HulkJizz ago

You. You fucking kike.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Takes at least four:

"Let me just jog your imagination by unequivocally stating that four men properly motivated and determined could set this country on its EAR overnight!" - James Mason, Siege.

Four snipers to be precise. Then it needs to eventually needs to develop into follow-on organization. Could happen if niggers and antifa provoke and kill enough. Dunno. Or maybe whitey will get off his ass. Right now though there isn't the ideological development much less the commitment. Certainly on Voat.

HulkJizz ago

Maybe Reddit has better ideological development. Go there.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Reddit and Poal are even worse than Voat. That's the closest I'll come to giving Voat an endorsement at this point.

Kinda like what Churchill said about democracy - the worst form of government except all the others.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

There isn't enough organization for a normal 'civil' war, but there is endless room for disparate actions. Manson was maybe right about his 'Helter Skelter' scenario of ethnic interfighting without centralized authority.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Going with option 1. I think for a full blown shooting war like Syria to emerge you're going to need to see a terrorist organization like Atomwaffen suddenly rise with enough numbers to win battles with the government and other actors. Otherwise it'll probably be more riots, looting, and sporadic terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacks start before we see ISIS on US soil though.

ggolemg ago


tokui ago

That's not an option, ever, goy.


Joe_McCarthy ago

Mostly looking for serious discussion here. He'd get more of a hearing from me by simply naysaying the possibility of a civil war - though at this point the usual mockers don't look so legitimate. But that can be dismissed as I'm asking who is most likely if there is to be one. The chances of there being one can still be low.