Kate Spade was directly involved with the New York Center for Children http://www.newyorkcenterforchildren.org/
One of their experts: Mel Schneiderman, PhD, Senior Vice President, Mental Health Services, The New York Foundling http://www.newyorkcenterforchildren.org/our-experts/
The New York Foundling's focus is fostering children. https://www.nyfoundling.org/
"The New York Foundling Partners with City Winery to Create Custom-Labeled Rosé for Foster Care Awareness Month" (May 2018)
“We hope everyone will head down to City Winery and check out the 23 restaurants and bars across the City that will be offering our Rosé,” said Bill Baccaglini, CEO of The New York Foundling. “We are thrilled to partner with City Winery this May and to increase awareness on the ways we can all support children in foster care.”
In addition to visiting the restaurants selling our wine, you can purchase by the bottle ($20/bottle) online at www.citywinery.com/foundlingrose.
“This 2017 Rosé of Syrah from North Coast, CA is a sophisticated dry Rosé containing ample stone fruit and white floral aromas with a crisp elegant finish,” City Winery describes. The label was custom-designed by Sam Peach. https://www.nyfoundling.org/blog/new-york-foundling-partners-city-winery-create-custom-labeled-rose-foster-care-awareness-month/
Who's Sam Peach? Just another "artist" obsessed with headless, faceless figures and distorted naked bodies. https://www.artsy.net/artist/sam-peach?page=1&sort=-partner_updated_at
Here's his Instagram https://www.instagram.com/odeathcreative/?hl=en which includes such graphics like https://www.instagram.com/p/BR5dGHaBhR8/?taken-by=odeathcreative https://www.instagram.com/p/BSOLR0MhhUZ/?taken-by=odeathcreative https://www.instagram.com/p/BZgxo4iF95n/?taken-by=odeathcreative
This reminds me of the moth from "Silence of the Lambs" - be sure to check out the hashtags he used https://www.instagram.com/p/BRbmodrBD0y/?taken-by=odeathcreative
OK, enough about him, let's check out City Winery.
Barrels for Benefit
We all receive so many requests to help out good causes, often through donations to their auction events. City Winery has created a unique, fun and rewarding program that enables our investors and barrel owners to make a significant contribution, at no cost to themselves or the organization of their choice.
Here’s How it Works
1. The non-profit organization helps arrange for a Celebrity, Chef, Musician, key person associated with the charity, etc., to endorse a barrel of wine, and to sign custom wine labels.
2. The organization will receive 240 bottles (20 cases) of high quality City Winery-produced wine with custom labels signed by the endorsee.They can sell or auction the whole barrel, each case or each bottle.
3. Depending on the endorsee and the organization’s patrons, the wine is expected to sell for at least $100 per bottle, a gross of $24,000.
4. City Winery will provide the wine, bottling, custom labeling, storage and shipping, for its cost of $8,000, which will be subtracted from the proceeds of the sale. The organization has no upfront costs.
5. Labels can be created, signed and sold or auctioned before the wine is bottled.
https://citywinery.magemojo.io/newyork/about/charity.html/ (Be sure to check out the schools and other charities they've partnered with on the right hand side of this page)
Q said:
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Rosé is a Port wine. http://www.wineguy.co.nz/index.php/81-all-about-wine/855-rose-port
North Coast, CA is 7.5 hours from Long Beach, CA
I'm not finding a China/Mexico connection, but might they purchase their barrels from these locations?
While City Winery is springing up in other cities, it was none other than Bill Clinton who made an appearance at this particular City Winery in 2016! https://still4hill.com/2016/01/04/meet-president-bill-clinton-january-6-at-city-winery-nyc-get-tickets-here/
While we already know how the art world is being used to traffic children, what about wine barrels? Are they using them to auction and ship children?
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Blacksmith21 ago
"One of their experts: Mel Schneiderman, PhD, Senior Vice President, Mental Health Services, The New York Foundling http://www.newyorkcenterforchildren.org/our-experts/"
I wonder if he is related to AG Schneiderman. (Goddammit - I did this to myself. Everytime I see this surname, I have to sing this out loud (Spiderman theme), "Scheiderman, Schneiderman, does whatever a Schneider can....hits a bitch, smacks a ho...."
Enigmatic_Continuum ago
Here's a good place to start, and I thought I was going to be able to find out right away, but I had no idea there were so many people named Mel Schneiderman in New York. If you can figure out which of these men is the one from The Foundlings, this website will also tell you who they're related to. No charge for this site or its results, and you don't have to register. https://www.familytreenow.com/search/genealogy/results?first=mel&last=Schneiderman&citystatezip=New%20York,%20NY
Blacksmith21 ago
LOL...I was shocked to see how many Schneidermans there were as well. Kinda like Rothschilds.
Enigmatic_Continuum ago
Yep! Needle in a haystack.