Wrathfullyawakenedww ago

Just imagine how scary she would look as a shrunken head!!!!

Wish there was an app for the ape 🦍.... “ How Would The Deep State Freaks Look With Shrunken Heads” app/ape

fuckfacemcgee ago

So Obama now owns the parent company of the Standard Hotel since 2010?

Shizy ago

I thought that VJ photo on the glow paint had already been shown to not be her? Otherwise good post. I greatly dislike that swished face hag!

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Lemme see dem ape titties

lightindarkness ago

It seems Roseanne knows a lot

lightindarkness ago

She is the linchpin. Shilling upticks when mentioned on 8chan (or 4 chan?) Q board last December. People considered her to be Obama's boss when he was president.

kestrel9 ago

I'm not convinced that the woman in the photo is VJ. What year was the photo taken?

Oh_Well_ian ago

most likely 2011 >>> https://archive.fo/xYMpl

or possibly between 2009 and 2010 >> https://archive.fo/ZoHLJ

Go down the rabbit hole on McGuinness and The Standard and then get back to me. ( LOTS of information out there )

Wrathfullyawakenedww ago

Day glow paint and black lights and strobes were 1960’s shit....remember... these monsters have been drinking baby blood for a long time! They are much older than they appear!’ Maybe into early 70’s but damn ....cut off from supply they should blow away like dust... just like in Scorpion King!

bopper ago

It took me a while, but if you study esp the nose and the chin (cause everything else perfectly resembles her so I was looking for other things), the bottom lip (how it juts a bit, probably even the jaw structure itself juts), it's amazing, it looks just like her. Same high cheek bones as well.

Don't know when the photo was taken. I've studied Sir Paul M's face this way, not the same as the original Paul.

kestrel9 ago

I found this: http://www.standardhotels.com/culture/50-Parties-Ryan-McGinness-Standard-Press-Book

Looks like the pic would have been taken between June 2009- June 2010. Given the publicity of the book about the parties that came out in 2016, it seems hard to believe the ObamaStasi would have allowed pics of VJ naked at a "Drug Party" to be published without some push back. If someone has access to other picks from the book, maybe the person in the photo attended other parties and can be seen more clearly.

Or check on the date of the party and find out if VJ was in the area at the time, or conclusively known to be somewhere else.

Oh_Well_ian ago

it seems hard to believe the ObamaStasi would have allowed pics of VJ naked at a "Drug Party" to be published without some push back.

'They never thought she would lose' -Q

'These people are stupid' -Q

Actually, it's not a stretch at all to believe this would slip through the cracks. They were sending plutonium to North Korea, for fucks sake. lol ( btw, that was more likely a PEDO PARTY where children may or probably were sacrificed )

bopper ago

Exactly. Stupidity, and hubris.

Oh_Well_ian ago

A condition enforced by exploiting children under 10 and having a MSM to repeat their lies, ad nauseum.

Blacksmith21 ago

Look at the expression on JP's face. That's the "don't fucking take a photo of me fucker" day-glo expression. If it were one without the other, it would be easier to dismiss despite individual likenesses. But both of them together - and we know birds of a feather... - the odds become astronomical. And it's the Standard Hotel. And we know all about that. Wonder if The Standard Hotel in NYC is worth looking into...

Oh_Well_ian ago

as for The Standard, it could literally have it's own subverse

It's like the hotel in The Shining. The Miami location is tied closely to Art Basel and the NY location has had 3 jumpers.

Blacksmith21 ago

Or....ho-lee-fuk - American Horror Story - Hotel.

Blacksmith21 ago

No one is going to believe this shit....

Blacksmith21 ago

"The plot centers around the enigmatic Hotel Cortez in Los Angeles, California, that catches the eye of an intrepid homicide detective (Bentley). The Cortez is host to many disturbing scenarios and paranormal events, and is overseen by its enigmatic matron, The Countess (Gaga), who is a bloodsucking fashionista. The hotel is loosely based on an actual hotel built in 1893 by H. H. Holmes in Chicago, Il. for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition. It became known as the 'Murder Castle' as it was built for Holmes to torture, murder, and dispose of evidence just as is the Cortez. This season features two murderous threats in the form of the Ten Commandments Killer, a serial offender who selects his victims in accordance with biblical teachings, and "the Addiction Demon", who roams the hotel armed with a drill bit dildo."

Oh_Well_ian ago

I don't believe that is JP. This man appears to be bald, and Podesta is not bald in any pics available.

I have been trying to track down his itinerary to see if he was in LA during that period. No luck.

He is very good at covering his tracks and it's tough to locate him at any given period.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/eK38C :

https://archive.fo/5ryYR :

R. Wolfe on Twitter: "Hogg with Valarie Jarrett. this picture says everything you need to know on who is hiding in the shadows with this kid. dont fool yourselves into thinking its actually an organic rally of ideas. money and power pull those strings… t.co/1el9WdxAbc"

This has been an automated message.

Wrathfullyawakenedww ago

Why didn’t they stone the Muslim bitch for touching a Hogg? Isn’t that blasphemy? Guess she’s a Hogg fucker at the rituals....