Silverlining ago

Giddy Walk Egypt Air Scare and will the real Eric Braverman stand up

Henry Kissinger divorced wife of Henry Kravis [Aime] William Buckley [first CIA statesman] - chess match - Kent Connecticut - hand calligraphy invitations for these.

Corsi video

NGPVAN Nate Perlman made it a donor database - critical thinking process - cash course in intel - CNN PP dossier - Michael Cohen hires programers - Peter Smith actually hired them - Trump golden showers in Russia hotel in bed slept in by em - Blitzer could have got a call to spike the PP story and saved CNN.

SEIU Podesta writes email "it's Braverman" - B - FBI to EB - Amalgamated bank the link - treasurer of DNC - Andy Tobias - we want to look at your books.

Cindy McCauliff paid for access to NGPVAN data - field FBI knows about rubber band banking - money distributed to states and then boomerangs back to Amalgamated - largest conspiracy in the history of US - Keith Mestrich CEO Amalg Bk - NGPVAN making monthly data deliveries - Justin Cooper leant on to be FBI source of emails - chs source

Pirate Bay Boston - Visa office Miami - time to come clean.

Trying to prevent antifada - Soros demo - democracy alliance = SEIU - Terry Mcaulif wrote vote finder applicaton for Seth Rich - no spring chicken - Tyson chicken SEIU factory - TM to run for pres 2020? - TM writes 650k check to wife of McCabe - George only legal case this illegal mess - roller bomb - past [Dave] Cohens optical to 27th past amalgamated, chase, Jason's apartment - GID Egyptian pilots flown in to place bomb - one on 23rd one n 27th Street - pilots part of team on 8 - would have been in Pakistan - involved with MH370 - wanted poster

Silverlining ago


Pilots claimed they picked up a random bag and dragged it from 23rd to 27th - by 7th Av - School of the Blind "joke"

Tiger's face "Louis Vuitton" bag

Casket of body organs in N Philly Temple Uni - late night pathology clinic - G grew up with the Mafia in Cleveland - Corsi from E Cleveland - Unions mafia mob businesses - G's father shaken down by mob - kids [G] threatened -

[infant] organs in casket on street - for clean hands - Philly organ ring could be crushed if this was investigated - won't be.

McCabe crushed ongoing investigation with ..

Eric Garner death used as pressure on police

Bitcoin wallet -

SVR report Socha Faal distraction CEO Dow could have health problems - may want to ship DU, white phosphorous - G wants donors and the money -

Hey Scrunchie! Lewis Carroll Land of [Nod?].email from Margaret Williams to H Sun Dec 16 2012 "...and throwing back bottles of beer on every continent"

Got to have USAID jeeps going back and forth = ratline = heroin 14 month cycle = CIA training - Europe or Asia posts - Obama did his tour - CIA MO - accomplissing into poppy trade SA and cocaine play -

Grand Tour [CIA] Scrunchie email

Land of Counterpane

Silverlining ago


related poems

My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson The Duel by Eugene Field Antigonish [I met a man who wasn’t there] by Hughes Mearns The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll The Eagle by Lord Alfred Tennyson

About this poet

Born on November 13, 1850, in Edinburgh, Scotland, Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson came from a long line of prominent lighthouse engineers. During his boyhood, he spent holidays with his maternal grandfather, a minister and professor of moral philosophy who shared his love of sermons and storytelling with him. Prone to illness, Stevenson spent many of his early winters in bed, entertained only by his imagination and a great love of reading, especially William Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, John Bunyan and The Arabian Nights.

Encouraged to follow the family tradition of lighthouse engineering, he began studies at the University of Edinburgh in 1867, but quickly discovered he preferred a career in literature. To satisfy his father, he acquired a law degree and was admitted to the bar by the time he was twenty-five.

