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Blacksmith21 ago

"One of their experts: Mel Schneiderman, PhD, Senior Vice President, Mental Health Services, The New York Foundling"

I wonder if he is related to AG Schneiderman. (Goddammit - I did this to myself. Everytime I see this surname, I have to sing this out loud (Spiderman theme), "Scheiderman, Schneiderman, does whatever a Schneider can....hits a bitch, smacks a ho...."

Oh_Well_ian ago

Also, another Schneiderman was just in the news. Southhampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman. Where the 'Contractor to the Hampton Elite' and 3 others were killed in a small plane crash.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'd bet a crisp C-note that the "contractor to the elite" was building "special rooms" used for "complicated art exhibits".

Oh_Well_ian ago

That is precisely what I thought when I first read the headline of his murder death.

Blacksmith21 ago

"He regularly opens his house to casual pizza parties co-hosted by his friend James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong."

'Nuff said.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yes... from the first days of Pizzagate.. so many articles in Washington Life where many of the PG suspects had puff pieces written about them. It almost the Pizzagate monthly.

Blacksmith21 ago

Re-reading shit is amazing. I'm honestly surprised the link is still good. Maybe time to:

Oh_Well_ian ago

It was the building block of PG in the early days for obvious reasons. Connected to the 'torture chamber' in the JP emails. Then people saw the art and all shit broke lose.