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Gilderoy ago

What I find most intriguing and frustrating is Q's suggestion on Nov. 25 that the RED_RED FREEDOM stringer here

is supposed to be cross-referenced with the RED CROSS fundraising video which Jimmy Kimmel co-hosted with BONO and which featured Obama.

Q said on Dec 4:

Re-review RED_RED stringer. Focus on Hussein AIDS Video. Cross reference. Date of stringer vs video? Learn to decider. News unlocks message. Find the keystone. Q

Q said Obama's Red Cross video was the response to the Freedom stringer.

Has anyone ever examined this? I printed out the FREEDOM stringer and carried it around with me for days trying to figure out what it meant and how it was connected to the Obama video but came up with very little.

Oh_Well_ian ago



Gilderoy ago

That's a great insight. Thanks. I was lumping them together.

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro... you at spamming my god damn post with minutia and disinfo

delete that shit or submit YOUR OWN POST

Gilderoy ago

Partial TRANSCRIPT of Obama's World AIDS Day video message:

"This World AIDS Day, everyone has a role to play. Jimmy Kimmel's not just a talk-show host, he's an activist. Bono's not just a musician, he's ring master of a whole shopping extravaganza," Obama said in the video.

"And me, I'm not just a former president, I'm a husband who hasn't done his Christmas shopping yet." During the video, Obama said cable news and Twitter feeds can "make it feel like cynicism is everywhere."

"When it comes to the fight against HIV/AIDS, there's some genuinely good news to share," he said.

"For the first time in history, more than half of all people living with the virus are on life-saving medication."

Since the peak of the virus, Obama said, AIDS-related deaths have been cut in half.

Today, more than 20 million people around the world are on medication that make it possible to work and raise HIV-free children, Obama said.

"It sounds like a miracle, but it's not the result of mysterious forces or chance. It happened because countless people working for years chose to make this process," Obama said.

Some, he said, deployed great wealth and influence and some held public office.

"But far more were simply citizens," Obama said, listing organizers, activists, doctors and "courageous people living with HIV who led the fight to spare others the anguish of this disease."

Obama urged people to help support the effort.

"And if you do, you can pilot Air Force One for a day," Obama joked, before retracting that statement and saying: "If you do, I'll share our files on the aliens." “No? We can’t do that either? But I have them in my desk right now,” Obama told the camera crew, after he was informed he couldn’t offer both of those prizes anymore.

He said people watching can help to end this pandemic once and for all.

"You can help us win this fight. You can help us change lives and write a future full of progress and hope, so let's all get to work," he said.

Gilderoy ago

The Huffington Post has a summary of Obama's message and some related videos from the Nov. 26 Jimmy Kimmel show:

Gilderoy ago

Jimmy Kimmel and Obama talked about "the files on the aliens" on Mar 15, 2015:

Video here:

Gilderoy ago

When Q asks on Dec. 4: "Where is the Red Cross?" he gives a link to a 10/2/17 Bloomberg article which discusses how South Korea calls NK every day. Mentioned in the article is the fact that NK and SK were supposed to meet for

to hold inter-Korean military and Red Cross talks.

Looking this up, it appears that NK and SK have met in 2007 to hold talks. The Red Cross arranged for them to meet at the Mount Kumgang resort:

The next day, Red Cross talks at the North’s Mt. Kumgang resort agreed to hold more reunions of separated families, inaugurate video letters, and look into those missing during and after the Korean War. Kumgang was developed by Hyundai, which on November 3, signed its own accord to expand tourism.

In August, 2011, North Korea seized the Mount Kumgang resort:

The resort used to be a symbol of co-operation between the two Koreas and a key source of hard currency for Pyongyang.

But joint operations were suspended in 2008 after a South Korean tourist was shot dead by a North Korean soldier.

Since then, ties between the two Koreas have deteriorated.

Is the Red Cross located at the Mount Kumgang resort? There are several hotels and a hospital there:

Gilderoy ago

Or, perhaps the Red Cross had underground operations at the nuclear testing site in North Korea which collapsed after a missile launch in September:

According to commercial satellite photos analyzed by an American based North Korea watchdog, Kim Jong Un’s regime has begun tunnel excavations in another portion of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site. Tunnel collapses beneath the mountain claimed the lives of an estimated 200 people following North Korea’s September test of a what was believed to be a hydrogen bomb, and experts from around the globe have voiced concerns that the mountain itself may collapse if subjected to any further testing.

Q said it "runs deep" and "children" are involved. "Pray". Is there an underground "HELL" in North Korea which was blown up by good actors?

On Dec 4, Q said:

34663 RED CROSS RED RED. NK. Hussein. ASIA. Why was that STRINGER sent out? Decode. News unlocks message. Future proves past. Where is the RED CROSS? Runs deep. Children. Pray. Q

Oh_Well_ian ago


Gilderoy ago

That's not my intention at all. I will delete everything. I just wanted to add information about the Red Cross. So sorry.

Oh_Well_ian ago

thanks... I am already dealing with the lockdown of the upvoats on the post