r/the_greatawakening, r/afterthestqrm, r/biblicalQ.

The claims the admins made were that we broke their harassment/encouraging violence rules and doxxed individuals. This is, for lack of a better term, utter horseshit as every one of us were highly aware that the sub was in the crosshairs and removed anything that could be construed as to break their precious rules and hurt their feels. We mods are currently trying to figure out what is going on, but we are not going to be going back to Reddit. Hopefully you guys are ready for some refugees. WWG1WGA

Blacksmith21 ago

Glad to have someone who sounds sane around these parts. Check commentor's history by clicking on the handle. That will give you a quick idea of shill or Patriot or asshat.

Welcome aboard.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Which one were you?

Qzenseeker ago

Thank you for the info and please keep us updated :)

MrrHandsome ago

Just wanna say you guy's did a tremendous job moderating that sub, it was a pleasure to be apart of and everyone was nothinf but helpful, supportive and cordial with one another. We all know why they banned it, but the admins should really be pressed to show examples of why they banned it because it would be next to impossible for them to find any

GranimalSnake ago

You guys did the best you could. It was an untenable situation. The more attention we attracted... it was inevitable.

...but it will open eyes. People want to see what they are told is dangerous.

high-valyrian ago

Thank you.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

They don’t hate your actions, they hate your ideas.

Blacksmith21 ago

No, they hate us.

dlemonmd ago

Just migrated from reddit. How is it that commentators espousing bigotry are not deleted? I'm white straight but still bothers me to see nigger/faggot/jew etc. "Posts/Comments that are just insults, name calling and off topic are not welcome". That's a quote from the rules that're on the R side of my screen

eyerighteye ago

So......its voat now I guess. OK. I don't feel deterred at all.

oldZGbiker ago

If you are coming over from Reddit, with no intention of returning, may I suggest deactivating your account just to hit their subscriber numbers as a by by to a place you are no longer welcome. I hope the natives here don't feel overcrowded by the newcomers.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

That might be a good idea. Can Voat kift the weight? I am now experiencing lags and dropouts to this place. It's probably being stormed now...

wisiatxn ago

Yay, found the team over here, thanks to whomever was in r/DrainTheSwamp for the link, I had lost my favorite of this place.

lastpriority ago

Says he has not posted anything... guess that is all lost.

Elfchiro ago

And I just migrated again after the last two reddit subs were banned. Hopefully third times a charm. WWG1WGA

Aranyani ago

Yes! I just migrated over here based on reccomendations from other anons...

greymanbun ago

First-timer here.. migrating from Reddit. Screw those guys.

mathemagician33 ago

the same thing happened with r/pizzagate, we might end up losing half the audience but i don't really see any other option. as others have said, I really hope voat is ready to absorb the traffic from r/greatawakening.

WanderingTaurus ago

Thank you to whomever created this forum so we could have somewhere to go. I am not sure what all I missed in the past 10hrs but must have been some really good stuff to be over target.

dunklederf ago

Welcome to Voat!

My Struggle (1925), by Adolph Hitler, Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Hitler on race mixing,

"Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood." Hitler on, "My fellow white man",

"The reason why the Jew decides suddenly to become a 'German ' 'white' is obvious. He feels that the power of the princes is slowly tottering and therefore tries at an early time to get a platform beneath his feet. Furthermore, his financial domination of the whole economy has advanced so far that without possession of all 'civil' rights he can no longer support the gigantic edifice, or at any rate, no further increase of his influence is possible. And he desires both of these; for the higher he climbs, the more alluring his old goal that was once promised him rises from the veil of the past, and with feverish avidity his keenest minds see the dream of world domination tangibly approaching. And so his sole effort is directed toward obtaining full possession of civil rights." Hitler referring to Jewish media demonizing German people in their own country,

"If we understand that the resurrection of the German American nation represents a question of regaining our political will for self-preservation, it is also clear that this cannot be done by winning elements which in point of will at least are already national, but only by the nationalization of the consciously anti-national masses." Jews control both sides of the narrative. For example, radio host Michael Savage Wiemer is controlled narrative, "the left is crazy, but we need more gun control."

