Drain0 ago

I just picked up a HUGE payload of conspiracy theory material (266 .pdfs / 2.1gb) and want to zip them up and share them with you faggots because I can't read through them all myself in a timely manner. Anyone know of a good secure site that I can upload this payload to?

srayzie ago

Damn! I don’t know of a place to upload them to. If you find out let me know!

70times7 ago

3 other must reads.

Proofs of a Conspiracy - John Robison 1798

The great controversy - Ellen White 1888

Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism - Abbe Barruel 1797

If you have not read those 3, you are missing major pieces in your knowledge.

ESOTERICshade ago

tip for readers searching for suggested books. use site:archive.org as illustrated below in a search engine

site:archive.org Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism

srayzie ago

Thank you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Love Bill Cooper. Here is the whole Babylon Mystery series that can be downloaded from archive.org. I consider this priceless old treasure and downloaded it all.


srayzie ago

I just added this...

Oh wow. Nice find! I’ll add it!