Stevenson spent the next four years traveling through Europe, mostly around Paris, publishing essays and articles about his travels. In 1876, he met Fanny Vandegrift Osbourne, a married woman ten years his elder. When she decided to return to San Francisco soon after they met, Stevenson followed, taking the long voyage across the Atlantic and across the United States against the advice of his friends and physician. To add to his adventure and inform his writing, he chose to travel in steerage and was near death when he arrived in Monterey, California, in 1879. After being nursed back to health, he continued to San Francisco that winter, though it cost him his health. Osbourne, who had since been divorced, helped him recover. They married the following May.

After several months in the U.S. with his wife and her young son, Stevenson brought his family back to Britain. Frequently sick, he continued to write seriously, producing the bulk of his best-loved work. His first successful novel, Treasure Island was published in 1884, followed by A Child’s Garden of Verses in 1885, and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in 1886.

A representative of Neo-romanticism during the Modernist period of English literature, Stevenson was an incredibly popular and successful writer. Though many leading critics dismissed his work entirely, he was admired by many authors, including Jorge Luis Borges, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Vladimir Nabokov, and J. M. Barrie. He was also friends with Henry James, who was a vocal supportor his work.

Following the death of his father in 1887, Stevenson left again for the U.S. with his family, planning a move to Colorado. Upon landing in New York, however, they decided to spend the winter at Saranac Lake, in the Adirondacks. That summer he chartered a yacht and sailed through eastern and central Pacific, stopping for extended stays among the Hawaiian Islands. In 1890, Stevenson purchased a four hundred-acre estate in Upolu, one of the Samoan islands. He adopted the native name Tusitala (Samoan for “Story Writer”) and soon became immersed in local politics.

By 1894, Stevenson had become increasingly depressed, convinced the best of his work was behind him. He wrote that he wished his illnesses would kill him. On the evening of December 3, 1894, he collapsed, possibly due to a cerebral hemorrhage, and died. He is entombed at Mt. Vaea, at a spot overlooking the sea, with a tablet on which his poem "Requiem" is inscribed.

Due in part to the rise of the modernist aesthetic, Stevenson’s work fell out of favor. Criticized by figures such as Virginia Woolf, he was soon remembered only as a contributor to children’s literature. For most of the 20th century he was excluded from the Oxford and Norton anthologies of literature entirely, though he is now included. According to an index of translated authors kept by UNESCO, Stevenson is ranked the 25th most translated author in the world, ahead of fellow Victorians Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, and Edgar Allan Poe.

Selected Bibliography


A Child’s Garden of Verses (1885) Underwoods (1887) Ballads (1890) Songs of Travel and other Verses

The Land of Counterpane

Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850 - 1894

When I was sick and lay a-bed,
I had two pillows at my head,
And all my toys beside me lay
To keep me happy all the day.

And sometimes for an hour or so
I watched my leaden soldiers go,
With different uniforms and drills,
Among the bed-clothes, through the hills;

And sometimes sent my ships in fleets
All up and down among the sheets;
Or brought my trees and houses out,
And planted cities all about.

I was the giant great and still
That sits upon the pillow-hill,
And sees before him, dale and plain, The pleasant land of counterpane.

Silverlining ago KEK

G Temple is the place

Petreus is in charge of donations as far as organs go and Braverman is in charge of recipients Path Foundation across the street MWW 304 Park MWW 301 Park and 23rd

NYPD intel giving G leads - Cohen - Guatamalan embassy there too - EB seminars old lung old kidneys - EB litany of lawsuits against him.- Client list stolen at cothird eyeurt - they would pay any amount to get it back clients went to Little St James with Duchess of York -

Trump's doctor fake? HRC voters in Trumpland

Boma virus - infected ganglion - pineal gland third eye - color receptors defeated by Boma?

Livestreams keep to one hour

Cookstove program USAID cover for ratlines - Boma Nazi marking for their kids - Sara cabinet Cumberland - G just wants Andrew McCabe to stay away and leave him alone - anti fluoride - this is not a conspiracy theory this is a camera -

Follow the money SEIU - Amalgamated bank - constant flow of information to the Hillary camp - Russia hack cover for leak -

Bag hunt - child trafficking - don't want to shoot congress on way to witness stand - tiger bag -

Bernie didn't sell up his children were threatened place on Lake Champagne or the kids/grand kids get it.

youtube comments

Dou Gen Very interesting. Thank you! I may well have missed something, but are we supposed to infer that you showed the Egyptian agents because the chaos caused by their bombs may have been a giant distraction designed to allow other agents to carry off Eric Braverman? I didn't quite get your interpretation of the main role of the two giddy walkers.

drdebo Cherry Donna Maertz - obama in indonesia with Seth.

