BONO's 'ONE' Charity has come under fire for sexual abuse allegations and tax fraud. He has another charity that you may not be aware of, and it's called (RED). The charity partners with huge MNC's like Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Bank of America and Apple. Some profits from (RED) associated products are donated to fight AIDS in 8 African countries and $500 Million is claimed to have been raised. ( RED ) says that 100% of donations go directly to people in need. That sounds way too good to be true. The website is typically vague, just like all other NGO charity websites. I think we have something quite big here.
RED_RED Remember? Hussein AIDS Video. Hidden message? Response? Twitter. Roles. Actions. Expand your thinking. News unlocks meaning. -Q
AIDS VIDEO Q mentions
Let's just cut to the chase, shall we? >> Fortune 500 companies are participating in Human Trafficking (HT) and NGO's like ONE and RED are the PR and fundraising wing that set up the infrastructure and captial. MNC's launder the money and hide human trafficking profits in their financials, especially out of country. The inflated financial numbers distort profits and magnify share prices of all these companies. It's not double dipping... IT'S QUADRUPAL DIPPING
It's the absolute corporate monetization of misery, death, disease and depopulation. It's PURE EVIL.
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Oh_Well_ian ago
@crench @vindicator
Please get in here and explain why this post keeps locking down at 2 UPVOATS.. This is the second time I have submitted the post and there appears a deliberate action to keep the post from heading to the Main Page where THOUSANDS can view it..
Really... what the fucking fuck ?
srayzie ago
Mine has been messing up too. I don’t think it’s being done deliberately. I think there’s a glitch or something.
Things are missing in my last post when Q dropped the day before yesterday. My formatting keeps changing too. If I go to edit, everything is there. Once I save it, it messes up again for the viewer, The view count stopped at 40 something too.
think- ago
@srayzie, maybe the posts on v/GreatAwakening aren't visible on v/all because it's a private sub?
srayzie ago
I didn’t know it wasn’t visible on all. How is it set on private?
think- ago
That was just a thought. @Vindicator might know.
srayzie ago
Oh ok. I didn’t set anything to private.
think- ago
Ok, then new posts should show on v/all I guess.
srayzie ago
I just checked. Look how weird. I made another post and it’s messing up too. Is this happening in the pizzagate sub?
I explained it all here...