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MolochHunter ago

wow, Putin sure is acting fast - the ink isnt even dry on the Mutual Swamp Draining agreement he & Trump signed

srayzie ago

I know! 😂🤣

MolochHunter ago

you drain my swamp, baby, I'll drain yours

srayzie ago

Oh my 😉

MolochHunter ago

lol ur such a gif ninja

srayzie ago

I can say a lot more visually than I can with words.

MolochHunter ago

visually, you are inestimably both verbose and eloquent milady

srayzie ago

I had to use the dictionary to figure out what you meant lol. Did you do this on purpose? 🤔 Are you English?

Putting everything together, this is my best guess of what you mean...

“Visually, you are of immeasurable value or worth both long winded and noble woman.”

Am I correct? Do you mean because of my emojis, memes and gifs? LOL.

I have a bubbly expressive personality and laugh a lot. Just words can be boring or can be taken in a completely different way than how the other meant it.

Example... you could ask me a question and I could say “Yes!” That could be taken as me being excited. Or it could be me annoyed thinking “Yes, damn I already told you”. 🙄

Without LOL’s, emoji’s, Gifs, memes, etc.... life online would be much more boring. 😁

I think it’s so hard to show expression online without the use of something visual sometimes.

Does it annoy you?

MolochHunter ago

hehe I'm Australian but with English parents, so im definitely more verbose than average Aussies, who like Americans can tend to view linguistic dexterity with suspicion as a tool of class-war

There's a form of expressive femininity that we humans have only just discovered. A man might tend to use one emoji here or there. Women can throw a sequence of a dozen or so of them in a row and tell an emotive story with them. I think its absolutely delightful. And I love that you bring a kind of all-american-gal cheerleader approach to something as dark as combating human trafficking.

What can I say? Yer a peach.

think- ago

@MolochHunter, are you flirting? LOL

@srayzie @Shizy @bopper

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

yer me n Srayzie been sweet on each other for a bit now

she has gifs she only lets me see ;)

srayzie ago

I have very nice gifs too :)

MolochHunter ago

you certainly do

theyve led my imagination to produce some pretty hard memes

think- ago

Gosh, @srayzie, you should maybe label this thread NSFW, LOL. ;-)

@bopper @srayzie