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Blacksmith21 ago

"One of their experts: Mel Schneiderman, PhD, Senior Vice President, Mental Health Services, The New York Foundling"

I wonder if he is related to AG Schneiderman. (Goddammit - I did this to myself. Everytime I see this surname, I have to sing this out loud (Spiderman theme), "Scheiderman, Schneiderman, does whatever a Schneider can....hits a bitch, smacks a ho...."

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Here's a good place to start, and I thought I was going to be able to find out right away, but I had no idea there were so many people named Mel Schneiderman in New York. If you can figure out which of these men is the one from The Foundlings, this website will also tell you who they're related to. No charge for this site or its results, and you don't have to register.,%20NY

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL...I was shocked to see how many Schneidermans there were as well. Kinda like Rothschilds.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yep! Needle in a haystack.