"The opinion that the stupid international attitude of the masses is sufficient proof of the unsoundness of the masses' sentiments can be thoroughly confuted by the simple reminder that pacifist democracy is no less insane, and that its exponents originate almost exclusively in the bourgeois (middle class) camp. As long as millions of the bourgeoisie (middle class) still piously worship their Jewish democratic press every morning, it very ill becomes these gentlemen to make jokes about the stupidity of the 'comrade' who, in the last analysis, only swallows down the same garbage, though in a different form. In both cases the manufacturer is one and the same Jew." (((Sanders)))speaking on Bernie Sanders promises of free everything for everyone,

"...the same happened in the case of the gigantic revolution which recently took place in Russia. It was not due to the writers on Lenin's side but to the oratorical activities of those who preached the doctrine of hatred and that of the innumerable small and great orators who took part in the agitation. The masses of illiterate Russians(((Marx)))ricans were not fired to Communist revolutionary enthusiasm by reading the theories of Karl Marx but by the promises of paradise made to the people by thousands of agitators in the service of an idea."

GoodGodKirk ago

r/draintheswamp is still up

Missy7216 ago

I made it over. What a load of crap!! WWG1WGA

Trump2020winning ago

@eyeofhorus - why on earth would you piss off Horus? Change your name immediately.

Are you stupid?

bopper ago

@Shizy @srayzie ban these faggots if you get a chance, I know you're busy...

srayzie ago

If it’s, you know who with all the alts, I’ll just ban them. If you see something we should delete, ping us too please! I really wish you would suck it up and become a mod.

srayzie ago

Trying to see it. It keeps crashing

showbobandvagene ago

Just signed up here, Ive lurked on voat for maby 2 years now, and the 2 reddit great awakening sites since pretty much they started, as well as a few others, never signed up an account for any of them until just now. Ive always thought this would be a better forum for all things Q related, Reddit is a SJW controlled cess pool, The Q movement will be happier here. We need to work out a backup of where to go next if voat goes down, They will DDOS the fuck out of this place if they cant take it down, outright Already (10 mins ago) ive had the bad goat page, not sure if it's the start of a DDOS or just voat struggling with the new influx.

bopper ago

I think it's just overload. For now.

VastExpanses ago

Just so you all know @eyeofhorus is to blame for this

@cynical_peasant @Sum-of-Nun @AlphaOmega @Reddit_is_shitty

PolishPatriot ago

Hey Guys, I'm from r/greatawakening. Hope others will be able to find this forum. We had over 70k subscribers and usually >10k online. The second forum r/the_greatawakening was removed couple minutes later. They are taking everything down. It's always darkest before the dawn. At least here we have no karma. WWG1WGA

VastExpanses ago

Just so you all know @eyeofhorus is to blame for this

@cynical_peasant @Sum-of-Nun @AlphaOmega @Reddit_is_shitty

VastExpanses ago

Just so you all know @eyeofhorus is to blame for this

@cynical_peasant @Sum-of-Nun @AlphaOmega @Reddit_is_shitty

GradientApostle ago

reddit greatawakening banned minutes ago. Can anyone gauge the course and flow of patriots ? What I mean this the regrouping spot?

Krazeesheet ago

As good as anywhere. 😉

VastExpanses ago

Just so you all know @eyeofhorus is to blame for this

@dunklederf @attac @spaceace66 @nednederlander

QuirkyMagpie ago

Another refugee from Reddit GA checking in.

VastExpanses ago

Just so you all know @eyeofhorus is to blame for this

@xxxnerdxxx @Qdini @sandhog @realopticsguy

Qdini ago

Please explain....


All for a LARP!

DannoQ ago

Looks like this is the new home :) Reddit just went ban crazy on all the Q based subs.

Digisphere ago

Guess this means we should get to work on beefing this place up a bit.

spaniard108 ago

prepare for loads of new members and lots of people asking/looking for sites of information.

Hopefully people backed up pages and links offline.

RowdyRonaldReagan ago

came here from reddit. Godspeed, fellow patriots. We must continue to pray! We are winning. make no mistake about it!

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Congratulations on staying on a cesspool of censorship and propaganda as long as you did. You're a faggot!

RowdyRonaldReagan ago

Thank you.

GoodGodKirk ago

Both of them were. Greatawakening and the_greatawakening are both banned. I followed the_greatawakening since it had less deletions of comments.

