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Fluxuhate ago
Time to kick out all non-Danes.
ardvarcus ago
Animals? No, the Muslims are the animals. The Danes are the cucks.
aileron_ron ago
Well look it the UK, Germany is slowly dying also.
DirectPressure ago
Pride & arrogance will be the downfall of these goatfucking sandniggers. One can only be pushed so far.
SearchVoatBot ago
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Attac ago
Some guy in the end of the world said something mean to somebody else.
*Breaking news *
Yeah, wake me up when the real race war starts
McPooperton ago
Ah, the boogaloo. Maybe you shouldn’t go to sleep. The boog might find asleep before we can come wake you up.
sionblade22 ago
I'd rather be an animal who pets dogs than a human repulsed by them
gazillions ago
Of course they will. Who the muslims don't kill the communists will with shitty socialist marketing supply. That's the way it is.