PacaGoat ago

Obama WORSHIPS Erdogan. Erdogan sees himself as the Caliph of Islam, (the Mahdi) and so do a whole lot of Muslims. He is pushing for the return of the Ottoman empire with himself as the head honcho. Obama is/was aiding him in that effort. It was obama who (along with hildabeast) pushed the take over of Libya, Arab spring and the take over of Egypt by the MB. The disaster happening in Syria. It was he, who released Al Bahr Bagdadi from Gitmo who became the leader of ISIS. Everything he has done has been in an effort to promote Erdogans agenda, for Russia, it is the promise of establishing a pipeline through Syria to the Med. (Ports in Syria) Erdogan and Putin have been playing for control, recently, there has probably been an agreement to allow the pipeline to happen. Iran and Turkey are on the same side. Nukes are the big item here. Turkey wants those at the NATO airbase there in his country under our control, Iran wanted a satellite weapons plant in Syria to avoid the IAEA inspectors. Remember obama's hot mic moment with Medev, "Tell Vlad I will have more flexibility after the election." Russia needs the pipeline to help sell their oil to Europe. They are pretty much a one product economy, other than weapons.These 4, obama, Erodgan, The Mullahs of Iran, and Assad are all working in Cahots. For Iran the payoff is Israel, they want to take it and Erdogan and Assad do as well. This is hatred, (and Israel has large oil and methane deposits) and clowns along with obama, hillary and kerry have danced with the serpent.

abattoirdaydream ago

Not FOR RU. RU has a totally separate pipeline plan. Turkey sent troops to Qatar only after Trump met with SA, and the Qatar/Syria/EU pipeline plan was stalled with the new kings arrests. The plan was to destroy RU economy, which admittedly is bass-ackwards, since about 40% of RU GDP is in natural gas exports, much of which is sold to europe. RU seriously needs to sort out it's economy, because the lack of diversity leaves them very vulnerable to that sort of economic warfare, and it is incredibly stupid.

That being said, the RU pipeline/natural gas production is based on the Black Sea. This is what the whole Ukrainian war was about. Ukraine was set to join the EU. Ukraine had previous agreements from when they left the USSR, with RU regarding the USSR/RU built/operated natural gas refineries and gas fields. The deal for Ukraine to join the EU included the EU taking control of Ukraine's critical infrastructure, including the gas fields and refineries that were part of a previous arrangement with RU and critical to the RU economy. THAT is why RU HAD to keep Crimea. If they failed to do so and the EU took the gas, RU becomes totally destitute. Remember for about 30 seconds MSM did cover that upon entry to the EU Ukraine was shocked that the EU claimed all of their gold and the citizens there were uneasy?

The Turkey/Syria/Qatar line would cut RU out of NG exports, and that is why Assad blocked the line. He is allies with RU. That is why RU supports Assad so strongly. They cannot afford not to.

Obama and Hilary are pathological liars. I don't care what he said on his "hot" mic. He said what would serve his globalist/EU interests.

How on earth are you so confused by that?

srayzie ago

I wouldn’t trust @Are_we__sure. He’s a paid shill.

Are_we__sure ago

Why would Russia let itself get set up? The U1 deal now seems like the kind of obvious risk that would make any nation that traditionally didn't get along with the US seriously question it. So what did Madam Secretary do/say to convince them? If Russia was excited by the U1 deal and jumped on it without concern...why?

What does this even mean? Setup? Risk?

Uranium One was a Canadian company with mines around the world. The Uranium One purchase had nothing to do with American uranium as Uranium One's America subsidiary only has a license to mine Uranium, it does not have a license to export Uranium. That uranium is used in American reactors. If it was going to be used outside the US, it would require a signoff by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as when some uranium was shipped to Europe. The purchase was always about mines owned by Uranium One in Kazakhstan. They bought at a bad time as the price of uranium collapsed for years afterwards, two or three years later and they would have paid less.

Euranium Ore is not particularly dangerous. They are multiple complex steps needed to turn it into bomb fuel. This is why most countries don't have nukes.

Russia has very little natural Uranium deposits

Russia is the 5th largest producer in the world.

srayzie ago

This is from my favorite Q blog. He goes over several scenarios. This might help answer some of your questions.


