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Recyclops14 ago

Why are you so obsessed with this guy?

SearchVoatBot ago

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antiliberalsociety ago

If you actually read the info I put out, you'd know it's a public service I provide.

Recyclops14 ago

Yea but I thought I've seen like other shit you've compiled into a single image. Like this did you make this?, why would you waste so much time on someone, supposedly all he did was ask for money?. How do you even have that much time?

antiliberalsociety ago

Same reason you're spending so much time asking about it. What makes you so obsessed in gaining an answer to your loaded question? Why are you so obsessed with my calling him out?

Rent free amirite?

Recyclops14 ago

I don't ever get into all the voat drama, it just seems like you're obsessed with him. I don't get what the issue is with some random retard. Why waste your time, sounds like he's rent free in your head if thats what you mean.

antiliberalsociety ago

doesn't ever get into voat drama

won't give up this drama

You seem hell bent on protecting a self admitted fraud & plagiarist. @TexasVet does adore his alts, can't help but wonder...

Recyclops14 ago

lol ok now I know you're obsessed. You win have fun with whatever it is you're doing.

antiliberalsociety ago

Quit warning others, goyim!

Recyclops14 ago

Because I don't even know who he is, I didn't donate money to him, I couldn't care less if some "vet" defrauded some redditors from the_D or whatever it was. Warn people yea sure I don't care but you seem to have an unhealthy obsession over it, even to the point of suggesting I'm his alt. Do what you want, I was just inquiring. Also "ignoring" his fraud doesn't mean shit to me. All I did was ask and you got super defensive about it. Like I said do what you want.

antiliberalsociety ago

He has the intent to bring the right to a screeching halt through misrepresentation. He has defrauded us with almost every post and comment. His example gives the left ammunition to get us shut down, hence the administrator's "Chill with the threats" post. On top of that he brought the FBI in to investigate someone being mean to him on the internet. Have a look around v/GoFraudMe if you want to see for yourself. This sub serves as a registry for offenders, and since he refuses to disappear - this is what he gets.

You choose to ignore all that and deflect to "muh obsession". Seems a bit off to me like there's some ulterior motive.

Recyclops14 ago

Bring the right to a screeching halt? Ulterior motives? Ok well thanks for the info. Good luck.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks for the info you ignored? You really can't defend him and all you got is "y'all r' obsessed". You really don't care that he ratted to the feds?

Recyclops14 ago

Why the fuck would I defend him? All I asked is why you were obsessed. I looked at the picture I linked you which i think you made you never really answered that, also looked at those links in this thread. What about it? I didn't ignore it, I briefly looked at it and i'm really at a lack of fucks to give. I'm sure feds are already crawling all over this place but whatever, I don't really care man. Also maybe the dude did commit fraud, I'm not here to defend him. Honestly it sounds like you donated money and are upset or some shit I don't know. I could care less, I just wanted to know what your deal was. Now, I don't even want to know. You just sound paranoid and kinda crazy, I never said anything about "ya'll " only about you. I'm completely uninterested now by your pearl clutching and fear mongering of this random faggot that's gonna bring down the "right". Anyways take care.

antiliberalsociety ago

You don't know who he is, yet you're stuck on why someone would dedicate time to calling out his frauds. Then you repeat that you don't care that he threatens our platform, or defrauds donors to buy weapons, and calls for violence. You're projecting if you're trying to insinuate I'm the crazy one for publicly shaming his actions. Your argument seems very Jewish in that pilpul effort to imply paranoia is at play.

Keep defending frauds, it's really going to help future arguments you get into.

Recyclops14 ago

lol I literally said I'm not defending him, I'm not insinuating you're crazy because you're publicly shaming him you faggot, That's a jew tactic to misrepresent my point. I'm calling you crazy because you thought I was his alt and then you claimed I had ulterior motives and then you claimed he's going to "bring the right to a screeching halt". Like the entire right. Dude I'm trying to be nice by ending the conversation but whatever i'm done with you and you keep proving to me what a fucking nut case you actually are. Peace out faggot.

antiliberalsociety ago

What you say and what you do are two different things. He admitted to using alts before, it's in that collage, how is it crazy to think he did it again? If anyone's acting crazy, it's you for defending a piece of shit fraudulent faggot. You're stuck on why I do this, but no matter what answers you get, it's just not right - how is that not defending him? It's total pilpul what you're doing. Look through out history, right leaning causes are always disrupted by "idiots" misrepresenting it, Hitler kicked several out of the NSDAP because of it.

You just act like a kike by ad homineming the one bringing his frauds to light, instead of saying "holy shit, he's right! That fraud should fuck off!" You enjoy the abuse like he does, you ad hominem like he does, you run away like he does, you don't care that a vet begs online for money & defrauds people to get it, I'd say if you aren't his alt you're a fraudulent faggot like he is.