RamblinRambo ago

Isn't he quote pro kikerael?

MaunaLoona ago

Islam is not a religion. It's a totalitarian political system couched as a religion.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

in public

speaking the truth

is asking for arkancide

good sir my kek's off to you geert.

DietCokehead1 ago

Nice sources

novictim ago

I support Wilders, the removal of Islam, and I support the Israelis in whatever they deem necessary to defend themselves from ISLAM.

None of this is incompatible.

We have a subsection of our public, some of whom are Jews, who have fallen prey to the ridiculous and suicidal ideas of Cultural Marxism.

We have to start making this distinction. The LEFT and their Cultural Marxist ideology is our weak point, the point that the Muslims are exploiting.

General_Butt_Naked ago

I support the Israelis in whatever they deem necessary to defend themselves from ISLAM.

Including using the US military to destabilize the Middle East and send millions of Muslims away from the Middle East and into Europe? Israel is a scourge on this Earth. Half the reason why the Muslims are out of control at the moment is because of Israel.

novictim ago

I chock nearly all of US fuckups in the ME to INCOMPETENCE -> a refusal or inability to know Islam and understand its imperatives in Muslim society. The latest fuckup of Obama/CIA supporting Jihadists in Syria fits this category.

General_Butt_Naked ago

No one is talking about fuck ups.

BladeStrikes ago

I support the Israelis in whatever they deem necessary to defend themselves from ISLAM.

Why? You do realize they won't return the favor. Stupid cuck.

some of whom are Jews

An OVERWHELMING around of them are jews, give how small of a group jews actually are.

DON'T act like this is not important.

the ridiculous and suicidal ideas of Cultural Marxism.

Created by jews.


Dominated by jews.

novictim ago

Long before the creation of MSM and Cultural Marxism, Islam was enslaving and conquering Europe, selling Europeans on the slave markets of North Africa and ME.

BladeStrikes ago

What does actual enslavement of europeans by muslims have to do with jews using their money and influence to genocide europeans. They are different things, one is not a problem anymore, the other is the biggest danger Europe faces today.

Oh and I suggest you do a bit of research about jews and their role in white slavery, still going on today..

Daeavorn ago

Thank you, these people are just playing into islams hands. Stupid stormfronters. The Nazi's were allied with the muslims.

BladeStrikes ago

playing into islams hands

OH YES, its Islam who is the mastermind behind all of this.


Face it, an OVERWHELMING amount of dominant figures on the far-left are JEWS. What do you call this? A (((coincidence))).

Its very clear that for many powerful jews, hating europeans is FAR more important then hating muslims. Its stupid and ultimatley SUICIDAL, don't be shocked when the backlash comes.

Daeavorn ago

Im not scared of you dude, and im not European? Im American, Ive said that already. Nice try though?

BladeStrikes ago

and im not European? Im American

I assume you are white. White americans are EUROPEANS, you imbecile. The US is a EUROPEAN nation, you cretin.

Do you even know how your nation was founded? Hint: It wasn't the fucking native americans. It was founded by europeans. Why do you think the only let "free white persons of good character" become US citizens. White persons = europeans, if you didn't know where whites come from.

novictim ago

GEERT WILDERS is one of the patriots who is helping to save the West. Back him up!

jewsbadnews ago

He is a Zionist.

novictim ago

I'm OK with that.

jewsbadnews ago

So he is not going to solve the real problem...

novictim ago

The real problem is that people seem to have forgotten -or never learned- who they are, what their duty is to future generations, and that Islam is opposed to all of that.

jewsbadnews ago

Zionist brainwashing caused that. Islam was never a problem for a very long time until America and Israel destroyed their countries. And then the kikes that let them into Europe.

BladeStrikes ago

Islam has nothing to do with this (lol). RACE is all that matters. Islam is a problem because it just so happens to have savage non-white followers.

Case and point, you would actually prefer living in muslim arab nations then you would in christian africa, they are objectively better, not that thats saying much. Religion is a product of of the people (race), not the other way around.

novictim ago

Wow. Congrats on getting it wrong.

General_Butt_Naked ago

He's not wrong. I don't agree that race is ALL that matters, but race is the primary issue; religion is secondary. If Europe were flooded with billions of non-white Christians from the Middle East it would cease to be European culturally, but rather becoming Middle Eastern. If it were flooded with billions of Christian Chinese, it would cease to be European, but rather Chinese culturally. Culture is tied to race. Religion is merely the impetus with which they organize and justify their savagery, with Islam being nothing more than the militant wing of Judaism.

The fact of the matter is, like @BladeStrikes said, Christian Sub-Saharan Africans are just as bad, maybe worse. It's not Muslim Africans putting tires over people's heads, dousing them in gasoline, and lighting them on fire. It's not Muslim Africans raping infants because they believe it will cure their AIDS. No, these are the actions of Christian Africans. Why? Because the black race is savage to the core, regardless of which religion an individual may practice.