LostandFound ago

You are not really missing anything this is a hot mess and I am starting to question Q's current line, I would not trust BB with someone elses piss, let alone accept another zog war on the back of it, but to give more context from my view on your points;

Why would Russia let itself get set up? The U1 deal now seems like the kind of obvious risk that would make any nation that traditionally didn't get along with the US seriously question it. So what did Madam Secretary do/say to convince them? If Russia was excited by the U1 deal and jumped on it without concern...why?

Russia has very little natural Uranium deposits and relies heavily on Kazakhstan for the mineral they would have taken it from anyone if offered. At the time the deal went down US - Russia relations were at an all time high. This was just a feather in Vlads cap at that point.

It has been suggested that Iran is another CIown puppet like NK and Armenia. If that is true then it makes more sense from the US position, but less sense for RU to make the U1 deal in the first place.

Iran was subverted since the 50's into an uneasy arrangement of corrupt government and population suppression, that was willing to toe the line in the middle east and largely mind their own business.

Remember Turkey? You know, the place that recently got itself a megalomaniac leader, who directly threatened all of Europe? Turkey who worked to inject soldiers into Europe. Turkey, who facilitates the transfer of western sourced weapons to the ME, including (very likely) the weapons for the attack on Bengazi. Turkey who trains the whitehelmets/FF parties in Syria. Turkey who skirmishes with Syria regularly. Turkey who, after the King of Saudi Arabia cleaned house, sent troops to Qatar in a fit of rage over the pipeline. Turkey who, probably a lot of other shit we don't even know about.

Sounds like a liberal description of the USA currently, it's difficult to tell true intentions from a distance though Turkey has been pushing the envelope alright.

Armenia recently had a revolution, as discussed by Q, leaving them free (of CIowns?). They share a border with Turkey as does Syria.

CIA outpost disarmed for the moment, will be reestablished short of a miracle.

Syria doesn't share a border with Iran. So they were not sneaking around in the desert. How were Iranians getting in and out, making purchases, and otherwise conducting business in bomb-making? Why did RU allow this? Why did Syria allow this?

Uneasy alliances between non rothschild controlled countries, the Kurds control regions in northern Iraq and were promised lands in Syria iirc that deal fell through when the balkanisation of Syria didnt go to plan in 2011, so the Kurds are probably giving the Ianians free foot rubs while they offer them safe passage. I think they were offered that deal to stop them helping the iranians for all the good that did. The Kurds were not treated well when the US took over Iraq they were placed into multiple difficult positions even when they were 'winning' it was at a price.

We know that Trump strongly indicated to RU and Syria to also clean house. I think RU and Assad were making an effort to do so, but were not able to? Why? Is RU that weak after all? or were they only pretending to fight?

Balkanisation of Syria was always the plan, its the last secular state in the region and is extremely rich in natural resources. You cant have a greater Israel while Syria stands. As above Kurds promised lands and Turkey want to expand also, as you can see Syria not falling has broken many many deals, deals people are not yet willing to give up.

Why HAS (hmmmmm?) Europe bent over backwards to keep the new immigrant pop calm, in the face of violence, rape, and enormous lies, all of which make every nation that is playing along look like a retard? They KNOW what they look like, what they are covering up. And they know WHY, but are not saying.

UN replacement migration , dumb down the populations while at the same time centralizing voting blocks into left leaning 'progressive groups'. Your standard native European population is very diverse in thought and belief and as a result very difficult to control.

If Iran is a CIown puppet, then who is pretending they are not, and why? CIowns may have gone rouge in a global way? If Iran is not a CIown puppet, then why on earth would any US administration give them billions of dollars and help them with a nuke program?

The Clowns never ever worked for the USA, get that straight they are the catalyst in a new world order. Iran is as controlled as your average fire, it's simply not possible to control people who are fundamentalists the best you can hope for is them fighting each other so you don't have to. CIA is the real deep state. If you can give me one example of the CIA operating in the interest of the USA I will be very impressed.