ALS ago

Well we now know that we're right dead center over the target with the banning of both Great Awakening boards on Reddit.


Newfag here. Just joined Voat. Refugee from Reddit 5 minutes ago. So fuckin pissed off. Welcome me, patriots. You'll be glad you did.

Blacksmith21 ago

Prove yourself then Newfag. Dazzle us.


Fuck you. Dazzle yourself, faggot.

Blacksmith21 ago

The cocksmanship is weak in this one. Know your place.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Fuck you, nigger


Fuck you double nigger


Fuck you back, nigger.

repoman ago

Quick learner this one

Blacksmith21 ago

Like the handle @repoman

TrueTemper ago

the_greatawakening was just banned.

Folks this is the equivalent of Nazi book burning. We have to get the message out. Will this be the new community?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Lmao, you think nazis were the bad guys? Prepare for the red suppository, nigger

UncleSnake ago

Reddit is currently banning every single sub they can find that is associated with Q. Its absolutely pitiful. They think they can shut us up.

fuspezza ago

Is serialBrain2 coming to voat lol


Yep. Fuck Reddit. C'mon Trump, put these fuckers in jail HARD!!!

Reddit_is_shitty ago

Reddit headquarters deserves to be truck bombed.

The world would be a much better place if those faggots were all killed tomorrow.

nednederlander ago

It seems that everything Q related on reddit has been banned. ALL FOR A LARP?!

they are getting desperate.

Hatch62 ago

And now there goes The_GreatAwakening too. See ya, Reddit!

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Hey congratulations on being a complete faggot until you were slightly inconvenienced.

Hatch62 ago

Thanks! I think ;)

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

no. you're a fucking retarded faggot. i mean that sincerely. fuck yourself.

Hatch62 ago

Have a nice day!

Trump2020winning ago

Oh no :(

Swink06 ago

the_greatawakening has just been banned too.

SandHog ago

Damn, The_GreatAwakening just got banned as well...'inciting harassment'.

Trump2020winning ago

Yeah @eyeofhorus told THE REAL HORUS he would burn in hell.

Not very smart.

N3DM ago

How long does it take to get the top bunk?

HST ago

Only alpha users get top bunk


There were a number of apps in the Google play store that are gone as well.

slumbermachine ago

The_greatawakening JUST BANNED! Also AFTERTHESTORM banned!

The_Savant ago

A message to all newcomers:

Welcome to Voat. We're generally all decent and normal people here but you're going to notice some obvious differences to Reddit pretty quickly. The general consensus on this site is that nothing is personal when said over the internet, so... be prepared for anything to be said to you. That includes from me - we all tell it how it is. That's just the culture that has evolved on here, take no offense.

Blacksmith21 ago

Good point Savant. We will crucify intellectual dishonesty too.

Qzenseeker ago

Thank you, good to know. So if I don't reply, please don't take any offense.
RED pilled, and just want to stay AWAKE !! WWG1WGA

GranimalSnake ago

This newfag for one enjoys his niggerfaggotkike masters.

Thanks for the welcome, seriously.

SandHog ago

Looks like they are pulling out all the stops now. I used to post there quite a bit before it got flooded with people and the quality went to shit. I wonder what the excuse to nuke it was? Anyone know?

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

Heyo. Who here's from Reddit?

SurfinMindWaves ago

Just about everyone, but most of us got booted or rage quit long ago.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You and a bunch of other retarded faggots

Orion2005 ago

Ready to move here.

Optional-Reading ago

They are going after everybody. Q kept mentioning red October so I’m sure deepstate is planning on a total blackout until November. They will come here too

Trump2020winning ago

Yeah @eyeofhorus told THE REAL HORUS he would burn in hell.

So we took it away. Sorry

R3VO1utionary ago

Get ready for this site to get big!

Trump2020winning ago

:) yay

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You're a faggot

kaarno ago

r/The_GreatAwakening is handling the migration it seems.

dideediane ago

Banned and now here, praying for us all

Energizedbeardedpede ago

Literally just now banned

pby1000 ago

Yep. That is a good sub.

ignorantoptimist ago

Just another Q proof. Unlike the other banned subs, greatawakening had literally no racist or offensive content. They are scared and it's obvious.

Quasipsuedo ago

They are afraid of us patriots standing strong together.

