virge ago

Poor Sean. He's just not very bright. Should at least make a new identity and move on.

TheBuddha ago

He really can't. His 'brand' is tied to that identity and starting over would require a whole personality rework.

virge ago

Ex military aren't usually strategic geniuses, I guess.

TheBuddha ago

I tried sorta standing up for him once. Then, he told me his complaints and was pissed that people shared information he'd shared himself. It was kinda weird. The next time I bumped into him, I found him plagiarizing. When I pointed it out, he claimed he didn't know the source and called me a faggot. So, you know, acted like most goats in those regards.

virge ago

Boomer's don't get the Internet.

TheBuddha ago

I'm a boomer and I'm 99% confident my code has impacted your life in a meaningful fashion.

Brushes, broad strokes, and all that. I have probably used networked computers for longer than you've been alive. ;-)

virge ago

Small variances are an exception, and there are exceptions to everything. You're also smart enough to realize most people in general are retarded, and that includes most Boomers.

TheBuddha ago

Shit, I'm smart enough to know I'm at least half retarded.

virge ago

Then you're smart enough to not take a stereotype about Boomers personally if it doesn't apply to you, and smart enough to not virtue signal to me about it.

TheBuddha ago

No, I was just demonstrating the flaws of painting with a broad brush. The Internet was made by boomers. I didn't take it personal. My ego is too large for that.

If you need to paint with a broad brush, I'm not sure I can help except to say it is your picture and you color it any way you want. You don't even have to stay in the lines, if you don't want to!

virge ago

Candid feedback, sounds like someone who hasn't seen much of the world and relies on sitting behind a keyboard and a monitor for their opinion.

I've seen a lot of the world. My opinions paint a broad brush because I have a broad brush of experience.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure if you could be more wrong, actually. You're terrible at this guessing game!

virge ago

Your tour 20 years ago isn't representative of jack shit today, granddad.

TheBuddha ago

You decided to go full retard. I'm kinda impressed with the speed.

Once again, you're horrible at this guessing game.

Let's turn this into an educational opportunity.

Rather than make statements of ignorance, you can just ask and then have at least a clue what you're talking about. It's simple things like that, should you wish to not be seen as an idiot.

You're welcome.

virge ago

Ok. Are you CIA? Have you been to more than a dozen countries in the past six years? How many U.S. States do you think you know well enough to accurately represent both majority and minority demographics in more than one major city?

TheBuddha ago

No. Yes. Quite a few, actually. I modeled traffic and still keep up with demographic trends and, more importantly, I've been to all but one of them.

I've been on every continent except Antarctica.

Not only that, but I've met a surprising number of goats and can actually back my claims up instead of bullshitting. I'm pretty much the last person you want to have a pissijg contest with

Put your ego away. If you were secure in yourself, you'd not need it anyhow. You also don't need to lie to me. I don't hold you to high standards. You're not going to impress me. I'm going to forget your username by the end of the day.

It's okay to just be yourself and maybe be grateful for some shared commonality rather than try to piss on the floor to feign a victory that's entirely fruitless.

virge ago

Civvie Engineer, then? That makes sense, every Civvie Engineer I've ever met thought they knew everything but was pretty clueless because of it.

TheBuddha ago



Once again, you suck at this guessing game.

What you should be doing is saying, 'thank you for helping me appear less stupid.'

To which I respond, you're welcome.

virge ago

What you should be doing is saying, 'thank you for helping me appear less stupid.'

Why would I possibly do that when you've so far given me so much comedy?

TheBuddha ago

Dude... We are both adults.

Exactly nobody is going to believe, "Ha! I was having a laugh!"

That's like trying to claim, "I'm just trolling!"

Then again, a little birdie has informed me that you are known to say a variety of things that aren't true. I'm told you're a waste of time.

At this point, I'm hard pressed to stand up for you. And, if you're wondering whose up voting your comments, that'd be me.

virge ago

Do all mathematicians have such poor reading comprehension skills, or just you?

I never said I was just laving a laugh. I never insinuated I wasn't being serious.

I said I was laughing at you.

TheBuddha ago

I'm baffled how you can be so wrong. I'm kinda impressed. I really am. Your attachment with reality is suspect.

I believe I'm supposed to ask you about some lawyers next. Maybe some threats?

