Putin Drops Bomb on Mueller: Russia Seeks Charges Against Obama-Era U.S. Ambassador & U.S. Intel Agents Allegedly Linked to Browder (GreatAwakening)
submitted 6.6 years ago by srayzie
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Putin Drops Bomb on Mueller: Russia Seeks Charges Against Obama-Era U.S. Ambassador & U.S. Intel Agents Allegedly Linked to Browder
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Are_we__sure 6.6 years ago
It's kind of amazing how Russia pulled off the feat of having Americans who call themselves patriotic support Russian subversion of America/democracy/rule of law.
It's going to be something when they write the history books.
Oh_Well_ian 6.6 years ago
HW Bush killed JFK
W Bush killed 3000 Americans on 9/11
tell us more about subversion, Traitor
Are_we_sure 6.6 years ago
You a MIHOP or LIHOP guy?
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Are_we__sure ago
It's kind of amazing how Russia pulled off the feat of having Americans who call themselves patriotic support Russian subversion of America/democracy/rule of law.
It's going to be something when they write the history books.
Oh_Well_ian ago
HW Bush killed JFK
W Bush killed 3000 Americans on 9/11
tell us more about subversion, Traitor
Are_we_sure ago
You a MIHOP or LIHOP guy?