GuantanamObama ago

Here is the list... like clockwork.

srayzie ago

A few of us were fighting this shill that was here daily. Several times a day. He left now. He had made the comment referring to his girlfriend losing 20 pounds. I was telling him off.

I also like to go to shit posting subs. I never claimed to be perfect. But, I love Q; Trump and our country. On Voat, since it’s free speech, I let my hair down and how I don’t have to be all proper like in real life. That’s the beauty of it. @ignorantoptimist

ignorantoptimist ago

What is this supposed to be referring to?

Blacksmith21 ago

This was @srayzie fighting off a known pedophile in a discussion thread. Beware the shill ^^^.

Look at people's post history if you want to know whom to follow.

Spread the word.

Custodes Vero.

Tedfromthewoods ago

The pedo racist sub owner who also hijacked pizzagate

ignorantoptimist ago

Ok and what does that have to do with me?

gabara ago

That's Voat's resident idiot @freshmeat.

Tedfromthewoods ago

You'll see.

Elfchiro ago

The mods did a great job running the site. they were up to 70,000 members I can't wait for the Hammer to fall on these people.

high-valyrian ago

v/theawakening if you want to come say hi to us.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Why, so you can banhammer more people because you're a fucking communist piece of shit?

Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Die in a fire.

Voopin__Voopin ago

What about /v/greatawakening its been active for a long time.

Are y'all a different sub? Greatawakening is pretty huge and I would hate to see the new users being fractured.


Orion2005 ago

You are right. They did. Q did say Hammer Time.

HereComesTheSunny ago

I'm wondering now if that had a double meaning. If Reddit and others were about to drop the ban hammer, I'm sure Q already knew their plans. Q was letting us know this was about to happen.

Blacksmith21 ago

Sep 11 2018 22:31:27 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 228 Q (Note time stamp. Not sure how I channeled Q 2 hours beforehand...)

talmoridor-x ago

Get educated on the Hegelian dialectic. The same people behind Q are in on this. It's all part of a script.

ignorantoptimist ago

I think most of us can realize that. However is it not good to know who's pushing the agenda on both sides? We know who it is for the most part. How do you step completely outside of the dialectic? I think the natural course is support those who are in your in group. White males need to wake up and stop being worried about being called racist or white supremacists. It's obvious to us that Q doesn't represent that mindset, he represents a civic nationalist mindset. Trump with is Israel love doesn't at least openly support our mindset either.

We need to go out and make white babies, teach them how to be real men and reject the bullshit society is spewing at them. I guess the true way to leave the dialectic is to turn of the t.v. the computer and live a life based on the principles America was founded on, not worrying about what anyone else says.

DawnPendraig ago

As a mom of a white male you give me hope. I am doing my best he is an independent thinker and homeschooled but also very sensitive. The world will wreck him.

He loves everyone and couldn't imagine someone deciding he is racist or whatever.

As a kid in the 80s I saw far less hatred and racism than I do now. Everyone is so myopic and divisive.

bopper ago

Very much a Q proof.

TheyWantYouDead ago

I never browsed r/greatawakening, what/who is Q?

anotherdream ago

Yes. Over target and FISA memo about to drop. I think they more concerned with suppressing the sharing of the docs/ info so they can disseminate their narrative without pushback. This happened once before. There will be. A bunch new users claiming refugee status, and a shot ton of shills incoming. It might get just a little uglier around here.


It might get just a little uglier around here.

Means we're getting closer.

Orion2005 ago


zagnet ago

what is the main reason it was banned today do you think? FISA?

anyway whatever that target is, time to hit it hard.

Orion2005 ago

I really they are going to get hit with an avalanche of stuff. FISA, Treason, Corruption. It is about to come to a head. Bring it on. WWG1WGA!

sheerhosegal ago

Came from reddit, to all you AJ haters that laughed and said he deserved it now you know how it feels when they take away free speech u care about

danjo_kandui ago

AJ is controlled opposition. How do you not get that?

sheerhosegal ago

In what way did I ever say that in my post?

danjo_kandui ago

You said "to all the AJ haters that laughed." His censorship was a planned move by the opposition. That includes him. How is his free speech under attack? He got the memo when he showed up to work. Do you know what controlled opposition is?