Again, don't worry. I will forget all about you by late afternoon, unless we keep this going. I'm retired. I have an excuse for being here all day.

virge ago

Every single post is egotistical condescending patronizing insults.

Just like every other useless Boomer.

TheBuddha ago

The truth isn't an insult, even if you choose to be offended.

virge ago

The purest sign of a narcissistic Boomer Max faggot is when they low brow call everyone else a liar while declaring themselves infallible.

It's literally the gift that keeps on giving.

TheBuddha ago

If you didn't lie, people wouldn't call you a liar.

It's pretty basic stuff.

virge ago

Projection. You can call someone a liar all you want, without evidence it's nothing more than a shitty opinion.

Usually, it's subversion, but in your case I think it's just plain old Boomer narcissism in action.

TheBuddha ago

We already established the value of your thinking.

virge ago

The very fact that you speak to some audience, while I speak to you, suggests you are a Type 4 and Type 2 disingenuous subversive.

TheBuddha ago

They felt inclined to interject in private. It's not like I sought them out. I'm not even sure what they're on about, but they've been pretty reliable in the past.

So, once again, you're dreadfully confused. I'm pretty sure I told you how to avoid this.

virge ago

I don't really give a shit what your fellow narcissistic SBBH faggot Boomers talk about in private. Just because there are numerous retards doesn't make your subversive bullshit any less retarded.

You guys are top-shelf subversion. Of course you'd all gang up to do it.

I'm not confused one bit, you do nothing but state ignorant opinion, biased accusation without evidence, and baseless slander. Because that's what subversive faggot Boomers do, and it's all you're good for since you've ruined everything else already.

TheBuddha ago

Obviously you do care. You keep talking about it.

Again, if you didn't lie then people wouldn't call you a liar.

virge ago

Obviously you do care.

Nah, Boomer cuck faggot. I'm talking to a brainwashed drug-addled robot who thinks he's a productive member of society by running around with a lot of other brainwashed drug-addled robots, because I find it amusing to talk to brainwashed drug-addled robots.

I don't really care when liars call me a liar.

TheBuddha ago

"I talk in a heated manner, relentlessly, about things I don't care about!"

This is pretty much why people call you a liar. Not even you believe that.

virge ago

"I talk in a heated manner, relentlessly, about things I don't care about!"

Only Boomer cuck's are allowed to have opinions!

This is pretty much why people call you a liar. Not even you believe that.

I don't care when liars call me a liar. It's a double-negative. It naturally counters itself out. It has no meaning.

You can't even define in words why I'm a liar, because it's an ignorant narcissistic Boomer cuck opinion with no evidence, it's purely emotional based on your ego that blazes like the sun. It only matters to other Boomer cuck's, who's opinions without evidence are equally meaningless.

Every single SBBH subversive has the same script, they just put on different masks. You're no different.

TheBuddha ago

You're a liar because you claimed you didn't care and yet you just now claimed you had an opinion - but it was obvious before that.

In other words, you're lying. I don't know why. It's not gonna make me respect you any more or any less.

virge ago

You're a liar because you claimed you didn't care and yet you just now claimed you had an opinion - but it was obvious before that.

You're trying to claim someone has to care to have an opinion. I don't need any further evidence than that to understand you are a liar.

Being called a liar by a liar is meaningless. You can keep doing it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's pointless.

In other words, everything you are saying is pointless. Just continued SBBH subversion. Your methodology does not work on me, Boomer cuck - and I speak to you, not a make-believe audience of other narcissistic robotic subvserive liars, so I care not what the opinions of any of your various imagined personalities may hold.

You are nothing to me, and your methods do not work on me. Why bother?

TheBuddha ago

Folks don't have opinions about things they don't care about. Caring about them is why they have opinions.

Again, you needn't lie.

If you reject my 'methods' then you reject logic, informed observations, and honesty.

That's not a good thing, and I do kind of care. It means you're lacking an education and that society has failed you. Unfortunately, you keep compounding it with willful ignorance and I can't help you with that. I'm not that kind of doctor.

If I had to hazard a guess, based on observation, you're unemployed, probably on disability, and make shit up to feel better about yourself. In fact, it's statistically probable that you don't even have a passport, which goes way back to your earlier claims.

