13525723? ago

What missiles? China or Israel?

Shizy ago

BOOM BOOM BOOM next week? Hmmmm

srayzie ago

Update on Q posts https://imgoat.com/uploads/f1de29e6da/134736.png

Q is now posting on the Q Research board. His new Tripcode has two !!
That means it’s extra secure now.

pby1000 ago

Someone is saying that Bill Maher has a company called Kid Love Productions.

srayzie ago

Bopper said that too. Yeah, that doesn’t sound creepy at all.

PhillyNekim ago

Hell fucking ya finally the telecommunications act of 1996 that clinton piece of shit

bopper ago

POTUS misspells the word "message" (I think it's since been corrected.)


srayzie ago

Lol. You know what I spelled from for years? Instead of “their”, I spelled “thier”

bopper ago

Haha. I've done it with other words, and mispronounced.

POTUS said the word "massage" instead of message, people are guessing as to what he meant, interesting.

srayzie ago

I’ve already made 2 tweets lol


DerivaUK ago

Your tweet links aren’t working @srayzie

srayzie ago

Here’s 2...


More will come later. I love trolling people that piss me off! Lol

bopper ago

Nice, I'm glad, I hope the twatters slam him hard.

bopper ago

"Do you remember their names?"

Q is talking to Maher about child victims apparently.

And Maher owns a production company called "Kid Love."

srayzie ago

Really? That’s creepy.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

I can't stand Bill Maher but that was actually pretty funny.

You people are crazy.

srayzie ago

Memes of that Douche will be spread all over social media and the stuff the anons will now go dig up about him will be worth allll 7 minutes of that faggots Q piece.

bopper ago

Is it not painfully obvious that Maher is trying way too hard...

He will eat his words.

srayzie ago

Bill Maher is giving us a,lot of exposure! Even if it sounds crazy, it makes people curious!

Oh_Well_ian ago

Remember this scene from 'The Sixth Sense' ?

It pales in comparison to what is coming for the Satanic Pedo Cult.

srayzie ago

Oh that would be glorious

srayzie ago

This Bill Maher Twitter is awesome! That video is pissing me off. I bet that fucker isn’t laughing now.

13523847? ago

Who downvoated you?

srayzie ago

I guess shills. I get a lot of haters directed at me too. I don’t mind. It just means we’re over the target. 🙌🏻

bopper ago

Bill Maher in Q cross-hairs. The faggot is making fun of Q, dressed as anonymous.

srayzie ago

bopper ago

Love it lol.

srayzie ago

Bopper, you need to contact Lisamei and tell her to get to work. 🙄

bopper ago

I know, ping me when she does!

srayzie ago

I’d love to be a fly on the wall wherever Bill Maher is right now! 🤣

bopper ago

Q team can hardly keep themselves from strangling this guy.

srayzie ago

We can tell. Has he been doing this? Or is it the first time?

bopper ago

I'm sure this is a first.

What a testament to both how big Q has become, and how scared the enemy has become.

srayzie ago

Exactly. This little piece will be in a documentary someday

Oh_Well_ian ago

The entire system has been backed into a corner. Maher and others have taken the bait and are drawing the eyes of all their followers on to QAnon.

The stadium is packed to capacity. The stage is set. The curtain is about to go up.


slwsnowman40 ago

As long as we don't have to listen to Rosie O'Donnell sing...

srayzie ago

I know! It’s fricken awesome!

I’ll help decode that post about Bill Maher...

You’re fucked

MolochHunter ago

i like the nuance you put into that decode

srayzie ago

Lol. I should have been the one the decoded Q’s messages all along. Screw Corsi haha.

anotherdream ago

Fuck that lecherous asshole! - Can't wait till his dirty laundry gets aired out for all to see - FUCK!

srayzie ago

Oh I’m sure anons are typing away right now LMAO. I just posted in the comments a bunch of memes already made.

anotherdream ago

I should thank that mother fucker actually. I was Blue pilled as fuck going into 2013, and then I started to see that fuckers' show. Saw the writing on the wall as that slime-bag was pontificating. Any body who becomes a political opponent of the establishment, he baits on to the show, and then tries to humiliate them. He's such a slimy fuck.

srayzie ago

Oh I love that. People like you that can see thru it. I cannot stand anyone on The View now. So many celebrities make me sick now.

anotherdream ago

The illusion is starting to crumble. I think also, that he was instrumental in the propaganda war going into the election. I wanted to believe in Bernie going into it, and Maher did his best to belittle him. Then, as I continued to watch the moves of the Dems going into the general, I couldn't believe the arrogance and corruption. DWS and fucking Lynch lying their asses off. - That mother fucker's only job is to dismiss and ridicule anything and everything that might actually be important. He's the fucking god father of all concern trolls. He always does this thing where he pretends to see the logical point someone reasonable is making, and then goes into this "Yeah, but you know (insert 4am talking point here) - and then - Slimy punchline full of ridicule. (Cue Audience Laugh Light) - Except, - love it when that fucker got beat at his own PC shame game when he went into the House Nigger bit. - Fucker. That was a tasty bit of YouTube.

srayzie ago

Oh, the Democrats have sunk to such a low, there is way to recover. His job is to make us look like crazy conspiracy theorists. People still fall for that CIA created tactic.

I didn’t see that video. I already made 2 tweets lol...


anotherdream ago

Speaking of the view how about the way Whoopi laid into Judge Piero and the way the treated Sarah Sanders? - Fucking vicious rabid cunts and cowards. The audacity and ignorance are astounding. Couldn't imagine what it would be like to live in their "normal" world.

srayzie ago

I can’t stand that bitch anymore. Judge Piero can hold her own. She’s a firecracker lol.