Again race is the main issue; religion is secondary.

novictim ago

We simply have to agree to disagree here. Race is not even a real thing. Bad ideas incorporated into culture and religion play all the leading roles here.

General_Butt_Naked ago

Race is not even a real thing.

You're an imbecile.

novictim ago

Think of all the things that you know to be real. Recognize how easy it is to prove any one of them to be real. And then consider that you will literally wrack your brain trying to find scientific evidence for this construct called race. Genes are real. Genes are different for all people and there are clusters of associated difference. But after a century of trying, no one could find evidence for this notion of "race".

But you are different, right? You have the evidence! Why not share it?

BladeStrikes ago

Explain. How am I wrong.

If religion is to blame, how the fuck do you explain Christian Africa and the fact that they are objectively worse then Islamic nations.

Religion is a product of of the people (race), not the other way around.

novictim ago

"Islam has nothing to do with this " -> Explain. How am I wrong.

Islam has everything to do with what Islam does. Zionism and "Jew Media" did not create Islam. Islam is 1400 years old and you don't seem to understand that history.

Your ignorance of the context of modern Islamic violence to its historic violence and its elemental theology is what you have wrong.

Christian Africa and the fact that they are objectively worse then Islamic nations.

You say this but you make no arguments or state your values for us to evaluate your claim, that all of Christian Africa is "worse than Islamic societies".

And even if you were to demonstrate that contention as "true" to my satisfaction, you still would have all your work ahead of you. You see, we can have many bad things simultaneously. We can have Islam's threat to the West as well as the failure of African tribal culture, Christian or otherwise, and there would be no contradiction. One does not negate the other.

1Sorry_SOB ago


DietCokehead1 ago


Troll ago


I think as time passes more and more people will start to realize who the real enemy is, and how to deal with such an enemy once and for all.

jewsbadnews ago

I wonder why a jew would defend Islam, a religion that wants jews dead. It's almost like there is an ethnic group working together to use Muslims to destroy Europe, nah.

IfIDidIt ago

Jews want all jews abroad to come home to Israel. Inviting shit skins into the host countries of said jews abroad encourages them to go to Israel, and leave those terrible countries behind. If every country in the world was a third world shithole except for Israel, Israel would be one happy country.

Daeavorn ago

No they dont. Im a jew and i dont want this. dont make shit up.

BladeStrikes ago

The jews who have the money and power are doing all they can to destroy Europe. The fact that little jews are not part of it is fucking irrelevant, its still jews as far as I'm concern.

When the actual backlash inevitably comes, nobody is going to waste time sorting you out.

Daeavorn ago

Sure bro you keep thinking that. Im not in Europe though. Im in America and that shit isnt gonna happen here. Because in America we have freedom of religion. So youre jew killing will ALWAYS be fantasy. Sorry to dissapoint you.

BladeStrikes ago

Im in America

So you are an american? What kind of american?

Because in America we have freedom of religion.

Yea, I'm sure that will last. Face it dumbass, freedom of religion, just like your constitution are created by whites, particularly white Anglo-Saxon protestants and WON'T survive when the founding stock of the US disappears.

By the time the backlash inevitably comes, NOBODY will gives two fucking shits about freedom of religion.

And why are you even talking about RELIGION! I didn't talk about Judaism, I talked about JEWS!

When I talk about jews, I'm talking about the ethnic group, the religion is fucking irrelevant to me. They are an ethnic groups first and foremost.

"religion" my ass.

Daeavorn ago

Thats the dumbest thing i've ever read man. People dont believe something just because of what race they are. They believe things because they are taught them. Once Trump actually fixes unemployment and inner cities, blacks will have no reason to vote Democrat anymore. I can definitely tell you are european though. Have fun with all the muslims.

BladeStrikes ago

People dont believe something just because of what race they are.

Fool, different races create different cultures. Your race WILL impact what you believe in.

They believe things because they are taught them.

This is insane, you can't be this ignorant. As if people get taught random things by invisible forces in the sky. Its people who teach other people and most of the teachings will be based on the ideas and values of the general culture of said people. Who create the culture? The people (race). The people/race create a culture that reflects their values and that culture will continue to promote said values, to its own people and even to foreigners.

Once Trump actually fixes unemployment and inner cities, blacks will have no reason to vote Democrat anymore.

Typical liberal foolishness. Its very clear that you don't know anything about blacks in the US or about races in general. Blacks who live in white majority nations will ALWAYS feel alienated and will ALWAYS lash out against whites, no matter what you give them. They are perpetual prisoners in a land they know they are not in control of, they know they didn't build and deep down they know was never created for them, its a society that is NOT COMPATIBLE with them. Giving them jobs won't stop them from hating whites, they are still in a submissive position in white mans land, a well treated dog is still a dog. Did affirmative action make them stop talking about "white privilege"? You are stupid and ignorant and I feel sorry for you because I know what sort of redpilling you will have to face in the non-white future.

I can definitely tell you are european though. Have fun with all the muslims.