DawnPendraig ago

Even if he was in on it it doesn't matter. It sets a precedent.

sheerhosegal ago

Umm yes I do, i think you read a little too much into my posting, we are on the same team here

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Alex Jones is a Mossad agent and nobody on voat was advocating or applauding his censorship. Go fuck yourself nigger. How long did you stick around that cesspool of a website throughout their years of blatant censorship

bob3333 ago

I left as soon as they were no longer free speech ... back when they went after /r/jailbait. Yeah, it was a bunch of pedos and pervs, but they weren't doing anything illegal in the sub. Once Reddit decided that they were going to switch from policing what was legal to what they decided was moral I pulled the plug. I kept the same handle here, though.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Jumping ship at the start of censorship is a reasonable position. Only leaving once you personally are censored is faggot tier

bob3333 ago

The funny thing is that says I deleted my account, but that is not true. It was deleted for me by Reddit admins after I kept protesting their censorship.

slumbermachine ago

Reddit is shit, we knew the day would come.

Orion2005 ago

Fuck Reddit. Fucking scumbag picks!

derram ago

pby1000 ago

What did you do, bopper?

bopper ago

I was thinking about you cause you go there, I do as well (go there) but not a member.

pby1000 ago

It is not like I posted "silverback" or anything.

bopper ago

You prob'ly slandered Serena Williams, said she wasn't hot.

pby1000 ago


lastcallhall ago

Newfag here, but a quality one.

Glad to see there are alternatives around. I'll be lurking until I have something useful to say.

Blacksmith21 ago

Look at people's comments and submission history to know if they are serious. The war has moved to our doorstep.

anotherdream ago

Doorstep!? Oh man, -fuck me! As of today it feels Voat is fucking infested! Good luck and Godspeed to us all.

Shizy ago

Welcome quality newfag! 😂 That's a good one!

Blacksmith21 ago

Everyone is shooting their wads right now trying to look smart. Pretty funny.

crazy_eyes ago

What the fuck makes you think there's any quality to be found in you. Nigger faggot fucking bullshit, man!

Blacksmith21 ago

LMAO. Fuckinggaddamnpicaninnyspearchuckingdoubledippedeggplantmooleycoon.

Keklordover50 ago

Abuse this newfag so I can downvote shills, faggots and cucks.

Blacksmith21 ago

I gave you a downvoat just for being "that guy". It was a cock flavored downvoat. Welcome to v/GA. Don't be a dickhead.

Keklordover50 ago

I prefer "mushroom headed dick". Like #GEOTUS.

bopper ago

Lol, baptism by fire.

Orion2005 ago


TheTrigger ago

Fuck you, don't tell me what to do.

N3DM ago

Don't let the alpha users scare you off... this place is pretty chill. Just don't visit any place like SBBH or sDbh and you'll be fine.

Other notes: Paul Simon is a piece of shit, hecho is trying to normalize pedophilia, and amalek/SaneGoat is a freakin lunatic.

bopper ago

Q will be reticent to be linked to Voat cause of the 'robustness' here. We'll see what happens.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hey Bopper. I'm getting caught up now...

I've alluded to this before. Voat is robust enough to withstand a variety of information operations against it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was stood up years in advance to solidify it.

Regardless, its format, if managed properly, is good for proofing, vetting, categorizing, organizing and authenticating information. Hopefully the work we do here gets converted into actionable intelligence.

There will be an influx of shills with the wave of refugees. I suggest "extreme vetting" measures. Trust, but verify. Downvoat the shills. Upvoat the good.


bopper ago

Roger that..

Blacksmith21 ago

Information superiority is the end of information operations, while the operations are the means of conduct. We are at crescendo. I've not gamed this. Thoughts?

bopper ago

Wow, no idea, probably a half dozen scenarios, I really didn't anticipate all this today but it shouldn't surprise me at all.

Blacksmith21 ago

I knew something was coming. It was too quiet. The exodus of refugees will be used to implant operatives.

Notice the traffic/subscriber counters aren't changing much despite an exodus of __ number of r/GA fleeing the fight?

LOL - They ran from the rear echelon right into the battle.

bopper ago

I heard the numbers were manipulated (by blackhats) on the Reddit board too.