PacaGoat ago

Obama and Erodgan, are working for the return of the Ottoman empire. Everything obama has done is towards that effort. Iran nukes etc, are intended for leverage against the US and Israel. The attacks on Syria the other day was probably Israel, Iran had just shipped 200 missiles to Hezbollah, they are probably capable of caring a 5-10 Kton warhead. The pallets of money was for helping to setup a nuke weapons site in Syria, to avoid the IAEA inspectors. In MHO

abattoirdaydream ago

I think this may be correct. My husband has been saying for quite some time, that Turkey wants a new empire.

Blacksmith21 ago

You truly are stupid. Israel didn't exist as a country until 1948, after both WWI and WWII ended.

I'm done with this conversation. I have more intellectual pursuits to follow - picking rocks from my tires, polishing the garden trowel, and looking for a bucket of steam I misplaced somewhere - than dealing with someone who doesn't even know 6th grade US history.

Blacksmith21 ago

Bullshit. Israel doesn't have 1 aircraft carrier. Show me 1 country capable of engaging in a global war without the ability to project air power.

An anonymous quote from 1979 Newsweek without a source? Totally believable. And now you are believing quotes from the CIA? LOL.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Israel is a pedo nation of terrorists and where most evil stems from, and their jew agents are in control of the US gov and all of our institutions. That's what.

Quicktor ago

Yep Yep...AshkeNAZIS, SepHARDDICKS, Khazars (ruthless blue slant-eyed monsters) and Jesuits (think of an army of Martin Scorcese's)

And a major aspect no one wants to get into is WHAT IS UNDERGROUND....LITERALLY...

that God damn 'Temple of Doom' is no joke if you look into the history of the Thuggie cult and Vandal hordes...

and for fucks sakes...there is nothing more ruthless than a Khan...

Genghis Khan and his serpent-dragon dynasty NEVER fucking quit...

"...contemplates the moon or screw like a Chinaman!!!....doing as little as possible..."

everyone needs to study the film 'Chinatown''s Henry Kissenger's favorite film for a reason...

the hills have eyes god damn it....

Kcpedogate ago

The problem is, the NWO is already set up and pretty much EVERY cointry is a 'pedo nation of terrorists'. GLOBALIST elites just pit country against country to profit off of war. There are no good guys going to war.

Blacksmith21 ago

Q said something to the effect that if "we knew the entire truth", there would be a world war. I'm pretty sure he is meaning Russia, not Israel or Iran. Neither are capable of engaging in a global conflict.

LostandFound ago

Q said the truth would put 99.5% of people in hospital, how about a rogue nation with hundreds of nukes and american ballistic technology a la Sampson Option <<<<<- thats what will put most people in hospital. Israelis are not shy about it either heres the wiki

Blacksmith21 ago

Understand the Samson Doctrine was developed at a time when every single Muslim country, without fail, was an existential threat to Israel's existence. Against vastly outnumbered armies, the Samson Option provided a stated deterrent to the potential Muslim invaders, not to attempt another orchestrated attack on the countr - i.e 6-day and YK wars.

LostandFound ago

What was the appropriate response to an invading force? I dont agree with the mohammed men but I also dont agree with the formation of Israel regardless. Let us spin this around to give context;

China and Russia have signed an agreement to give Texas to the Saudis, whom move swiftly to buy borrow and steal every single foot of land until all locals have to leave. Those who fail to leave start getting thrown off buildings. In a special place in the heart of heuson they have created the worlds largest open air concentration camp and they take turns chucking explosives into the camp. What would the rest of the US do in this situation?

Blacksmith21 ago

"borrow and steal every single foot of land" - By the same logic, we should change all international borders formed by war, right? Especially when other countries invaded, got their asses kicked, and then lost some of their native land in a counterassault. And then pushed the land out to more secure borders to prevent an invasion of their homeland again.

"worlds largest open air concentration camp" - The Gazans can blame that one on themselves. The Gazan Muslims are just like the American blacks. They turn anywhere they live in concentration into a shithole. They let their known terrorist leader Arafat pocket BILLIONS of dollars while barely keeping his own people alive.

Sounds like a Hadji issue, not an Israeli, to me.

Feel free to point out some facts, versus hyperbole.

Blacksmith21 ago

And what if all historical and archeological documents and artifacts prove that Texans had been living in the state of Texas for over 3,000 years and had only been displaced through invading forces (Muslims, Romans, etc.)?

Out of curiosity, have you been to Israel before?

LostandFound ago

No I have never been to Israel.