I can definitely tell that you are not redpilled though. Have fun becoming a white minority, in a nation dominated by non-whites who have been told for generations that your kind are the source of all evil. I'm sure things won't end like South Africa and Zimbabew.

IfIDidIt ago


Article celebrating Jews fleeing terror and going to Israel... from France. That's from July of 2016. Specifically, they're fleeing all the migrants being brought in.


Article from January of last year about how rising anti-semitism is forcing jews from Europe.


Very favorably written wikipedia article about ((George Soros))'s open society shit. By its own admission, since 1993 he has spent billions of dollars on immigration reform in other countries. He has propagated an entire multi-billion dollar industry that operates as a "charity" but actively works to make the refugee crisis far worse. I'm not gonna go full Amalek and put forth dozens of articles you're not going to read, but your argument of "I exist and my opinion is slightly different" is not good enough.

Daeavorn ago

you didnt address what i said, i dont care about THOSE jews. Im a jew and I dont want that.

IfIDidIt ago

Ohhhh, right, so the rich and powerful jews that are actually capable of accomplishing society changes and are, unfortunately, actively wreaking havoc in your faith. But since you're an anonymous stranger on the internet who may or may not be jewish, I should relent. I see your point, and I'm addressing what you said. You do not represent jews to me, or to much of anyone else more so than (((these scumfucks))) who need to be burned at the stake. They, however, do represent jews to me. You are not presenting any evidence yet, nor presenting much of an argument here, kike.

Daeavorn ago

Youre just looking for an excuse to hate someone. you think you can scare me or something? Dude this is the internet. Keep raging if you want but i dont care what you think. You are wrong. Just because some jews want that doesnt mean all jews do. You could easily apply this to any racial demographic. Even white people. So cmon bro stop the bullshit please.

IfIDidIt ago

I hate the college professors who happen to be Jewish who look white and advocate white genocide. I hate the religious jews in foreign countries that demand their host countries accept more moslems. I hate the banking jews who flee their host country after they've pilfered their resources. I hate the rich jews like Soros that actively work to undermine other nations sovereignty. Sooner or later, there seems to be a pattern emerging among groups of people that I dislike. A commonality, if you will. You have done nothing to defend your reprehensible kind, because we both know your kind isn't worth defending. Go to Israel. I don't care if it's back or not, just go the fuck there and leave everyone else in peace.

Daeavorn ago

I am not Israeli, I am an American. If you don't like it, tough. You are only looking at it as jews/nonjews and that is why you are wrong. All jews arent the same man. Im not gonna 'defend' anything because every person is individually responsible for their actions. you are just spewing hate to try and get me to react but its not going to work. Try actually being exposed to the real world.

jewsbadnews ago

These satanic, Talmud believing, jewish supremacist are causing all this mess. Why do you think Hitler was talking about them so much? And the rest of the jews are liberals cunts like this, https://sli.mg/QTfLNs and neo con assholes like Ben Shapiro who have no concern for whites.

Daeavorn ago

Yes lets just generalize and make no effort to learn anything about the people. Thats the shit BLM does you know? You like being associated with them?

jewsbadnews ago

I know plenty about you people, I just told you how almost all of them are. And your attempt to compare me to BLM is laughable. Ovadia Yosef had over 700,000 like minded kikes in Israel alone go to his funeral and he believed every word of the Talmud. Now refute what I said or go suck on some freshly circumcised baby dicks.

Daeavorn ago

You are just like BLM, you hate without reason or logic. All you do is report this half baked statistics like their irrefutable proof or something when in reality you are in hiding here on voat from literally everyone else on the internet. Go outside and say that shit, i dare you. Theres a reason you cant. Not because the jews control everything, but just because people aren't going to tolerate shitheads who say nothing but hateful words. You don't have any solutions to any problems. Thats why your group and your ideology is small.

jewsbadnews ago

You are just like BLM, you hate without reason or logic.

The fuck you talking about? I hate you jews not because of what you are but what you do, and almost none of you are good people.

You don't have any solutions to any problems.

We do have a solution, a final solution. :P

And I openly tell family and friends about you jews, even the zionist sympathizers. Watch this guy and stop being a kike and start being a human being instead. He is jewish, one of the few good ones. https://www.youtube.com/user/zionget

DietCokehead1 ago


JanMichaelVincent ago

Beat me to it!

newoldwave ago

Not biased at all, just realist.

zoot3d ago

based, brother. based

newoldwave ago

based = have as the foundation for (something); use as a point from which (something) can develop.

biased = unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.

get it now?

General_Butt_Naked ago

OP isn't saying Geert is biased. He's saying he is based.

Based meme.

Get it now?

newoldwave ago

So that's it? Hell, it's a millennial thing, eh? Well, Rap, like other music genres come and go, but leave the language alone.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


DrBunsen ago

Cohen is just like all other PVDA representatives, batshit crazy.

TAThatBoomerang ago

That is actually based as fuck. Hero.