srayzie ago

If that’s true, I’ll miss Q 😢

bopper ago

In the second video the guy is referencing someone on twitter, you don't happen to know who it is or have a link?


bopper ago

Thank-you I appreciate that, I couldn't find it.


You're welcome.


Truthseeker? I don't have a link. Just look up Truthseeker on Twitter.

cantfindmenow ago

There are no coincidences... What do you guys think of british_fight on twitter? He/she is posting like they are the new Q claiming to have intel that they're about to leak and that they're part of the Q plan?

srayzie ago

I haven’t heard about that. I’ll check it out!

vladtep ago

I don't really care anymore, nobody knows what the hell he's on about any way and it's getting boring.

Shit or get off the pot, I hope it happens.

LexTalionis ago

That'll do pig, that'll do...

Spankings ago

Well... Q did say the Q and A was going to be rescheduled. Maybe that has another meaning or Q will be back with a Q and A?

Silverlining ago

Q&A 17+1=18=R - is one theory out there...

up2oneghz ago

I keep posting this;

This isn’t a Republican versus Democrat issue. This is the CIA versus the average man. It has become very obvious to me in the last few years that our CIA is an unchecked (no over-site), corrupt organization that has enslaved the people of the USA and the world. They have been weaponized as a tool of the richest and most corrupt people of the world. They have empowered the most perverse and depraved to become our leaders. They have used blackmail, murder, drugs, and paedophilia as a form of control of those they exploit. They also use drugs, illegal arm sales, theft, and tax fraud as a method of financing their folly.
This is a world wide phenomena. Trump's team has been dismantling this a bit by bit. Your question is if this is true why not just go public. Why not leak Hillary's emails? Really? So we show that we (CIA) have allowed pedophile to go unchecked so we could exploit Hollywood actors, global positions, etc. We show that we (CIA) promoted Satanism, satanic rituals, even cannibalism as forms of control? We admit we (CIA) control elections, prop up evil dictators, even collapse governments, steal gold and resources and think that the world would not retaliate? We show that we toured and killed countless innocent people and children in the process. Then we show that we targeted and killed those who tried to expose this? You think this would not trigger WWIII! Trump is fighting the CIA! Q already exposed that!

Justaddcoffee ago

Yes, but at the same time Q said the democrat party was being used as the main force vector to destroy America. The 16 year plan to destroy America involved opening up the borders to create a permanent democrat majority then to use that majority to repeal the 1st and 2nd Amendments. So the democrat party has to be opposed at all costs.

TippyHome ago

But, also remember there was a really bad thunderstorm passing through D.C. at the time the lights went out. Lightening strike even hit the Capital Dome. I want to believe it was a message from President Trump, but the South has weird straight-line wind, Technicolor thunderstorms in July. Just throwing that out there.

Wahwahweewah ago

We'll see. Probably depends on how this plays out. I'm sure they'll keep Q available as an option, just in case... and that's IF that one was the final post.

pixelkitteh ago

Have you seen the theory about Q being JFK JR?? Very interesting...


Yes. I saw it. I got cold chills. It's him and Caroline. There's no denying it. Great Awakening is down at Reddit? I bet a lot of sites will go down. They're going to try and hide this and push it back, but they can't. They're in full panic mode. This will be glorious. Understand now when Q said 2018 will be glorious?

pixelkitteh ago

I went through that whole board, and watched a breakdown of it all on jootube... I also got chills... to me it's undeniable, it's crazy, but it's true... it makes so much sense if you go back through Q's posts and put the JFK JR spin on them, it's incredible, and I am so excited to be a part of this reveal!


If I could hug you right now I would!!! 🤗

pixelkitteh ago

*sends hugs through the screen :)

srayzie ago

I want a hug too! @pixelkitteh @SYNCORSWIM

I know they will use this to make us look like crazy conspiracy theorists. But I can’t deny that it’s a possibility!


Hugs for you too!!! 🤗🤗🤗 You're awfully needy 😉

srayzie ago

Hahaha. Thanks!

pixelkitteh ago

I definitely have hugs for you too @srayzie <3 ^__^ and yes, I'd rather be called a crazy conspiracy theorist and have a mind open to possibilities than a narcissistic pessimist! :)

srayzie ago

Me too!

DayWalker ago

Need sauce on this

DayWalker ago

I believe all that bullshit.

pixelkitteh ago

If nothing more, it's very interesting, and its nice to keep an open mind and look as every possibility!

Scrooblemeyer ago

Whoever Q is, they love jerking the chain of the autists, along with the normal believers, and most likely love listening to all the YouTubers talking about what they think each word and sentence means. I'll become a believer only if there are mass arrests of corrupt government people and by mass arrests I mean at least a few hundred. One or two dozen isn't going to convince me.

thisistotallynotme ago

Nobody cares about when you'll become a believer. You're not that important.

If anything, you're a late adopter of truth.

RonBennington ago

Good, sick of reading larp stuff

Shizy ago

Then don't! But quit bitching about it, it's very faggoty of you!

Oh_Well_ian ago

reading is a willful act

Simonsaysgoat ago


BigFatDaddy ago

I agree. I don't know if Q is a LARP or real, I'm just tired of people arguing about it.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Seriously, its sickening at this point.