What if it could be proved that the very people claiming genetic lineage from palestine turn out to be from Turkey and the Eurasian caucuses? People who's only claim is an ideological one. By this logic should they not seek their original homelands in central Africa and Egypt as per their ideological genetic heritage? When Moses brought his people from Egypt he didn't find an empty land to live in, there were people already in Palestine.

Blacksmith21 ago

The Jew's presence in Israel goes back long before the Christian era. The first Temple was built long before the Bible, Moses, etc. Jews, and Israeli Jews are just like Americans.

It sounds like you are saying that Americans need to give up on the USA and head back to wherever we all came from.

LostandFound ago

No I am just saying I understand why native Americans might be upset at the whole process and them being mighty pissed of is not a surprise. I am not questioning Isreals right to exist strangely enough.

Blacksmith21 ago

Native Americans got the raw deal of the millennium. If anyone should get reparations, it should be the Indians.

You should read this from the left-leaning Gallup Poll in 2014:

I wonder how many have crossed sides now through Trump and the Great Awakening which we are only about ankle-deep in so far IMO.

Blacksmith21 ago

I asked if you had been to Israel, because if you had, it would change your misinformed perspective. Arabs and Muslims enjoy the highest quality of life and the most religious and personal freedoms of ANY Muslim or Arab country.

If you are a Muslim woman, go to the middle of Tel Aviv, rip off your hijab and your bra and start yelling in a bullhorn and see what happens - nothing. Go try the same thing in Riyadh, Tehran, Cairo, Kabul.

Blacksmith21 ago

The Samson option has existed since the 60s. It's no surprise to anyone. Their limited range makes them a threat to the region, but an ICBM to Africa, though an ICBM technically, is not an ICBM to the Western hemisphere. Big difference. Nor has Israel made any threats to any country (unlike Iran).

Conversely, Russia has been the West's primary protagonist and does have enough ICBMs to seriously threaten any country on the planet.

LostandFound ago

Israel currently utilise the Jericho III platform with a range of 11,000 km brought into service in 08 and last known test was 2011. These bad boys will make short work of the entirety of Europe.

Blacksmith21 ago

11,000 km with no payload.

LostandFound ago

4,400km at its lowest estimates fully loaded, see where that gets us

Blacksmith21 ago

When was the last time Israel threatened any country? How many countries have threatened or attacked Israel?

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This is bullshit. You are not doing your research. What about Gelatin and their art project "the B-Thing" wtf

Israel is a shitpot how the hell do you make sense to yourself? Do you do any research or do you just follow talking points.

Blacksmith21 ago

I base a lot of my comments on real life experience. I've worked in Israel and many other countries. I know WTF is going on. It's all countries that are corrupt. Israel isn't any epicenter. If there is any argument to be made, it is against the Catholic church, but that's for another day.

And I have no idea WTF you are talking about.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

ok. I will keep an eye on you. You have been cast into doubt. LMAO... I get that you may honestly hold these opinions and are potentially not a shill. You hold alot of shitty positions. They are based on your perceptions and not your digging past perception. That's the issue here. If they don't change with evidence I may altogether reason you a shill.

Blacksmith21 ago

Go ahead - "keep an eye on me". The last thing you'll see is my dickhead getting buried in your eye socket. Go fuck yourself with your bullshit rhetoric. Until you can debate on fact, don't waste my time.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

eh... I see your a native American sympathizer and your wishy-washy on the false state of Israel subject.

Blacksmith21 ago

If you can't get behind the original custodians of our land then you can fuck off too.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

They were wild savages. The land was given the the seed of Israel to clear out and inhabit as we have.

chuckletrousers ago

So you admit to being a jew? Archived for the lulz

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Nope. The Jews are not of Israel. They are Khazars and hate whites, because Whites are the true descendants of Israel. Abraham was promised and is the Father of many nations.

LostandFound ago

The Samson option has existed since the 60s. It's no surprise to anyone.

2impendingdoom ago

I think there have been different factions in Turkey for a while, all with different and competing agendas. Actually this is probably true of many of these places, so I've kind of given up trying to make sense of it. I'm guessing that the plan involves turning them all against each other to reveal the lies, hypocrisy, crimes and traitorous intent.