PoundSign_999 ago

I'm betting B has uploaded the "insurance." Got to be blackmail material. Maybe the white hats are leaking Weiner's hard drive. Seems the shit is about to hit the fan.

srayzie ago

Oh now that would be AWESOME πŸ‘πŸ»

pby1000 ago

Interesting. Very, very interesting...

derram ago

https://archive.fo/XEXRB :

B on Twitter: "… "

https://archive.fo/YHCSi :

B on Twitter: "If I am "suicided" WikiLeaks knows what to do.… "

This has been an automated message.


B is Roy Potter

srayzie ago

Then she posted this http://i.imgs.fyi/img/2iui.jpg

bopper ago

Looks like B has inside info, this is the "one of twenty-two" that Q talked about.

bopper ago

Haha, someone underneath it said "This never gets old."

Actually, that is me in the mornings!

Wait no, this is me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iketdJ5s4pI

You're a bad influence.

srayzie ago

bopper ago

Lol. Me in the morning, again.

srayzie ago

Like 1 of 22 people

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I bet it's the memo.

odinist ago

I know I should expect anything else from Twitter, but you have got to be fucking kidding me... https://kek.gg/i/6fVFpJ.png

Agile ago

I shook my head too when I had to consent to see the word wikileaks

srayzie ago

What do you mean? Are you talking about it saying sensitive material?

odinist ago

Exactly. All the pictures is, is a screenshot of the confirmation they uploaded something to Wikileaks. That's not sensitive material; it's not like it was NSFW/NSFL/etc.

Neskuaxa ago

All of her posts are flagged like this. I believe it's something Twitter does to soft censor those they disagree with. Unless B has enabled this feature for herself, albeit I can't imagine why she would.

srayzie ago

But that’s the message that popped up for you?

odinist ago


Reddit_traitor ago

yeah twitter blocks the truth