That's unfortunate. It'd also be easier if you were just honest.

virge ago

Folks don't have opinions about things they don't care about. Caring about them is why they have opinions.

You Boomer cuck faggot subversives don't get to decide who can and can't have an opinion and for what motivations.

Again, you needn't lie.

Lying is all you're good at.

?If you reject my 'methods' then you reject logic, informed observations, and honesty.

You are a subversive troll. Like all other SBBH subversive trolls. Nothing you say matters.

That's not a good thing, and I do kind of care.

No you do not.

If I had to hazard a guess, based on observation, you're unemployed, probably on disability, and make shit up to feel better about yourself. In fact, it's statistically probable that you don't even have a passport, which goes way back to your earlier claims.

Multiple passports. Consultant. I can work 1-3 months in a single year and then not work the next 3 years. Shows the accuracy of your guesses.

If you shoot as bad as you presume, I'd rather you were on the other side as fodder than guarding my six because you're more likely to take me out in friendly fire.

That's unfortunate. It'd also be easier if you were just honest.

There is no point in trying to have a serious conversation with a subversive troll. You've already illustraed this.

I'm just amusing myself by responding to you to see how long you'll bother to keep this charade going. I'm reloading 1,000 rounds of 6.5 Creedmoor right now so it doesn't really bother me to pause and respond to your comedy. Comedy is all SBBH is good for.

What else you got, Boomer cuck? Notice how I don't have to make a lot of crazy wild assumptions to try and get you to defend yourself to probe? I only give you what I want to give you. You don't know shit about me.

TheBuddha ago

I didn't say you couldn't have an opinion. Beating up straw men is never a winning choice.

virge ago

I didn't say you couldn't have an opinion.

You said someone has to care to have an opinion. That's horseshit.

Beating up straw men is never a winning choice.

Ha ha ha.

TheBuddha ago

No, it's not. You're just caught in a lie and hoping to bluster your way out.

It's easier to be honest.

virge ago

No, it's not. You're just caught in a lie and hoping to bluster your way out.

You still have yet to either define the lie or provide evidence. Of course, that's the entire point of this conversation because a SBBH subversive troll only cares about keeping the conversation going by using any method possible.

Being called a liar by a liar is meaningless. You can keep doing it, but it's still meaningless. Poor egotistical narcissistic Boomer cuck. You've got a very small playbook and it's ineffective when someone has watched you use it for years.

It's easier to be honest.

Comical. SBBH pretending honesty matters to them. Must be frustrating.

TheBuddha ago

You lie every time you say you don't care. It's obviously true that you do, because you are quite keen on voicing your opinions.

You know what?

I don't care about the color of horses. I have no opinion on the matter other than my district lack of care.

That there is a bit of something we call honesty.

virge ago

You lie every time you say you don't care. It's obviously true that you do, because you are quite keen on voicing your opinions.

Second time you've declared that people must care to voice an opinion. The hilarious irony is that entire statement is an opinion.

That there is a bit of something we call honesty.

SBBH troll only cares about subversion. Declaring their opinion on honesty is irrelevant.

A liar calling others liars is meaningless.

TheBuddha ago

I've told zero lies. You can't even be honest about that.

You know what, you disgust me. You're dismissed.

virge ago

I've told zero lies. You can't even be honest about that.

Saying I am lying because I have an opinion about something I do not care about is a lie.

You know what, you disgust me. You're dismissed.

Oh noes! SBBH subversion tactics don't work when you constantly point out that a liar calling someone else a liar is meaningless!

Check, and mate. Bye, boomer cuck faggot.

antiliberalsociety ago

most goats


TheBuddha ago

Yeah, from my perspective he's batshit crazy, which is most of voat's vocal participants.

I hate to break it to you, but voat is a digital homeless encampment.

antiliberalsociety ago

He makes them look good

TheBuddha ago

If you expand the thread, you'll see the crazy.

I fucking love Voat. It really is pretty much a digital homeless encampment.

One minute they scream that you're going to hell and the next moment they are flashing their dicks at a schoolbus.

It's kinda awesome.

antiliberalsociety ago

He left with the title of Specialist, if that says anything about his ability.

Mumbleberry ago

Not the first time and likely not the last time he'll steal others OC.