Yeah, it's been very quiet - no more.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not even gonna look - PG @ 16,691 I think.

pby1000 ago

"Robustness"? Haha!

bopper ago

Got that from Jerome Corsi, for real, he was talking about 8chan.

pby1000 ago

I see. Lol.

bopper ago

Hey, that other sub on Reddit, was it banned also just now?

pby1000 ago

Yep, banned, too. Lol.

bopper ago


pby1000 ago

There is r/Qult_Headquarters now. Lol. All for a LARP.

bopper ago

Thanks for that link. Wow, they sound way more vitriolic and unhinged than the Q people did.

pby1000 ago

Yes. I don't recall seeing that sub before. It looks like this is their new strategy- ban Q subs and start anti-Q subs.

I noticed some posts on r/conspiracy asking questions that were answered over a year ago.

pby1000 ago

Someone said that, but I went there. Let me try again.

bopper ago

I'll try as well, but I think it's toast too..


Yuuuup banned.

realopticsguy ago

T_D is not longer accepting new posts, at least for the last half hour. I guess they couldn't take down the posts about the GA bans fast enough.

spaceace66 ago

Good news? I've found a new platform to browse. Goodbye Reddit.

Shizy ago

I hope you don't get offended easily. Lots of foul language around here!

N3DM ago

And we don't put up with commie bullshit.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Or niggers. Or jews.

N3DM ago

And god help you if you're both

Voopin__Voopin ago

And gay.

Niggerfaggotkike is voat's insult. But also its term of endearment.

We're a loony bunch but its awesome.

HotAirFactory ago

Welcome to The Jungle,kid...strap in...your in for a hella ride

xxxnerdxxx ago

I am guessing it is just a matter of time before the_greatawakening and T_D are banned there as well. Mid terms are almost here - can't have any opposing voices on social media. Facebook banned #WalkAway. And there is no escape from their evil clutches - you flee to a place like Voat or GAB and pretty soon they will be after their ISP's to ban their entire site. Disgusting. I am praying these evil corporations are soon put down...

OG-Kush ago

Agreed 100%

wndsong ago

Outrageous! I Can hardly believe this is really happening in this country-Silencing opposition, China style?

user1212 ago

Gab and Voat are borderline useless. The point of these discussions on reddit / facebook / twitter is that EVERYONE is on them. It is a chance for normal people who are unaware to become aware. Taking these big sites down halts the spread of information to normal people. Whoever is on Voat / Gab / Chans already knows and is actively searching new info. "Awakened" people learning more things does not help reach critical mass of population required to start making arrests.

Thoth2017 ago

Sure was. Like you said T_D is next. Just created a voat account because all my fav subs are being banned over there. HI NEW FAM!!! Phase 4 banning list

linthat22 ago

Exactly what I was thinking too

hollandkt ago

Amazing to watch 1984 happening in real life. People will look back in ten or twenty years and be shocked at what's going on right now. There is truly a sea change going on in the world regarding free speech and it is not pretty.

jonnyquest ago

T_D was on a big ban list this morning -- along with greatawakening. They're fools.

thedayismine ago

The_GreatAwakening appears to be gone too

UncleSnake ago

All Q related subs are now being banned. 5 different ones that I was subscribed to have all gone "poof" this afternoon.

BestowFlower1Crown ago

t_ga is gone.

Optional-Reading ago

They just banned the_greatawakening

Orion2005 ago

Yes. Please up vote so we can post

hollandkt ago

same, im new and need the upvotes

Kristo_Pear ago

Banning these subs is subdividing us. By having to bounce to new platforms (Twitter --> Reddit--> Voat), we have to start all over gaining trust with new groups

DawnPendraig ago

Yes but it also makes us more determined.

hollandkt ago

Agreed. Been dealing with error 403 forbidden access all day. Is that normal here?

Kristo_Pear ago

I'm using the Boat for Voat android app and no issue but did experience 403 when opened in my browser. Maybe requires a login to Voat to access.

Crensch ago

No. It's normal for any smaller site that gets the Reddit hug of death. It's also odd that we tend to get DDOS at the same time from every Reddit migration. It may take a week before it's solved but it is usually earlier than that.

kneo24 ago

Earn them, niggerfaggot.

kneo24 ago

Earn you upvoats, you niggerfaggot. Post constructive things, be a part of the community. Otherwise eat a bag of dicks along with your downvoats.

