SatanPodesta ago

This seems occultic

Does he really live on meat? That's forbidden in the bible.

Samsquamch ago

@CIAchiefOfficer want to switch to any other new accounts to make a few statements? You've already deleted multiple responses to each of us.

For the rest of the goats, ignore OP, he's a faggot.

Gyna ago

Op is a part of a shill bot army that's been spamming.

SatanPodesta ago

You're a liar though, so we should expect you to be talking to yourself in your final moment...

SatanPodesta ago

Nobody has deleted anything Jordan. @samsquamch @bourbonexpert

Pulverizor ago

Fucking hell mate, you're as popular as the JIDF, maybe shut your mouth yeah?

TheEasterBunny ago

Not your mate pal

bourbonexpert ago

Get a grip on what? I work as a driver now and dont really Cruise the Internet like I used too.

Jesus why can’t any of you noggers just answer the fu king question

bourbonexpert ago

I don’t get it.

I haven’t paid attention the last week or so. Do people like jordon now?

obvious-throwaway- ago

Some faggot is spamming Voat, the link means nothing

CIAchiefOfficer, 12 months, 13 CCP

Samsquamch ago

We've always liked Jordan. He may not name the Jew, but I have yet to see any of us put our careers on the line to do it publicly either.

The only ones I saw who made their dislike of him known were the same people attacking all conservative speakers and figures for the first part of 2018. People caught on to their act of pretending to be conservative while spreading hate of anyone who could organize us, and I've noticed a lot less of it since.

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

you guys are way off base. He's nowhere near anti-jew. He's okay with restricting speech when it comes to holocaust denial. He's never "naming" the new. Go watch some more of his videos and you'll see.

Derpfroot ago

Give me a $60K patreon and I'll put my career on the line and name the jew.

CIAchiefOfficer ago

He just named the Jew. You weren't paying attention. @bourbonexpert

Ocelot ago

Are you braindead? There is no mention of Jews in the image. It's called naming the Jew because you NAME THE FUCKING JEW. Slight insinuations are not NAMING, they are INSINUATING.

RevolutionaryOcelot ago

Give it a rest Satan.

Ocelot ago

The fuck are you on about?

brandon816 ago

OP and that commenter are both spambots:

Don't waste your time on them, just DV and move on.

bourbonexpert ago

That’s why I asked faggot.

I still don’t see it. Who is the guy in the pic... so many questions.

Gyna ago

OP is a spam bot.

Samsquamch ago

No way, are you saying he named the Jew on the post titled "JORDAN PETERSON NAMES THE JEW" in all caps? It's a good thing you said something, I might have missed it otherwise.

BeeBlood ago

lol... It's all in the initials...

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

No he is a jew fucker and ignorant

TheAntichrist ago


Really? Have you read his book? He's quite not ignorant.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Yeah he's a pompous dickweed

ProgNaziGator ago

In fairness that also describes most of us here.

TheAntichrist ago

Yeah you've read his book?

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Do you not understand? I said I read the book. He just isn't all that great like people make him out to be.