Hydrocephalus ago

The other day someone posted a link with all the q stuff. I went back to the beginning and it was full of very specific stuff, like hillary was already in custody, all stuff that turned out to be wrong. So it's no surprise now that all the q stuff is just vague predictions that can be interpreted any way you want.

Adminstrater ago

Do the lights in that room go on and off via a dimmer switch? The power to the lights wasn't "cut".

Future proves past?

fartyshorts ago

I'd say Q is back on the 24th.

Silverlining ago

Total exlipse of the moon on27th...

InnocentAngels ago


RoundWheel ago

I don't think he'll pay again until the plan is executed to make things publicly roll. Like arrests, impeachment, or civil unrest. Something along those lines.

MolochHunter ago

Que ? whats the event anticipated on the 24th?

fartyshorts ago

Just a guess.

I might misremember, but I think the first time he went dark, it was for 4 days. The second time was for 10 days. Perhaps this time, it will be 20 days. 4, 10, 20, DJT.

Karnivor ago

Q is a larp.

liftwizard ago

oh shit! SHUT IT DOWN GUYS, KARNIVOR SAYS IT'S A LARP. Thanks so much for your bravery in these uncertain times. Good job!

Karnivor ago

ty 30 year old boomer

liftwizard ago

You are doing yr best! chin up! (boomers are over 60, btw)

SaveTheChildren ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

holy fuck

it all makes sense

coopzy ago

finally someone gets it

SaveTheChildren ago

Yup. I know about all the trannies.

1hump4treefidy ago

No U

Oh_Well_ian ago

Although possible, I doubt we have seen the last of Q.

The 'lights out' post was from last November.

LightlyToasted ago

The lights going on and off was a notable event, possibly as related to Q's drop. However, in context, the President saying “It’s okay. You guys okay? Good,” feels organic to the situation. If he'd said something like "It's nice to be in the light again," or "Let there be light," (jokingly), it would seem like more of a signal.

Bottom line: I have no idea. We've got a few months before November mid-terms and parade. I think Q still has a lot to drop.

Tb0n3 ago

8 months later and some coincidence finally lines up to what Q said? Great prediction there nostrodumbass.

Oh_Well_ian ago

coincidence? lol You have the be a total moron to think Trump having a rehearsed lined about 'our intelligence people' ready to go when the lights went down at the White House during a briefing every MSM source was fixated on, was a coincidence.

Also... the brigading on your stupid comment is fucking hilarious, you cunt...

Tb0n3 ago

He made a quip related to what he was talking about previously. Doesn't take a genius improv artist to pull that shit off. I thought you held Trump's intelligence in higher regard than that. And if Q has any connection then why did it take 8 months and a really vague statement that could have meant any number of things?

Hydrocephalus ago

Q's early stuff was very specific, and very wrong. The q hopefuls handwave all that stuff away as "deception" to throw whoever off his tracks. But it's no surprise after all those wrong predictions in the begginning that q has stuck to vague sentence fragments that can be interpreted in a multitude of ways.

The_Savant ago

"Old Q posts were inaccurate."

"This accurate Q post from a while ago is a fluke."

srayzie ago

I’m surprised to see you say this. Old Q posts were inaccurate??

The_Savant ago

...You've misunderstood me, but that's okay. I'm too sarcastic for the internet, really.

I made a rushed point about how that guy contradicted his own point by stating that Q in the old days was always wrong, and that becoming more vague has made Q seem more accurate in recent times, where in reality this recent post that he deems to be "coincidentally" more accurate is from an older post.

This narrative of Q taking different tactics in different periods of time during the GreatAwakening - ES says Q has been multiple people, and that only the first person had helpful things to say. This new shill is saying that Q is changing tactics to cover more eventualities as time passes. All of these can be disproved with minimal effort.

Do you see the weird upvotes on that first reply to this comment chain? Those 29 upvotes are not natural. That guy is being paid, you can take that to the bank.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I get it now.

Hydrocephalus ago

"when q makes a vague prediction that can be interpreted as in line with current events then he totally meant it exactly the way I interpreted it"

"if any part of q's posts can't possibly be interpreted in any way to sort of line up with current events he meant it that way because he needs to spread disinformation to keep people off his tracks"

"there is no time limit on q posts, if he posted something months ago and suddenly something happens that kind of maybe fits what he said based on one or two commonly used words being the same, no matter how minor the event may be, then he totally meant to predict that event"

"anyone who thinks all of the above is a sign that we are playing make believe because q never actually makes a solid prediction, except for his early stuff which was all wrong, and we just fit his vague posts onto current events in any way possible even if it doesn't make sense, is a shill"

The_Savant ago

Q was verified by Trump himself and it was within minutes of posting.

Were you hoping that everyone had forgotten about that? Fuck you, you disinfo shill.

MolochHunter ago

but it was only yesterday the lights akshully went out

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yep, saw that. But I still don't believe Q has gone dark. It looks more like the most solid confirmation, yet. Lots of newbies on board in the last month. They need more shepherding and matters are too critical for 4 months of darkness. The MSM is ramping up disinformation, big time. Q is too crucial for providing the truth and guidance, right now.

btw.... 'akshully'??? are you fucking serious with that?

MolochHunter ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

you mean


EricKaliberhall ago


13327403? ago


Shizy ago

Thanks for the ping! I hope Q hasn't gone dark.

EricKaliberhall ago

Thanks brother! I'm so fucking ready... Arrest them all!

bopper ago

I don't think Q is finished.