If anything I wrote offends you, you haven't been broken in yet, and if it will always offend you, you can head back over to Reddit for your safe space.

Was this harsh? Yes. As @Crensch mentioned, we have the limitations for a reason, and they're easy to get by as long as you're a positive contributor.

Orion2005 ago

Great! Should fit in great with all of you Giant Bags of Assholes! Always positive Bitch! WWG1WGA!

Crensch ago

That's a great way to get destroyed here. There's a reason those limitations exist and they're really very minor. Contribute to the conversation and you should have no problem whatsoever getting past those limits.

Reddit_is_shitty ago

A truck filled with thousands of pounds of ammonium nitrate is hopefully in their future.

culturalrealism ago

These are the types of comments enemy MOSSAD and MI6 agents make in attempt to associate our movement with violence and hate.

Accounts like the one I'm replying to are a good example their entire OPERATION here on Voat.

Look at his posts. See the agenda?

The Great Awakening is non-violent, and fully inclusive . Black, Brown, White, Jew, everyone is welcome .

Our only violence will be at the conclusion of the military tribunals.

Anything contrary to that notion doesn't belong here and is likely an enemy op.

Israel under Bibi is no longer a Rothschild/Cabal puppet - but rogue Mossad/MI6 factions persist.

Israel for last.

FatPanda ago

I was just banned from that group yesterday. Censorship.

obvious-throwaway- ago

What was Kikebooks reasoning for banning #WalkAway?

cynical_peasant ago

Yep. Reddit just banned the_greatawakening. People will have to move to voat. Reddit is dead for patriots.

Cuck_not ago

It's pretty stinking sad but expected. I think that /r/The_Donald will be next.

Rubieroo ago

Probably. I do recall Q saying that some of the major social platforms will destroyed by the weight of their own illegal activities. Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube...who will survive?

Frencheeey1968 ago

Phuck Reddit!! WWG1WGA!

clickclone ago


jonnyquest ago

I was looking for an excuse to abandon it. It was starting to feel to libtarded anyway :P

Trfsrfr ago

My thoughts exactly.

AlphaOmega ago

Yep, these are big moves. If TD goes, I would continue to be surprised. It's not impossible but it's such a huge portion of their regular user base they'd be taking a huge hit.

That said, I really hope Voat is ready to absorb the traffic...and ready for this shitstorm. Leftists will try to take over here just as they did on Reddit. If they can't they'll go straight for the domain. Theoretically, if they're well placed enough all over the tech sphere, they could get us all in the same place then cut the cord leaving absolutely nowhere to go.

Honestly, we brought it on ourselves. We need a mechanism of uneditable discussion similar to the blockchain.

One_out_of_many ago

TD is controlled opposition. The LEFT control THE DONALD.

That's why it's allowed to operate in leftycensorwold, and only allowed to boast low IQ bullshit, and will nuke any q or deep state shit in a heartbeat.

ThebeanofbeansQ ago

70k in the greatawakening. I was one of them and new to voat. Hope the site can handle the rest. WWG1WGA.

majb ago

What are you talking about? The largest portion of their userbase is liberals! Oh, the liberal bots don't count?

AdultSwimExtreme ago

Zeronet is the future, friend.

AlphaOmega ago

Wow! I’ve been saying social network tied to block chain for a while. This gets my very interested.

Thanks for the link.

Sum-of-Nun ago

Hold on to your butts.

peanut-head ago

I hate this hacker shit.

Qdini ago

Yep, that's it for me. Reddit is done.

SandHog ago

Looks like they are just getting started.

shredthemind ago

Yep, I was reading up on that last night from links on TGA. Fucking pathetic. If you scroll through the posts in that sub there are a million "deleted" comments. Losers.

clickclone ago

Things are getting rougher

flashmans_nutcup ago

Wtf is up with that sub? Every comment is removed unless it says "I fully support banout2018" ... I'm amazed that people as dumb as that can function well enough to type.

SandHog ago

There is also a private sub called thebanout. Probably where the media matters goons are organizing it. Reminder that this list came out 4 days before Alex Jones got deplatformed.

Nahte27 ago

Some of those accounts are like a day old... Pathetic.

