mergen ago

They use "Christ in Action" in my place.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

A new take for me on the CIA, being so dogmatic, secretive and hierarchical. Makes sense.

goatboy ago

Cherry picking

Zinger ago

Catholics In Action

hang_em_high ago

This article seems like bullshit to me. I, for one, have never heard of the CIA being called "Catholics In Action". Without some analysis of the non-Catholic CIA leadership these statistics are kind of pointless. You could probably do this with any agency or organization, especially in a country where 1/4 are Catholic.

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, if you lived 8 miles from Langley, you would have heard them called "Catholics in Action" for decades. Look at the Jesuit schools almost every D/CIA have attended in the last 30 years. The ones that weren't Catholic/Jesuits, were known to butt heads with POTUS et al.

Quicktor ago

YOU LIVE 8 MILES FROM LANGLEY?!?!?!.....oh my fucking god you are CIA/MOSSAD spook to the max!!! ahahhahahahahhaha!!

Blacksmith21 ago

You're a challenged dumbass. So I guess all 5M people that live in the immediate region are CIA. Got it.

TallShortSkinnyFatM ago

Jew haters should be pleased..

Diggernicks ago

Because they're lying faggots.