Velora ago

Wow! Thank you for this! More threads I've been digging into. All related and relevant to current events. I initially posted this info on CDAN, and am adding here for good measure.

The Clinton’s association with Jeff Bezos and Amazon flows through Chelsea’s fellow IAC/Interactivecorp director Edgar M. Bronfman, Jr.—a.k.a. Boy Bronfman.

More info in Igtet, which is where it became really interesting for me. Especially since Igtet married a Bronfman! Dots were connected re: US sponsored coup in Libya (MG), Benghazi, Malta, the refugee crises, defense and energy business being brought into Libya and more... Bronfman/Igtet partnered with Richard Griffiths in a strategic move to place Igtet. Griffiths lobbied on behlaf of the National Transitional Council of Libya WITH Igtet to be recognized as the ruling party, and shortly after, partnered up for AmCham. Then this happens:

“Our mission is to support the development of trade and economic ties between Libya and the United States,” Richard Griffiths, AmCham president, said in the news release. “We believe that by adding this process to our membership, we are setting the very highest standards in relation to anti-bribery and third party due diligence.”

AmCham, which is an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, was created in 2011 following the collapse of Col. Gadhafi’s regime. Such groups were not allowed under Gadhafi (so they got rid of him)The group has drawn multinational companies (all AmCham members) include Raytheon, Textron, Beechcraft, Mammut Corporation, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Cessna, Bell Helicopter, Cummins Inc., OshKosh Corporation, Clyde and Co LLP, Ideal Innovations, Sikorsky, Africair, MAG Defense, Navistar Defense, DAI, AMS Management Services, Caterpillar, Askari, Fluet Huber and Hoang, Track24, and Radisson Blu.

Mr. Griffiths works for the same mega law/lobbying firm (Squire Patton Boggs) that had a "strategic alliance" with Cohen. The FBI raid was actually at their NY office, where Michael Cohen was using an executive office.

kestrel9 ago

Great info! Thank you, I'm digging through... :)

Arrvee ago

Big if true: Montreal Permindex ties revealed to JFK murder, 1001 Club They say that the Bronfman crime syndicate killed JFK, tried to kill Charles de Gaulle, and was created and run by British intelligence.

kestrel9 ago

What a great link! Thank you, right away names jumped out. I need time to sort through and read closely through this whole thing. Starting to read it felt like tugging on a string and a giant hairball falls and about crushes you! (based off of previous reading that connects in).

For people who just start connecting the massive scope of the Evil Global Crime families, if nothing else is read from this link, or if nothing else is understood from it, take the final paragraph to heart, don't blow off the importance of it; this is late stage terminal cancer time:


Today, little time remains to ensure that civilization can survive the effects of the cover-up of John F. Kennedy’s murder. The takeover of the U.S. economy and cultural destruction that was unleashed by this process has resulted in a youth generation that no longer believes in scientific and technological progress and the largest monetary bubble ready to blow. If the truth of the role of the Royals, Canadian intelligence networks, and the environmentalist movement were recognized to be part of a single process that is at the heart of bringing about the greatest population reduction scheme in human history, then the brave struggle of John F. Kennedy and his co-thinkers during the 1960s will not have occurred in vain.