Ioath ago

looks like the pitchforks are out

realopticsguy ago

Multiple posts about the banning of GA are being taken down on T_D.

Cid ago

Multiple posts about the banning of GA are being taken down on T_D. Edit EVERY post

That seems strange even for reddit. They've banned a ton of sites and I can't think of any time they censored discussion about it. I wonder what they don't want t_d users talking about,

IrbyTremors ago

TD is modded by literal kikes, it's a controlled pen to keep the dumb boomers in.

Carolleej2 ago

What is T_D ?

FestivusHoliday ago

r/The_Donald. It has 650,000 subscribers, is one of reddit's most active subs, and devoted solely to pro-Trump topics.

As a big Trump supporter, I've been very active on T_D for 18 months. Out of the thousands of comments I've posted there, Mods only ever deleted/shadowbanned my comments on MegaAnon (from May 2017) and Q (from October 2017 - I discovered Q from day 1, as I lurk on /pol/).

I stumbled on Voat 6 months ago, when reddit shut down r/CBTS (the Q sub before r/GA).

Reddit is dying to shut down T_D. There will be anarchy if it does. President Trump himself has done an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on it, Don Jnr lurks, and Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton posts regularly, and answers questions.

Cheetah1964 ago

Thank goodness for Big League Politics, and other independent sites.

8483rene ago

I dare them to take-down T_D. It will be the end of "No Gov't Oversight". It should be now.

realopticsguy ago

T_D hasn't had a new post in 23 minutes. Shit is going down.

dunklederf ago


Cid ago

Or as the GA guys call them - the cabal. Hope you boys are ready to learn about why Q said Israel is being saved for last!

SandHog ago

Sad but true. It wasn't always like that but after the last big mod influx at the end of last year things changed drastically. Although, I think it really started when they banned OhSnapYouGotServed and a couple other top mods. I don't think the sub will ever get banned because it's become a playpen for 'undesirables' that reddit is more than happy to mine for clicks.

Attac ago

This round was it for me too. I'll boycott this website. Fuck CENSORSHIP

spaceace66 ago

I hope everyone really thinks about how they just felt seeing the banned sub--reddit page. What if there was no voat and no 8chan? How many pages go down before you feel alone? If anything, this highlights how crucial it is for lines of communications and fall back plans.

Rubieroo ago

More than one backup plan. Thankfully we won't be needing to mess with this stuff for much longer. They're trying to make sure that when the REALLY ugly stuff drops there is no platform that it can be posted on. This was a pre-emptive move.

If we get word to Praying Medic or Dustin Nemos and anyone with a hefty audience they'd likely be willing to throw out new locations.

hang_em_high ago

Absolutely. This place is down from time to time but if it didn't come back up I am not sure where I would go. 8chan?

nednederlander ago

There needs to be a better back up plan in place because for a second there I didn't know what to do.

ThebeanofbeansQ ago

What happens is we do as instructed and think for ourselves. Just like Q taught us to

kalgon ago

"We" should start to build a general head quarter with this

This more precisely

Not just for ga, but for voat in general, not sure if doable, but at least something would be up there and running just in case, and the day everything falls appart becasue cloudflare said so or whatever, well there's this, that can be used to regroup and organize, or eventually worst case scenario, be the new home for lack of alternative. We aren't there yet but ultimately that's where all this control freak agenda leads

angelCole ago

Were you around when calmbeforethestorm on reddit was shut down? That was my first experience with that. It was a bummer, took me 2 weeks to find greatawakening there. Here is something to keep in mind and others should too. There is a great live 24/7 channel on youtube called patriot's soapbox. We have chat which means we can communicate our moves immediately there. If you need a place to congregate and here some good stuff, come on over.

Too_The_Point ago

There's too many of us now, wherever they ban us we will get the word out. I think the time is finally right for the mass Voat migration.

Earth_is_Awesome ago

Yup. Shoulda come here months ago, expect an influx of newfags.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Shut your faggot mouth, newfag

cynical_peasant ago

We knew it was a matter of time. Rats are desperate.

Orion2005 ago

Yes sir. Bite their heads off and shove them up their asses.

NoisyCricket ago

Banned 10 minutes ago.

NoisyCricket ago

What it shows for me.

bopper ago


NoisyCricket ago

This will be an interesting shit storm.

bopper ago
