Are_we_sure ago

People read David Horowitz?

It's kind of funny that you focus on the work of Jeffery Sachs because he kind of hates Hillary Clinton.

Oh_Well_ian ago

who doesn't hate Hillary Clinton at this point ?

Only fucktard communist traitors like yourself still defend her.

kestrel9 ago

Jeffery Sachs wasn't exactly my focus, but thanks for zeroing in on him. He sounds like the perfect man, beyond reproach

Definitely knows all the right people.

Are_we_sure ago

I never said he was selfless and I was not talking about the 1990s in terms of Hillary Clinton.

I don't see anything about Hilary in the text you quote.

kestrel9 ago

It was the 's' as in plural that threw me. The part about journalist Anne Williamson:

...appearing before Leach’s House Banking Committee on 22 September 1999, explained to a panel of stunned congressmen how so many US taxpayer dollars had managed to go missing in Russia.

She told the committee that the Clintons had set up an “international patronage machine.”

Maybe the 'Billary' banter of the 1990s bled into the writing in some weird unexplainable way. Or Hillary's association with Soros and people associated with him and vice versa.

I looked up Anne Williamson and she is still no fan of the Clintons. In January her article regarding Uranium One was posted. I have never been on the site but the Uranium One story is of interest to me. Her final conclusion was not what I expected. Beyond Imagination: Uranium One

Drain0 ago

Nice find! Makes perfect sense why today we have the Clinton machine and the rest of the DNC screaming about Muh Russians! They know that the Russians have enough dirt to build a mountain on top of them.

kestrel9 ago

Exactly. Clowns must be deep in it long embedded in Harvard? Decades?

Drain0 ago

Clowns have been in all the major unis for quite some time. I've been looking for some of the material I ran across a while back about the long con subversion techniques ... the 20+ year games.

kestrel9 ago

Definitely worth a familiarizing oneself with, considering so many bad actors seem to live so long. One factoid I ran across somewhat recently... Clowns in Barry's mom's stomping grounds, Indonesia, took advantage of local beliefs or susceptibility to superstition (have to find the source) and reinforced the idea of 20 year cycles of "and then that's when bad shit happens".... So people expect it.

Drain0 ago

Interesting indeed. I'd be interested in seeing that. I did do a quick search, but nothing came up. I'd dig deeper but it's hard to keep my eyes open. I've still got the tabs up though.

kestrel9 ago

I have to get sleep, why always up late when there's an early day in the normal a.m.?