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21381671? ago

So what I really don't get it. If I were a billionaire, what's wrong partying on a remote island with hookers and cocaine? Everything under 18 I agree is wrong, but the girl in the picture is not a minor, is she?

21385776? ago

I actually think 18 is pretty arbitrary and in some places age of consent is 16 or lower. I actually don't care that much they had sex with women under 18. I think for me what matter more is they blatantly disregard this law and think they are above it, so what other laws do they think they are above?

It comes down to a cheater always cheats. If she cheated on you once, she will do it again. If a politician broke a law once, they will do it again. So what laws are they breaking? Money from Israel in campaigns? Selling of weapons secrets to Isreal? Selling of weapons to Israel ( a nuclear power)? Probably all those and many fucking more.

21384039? ago

it's a cover up, they sacrifice and torture babies to harvest their adrenochrome, that is the real story.

21383803? ago

You think its ok to treat <18s like pieces of meat? F off with that shit

21383979? ago

Fuck outta here nigger.

21381796? ago

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21381771? ago

She was a minor and he denies it happened.

21382236? ago

Now he says he doesn't remember. Because so many younger?

21382007? ago

She was 17, prime white baby making age, legal in most of the world. This is a distraction from the true identity if his adolescent victims.

21383016? ago

We really shouldn't have 18 be a hard cutoff. It should be something like 15-17 year olds are legal for those under 25, or at very least 16-17 and 21. Perhaps if they're within 5 years, and the younger is at least 15 years old.

Something, anything is better than charging an 18 year old with statutory rape for pegging his 17 year old girlfriend. The dating scene is almost nonexistent for 18 year old guys due to legalities and stigma. Some states have laws like these, but most don't.

While I believe premarital sex is a sin, there should be no reason a 20 year old man should be looked down upon society for dating someone who's 17 (read, looking for prospective spouse. Not looking to poke her on her 18th birthday.)

21383542? ago

Age faggotry is fail.

21383440? ago

Can we just agree that all jews need to be baked alive

21384412? ago

Yes, something we can all agree on

21383511? ago

Catholics ovened on maximum first.

21384196? ago

Let me guess, you're Digger.

21384214? ago

Sup bro.

21384258? ago



21384528? ago


21383174? ago

A lot of states have a 2 year gap so a 16 year old with a 18 year old is legal, and so is a 17 year old with a 19 year old. The people who complain about this shit don't know the laws, and bring up bullshit hypotheticals because they are upset they can't fuck the 16 year olds while fully grown adults.

21383488? ago

Some states have laws like these, but most don't.

Obviously you didn't read what I wrote because you didn't see this. You also skipped my entire last paragraph where I complained about premarital sex. My whole point is to help combat the rising age of marriage and age of first child. There was a time when it was common for a guy in his early 20s to marry a girl in her late teens. They would also have 2 or 3 kids (after marriage) before the average age of marriage today.

21383553? ago

Since I'm not severely mentally handicapped I do not enter into binding legal contracts which only favor women.

21382267? ago

16 is legal in Australia and as much as we all say we hate pedos if some hot as horny 16/17yo chick who you know isn't a virgin wants to have a go chances are you're gonna be thanking god and getting primal on her arse. You'll know if you don't someone else will, it's not like you're stealing her innocence or anything and it's legal. why wouldn't you? It's not like something magical happens between then and 18.

21382590? ago

16 in Canada too as long as you aren't in a position of authority over her (coach, family friend, doctor, nurse, teacher, etc.)

21384187? ago

So basically 18.

The girl can always pull "well he's a male, I am small and frail. He had a position of power over me because of the patriarcheeeeeeeeeee!" and before you know it you are locked away.

21390464? ago

it's possible, but i've never heard of it happening like that... I think you have to be in an official or recognized position of authority

21382483? ago

Yea, yea and while were at it, how old is 13 really? I mean if you don't fuck her someone else will, stupid.

Fucking pedophile apologists.

21384209? ago

13 year olds can have some great breasts.

21383198? ago

Pedophile means people who are attracted to prepubescent children. If you aren't attracted to a sexually mature 17-year old, you're either gay or lying. Fuck Epstein anyways, what he did was against the law and a pervy Jew defiling underage white girls, and probably Mossad, but let's keep it real.

21384570? ago

13 year old girls aren't prepubescent. If you aren't attracted to a sexually mature 13 year old your either gay or lying, let's keep it real.

21382451? ago

If a filthy cashed-up foreigner defiles a beautiful White girl, then yeah I'll be pissed off. She should be clumsily fooling around with a cute White boy from school with barely any hairs on his chest while secretly imagining their life together. Not having a disgusting kike ruin her life in depraved and humiliating ways.

What kind of honorable man is going to stick around after his girlfriend drops the bomb that she whored around with another tribe for cash in her teens? Is that a woman you'd want tucking your kids into bed at night?

21381786? ago

So it was a minor incident?

21382060? ago

I'd say it was handled with maturity.

21382259? ago