Lynette Brinkman The more I watch Jason, the more I fall in love! He always makes me laugh which we all need with this heavy material. He is smart, does a great Job multitasking, his morals are even and consistent and his comittment and the responsibility he shows to this cause is evident. I loved how George pointed out Jasons' knowledge of women's handbags!! Lol. I can see Jason learning and adjusting as time progresses.

drdebo Cherry Lynette Brinkman - he is very Type A but very patient and loving.

[Jason Redemption Committee Clownstrike! sl]

Robin Savage As someone who struggles with ADD I can see it in others and am pretty sure Jason struggles as well. Interrupting others when they are talking is a constant struggle. It's exacerbated by Skype due to the delay in transmission. Also in some cases hyper-focus is a benefit, and being able to multitask.

Louise Potter Robin Savage he's def one of us 😊 so many strengths to add that are overlooked so lovely to see neurotypicals recognising strengths in Jason that are there because of his add

Love GOOD13 hours ago

Lots of great info but I just cannot let this one fly by:

George: "These are all of the guys I should have been....If they would have just let me into Israel, but they didn't. I was too old! We would have all been friends."
Jason: "Why would you want to be friends with these losers?"
George: "Well, anyway....."

I have to wonder -- as does Jason -- what is this all about?

Annie Klas Marsden Tiger bag:

Dou Gen I'm not sure. I myself am confused. But I thought George has briefly mentioned earlier that the younger Eric Braverman might have either escaped or been kidnapped or spirited away by the DNC because they knew he was a leaker. And I think George may also have hinted that the Egyptian bombing might have been a school play to confuse people in the area and distract them from noticing that Braverman either escaped or was carried off. Do you recall anything like that? If my memory is faulty, as it may well be, then I'd like to know how George thinks Braverman got from NYC to a kibbutz in Israel.

K.E. Saxon I think that was what George was trying to remember when he used his pillow and talked about the email referencing a children's story (but really speaking of the good old days as CIA operatives)

Dan Halen Thanks to whomever mentioned Bryan Callen - he obviously was trying to add credibility to their cover story.

+Jason Goodman it is worth watching the Rogan/Callen podcast just for some background there. Callen may or may not be useful otherwise; he definitely has an inside line on intel. Rogan has mentioned he has a friend whose family is in intel agencies; Callen's dad being in CIA would make nothing but sense considering he was in international banking as an overseas exec for Citibank in the 80s. Rogan has been a disinfo shill for several years now, many posit he was forced to do his TV show "Joe Rogan explains everything" after he made his deal. If you have a few minutes to burn, this is interesting: - around a minute in Joe makes his plea to the agencies. Just a joke, or a big wink?

Themobsterful13 hours ago

40:00 George starts off a great CIA tour riff. Obama, Clinton, Clinton. All CIA employees. The worldwide drug trade finances the off balance sheet budget of the USA. The country is run by mafiosi

Silverlining ago

The Crowd is Pressure Cooking

the tiger bag may have been SEIU clubhouse [being demolished] Berkley's Plaza right across from Hillary

Bruce Ratner owns Berkley's centre - his business partner - Russian Prokhorov owns New Jersey Nets - wrote $500k chek for Bill Clinton big Uranium 1 speech in Russia. On board of Russ Nano

Prokhorov was with 75,000 Joule Podesta shares -

Soros connection for Amalgated Bank - John Soros [son] left partial membership of Democracy Alliance list left in a hotel. Mary K Henry Mestrich - pres amalgamated bank

Mestrich amalgamated bank Asst DA worked out of NY Manhattan office where Loretta Lynch started out - office in Bruce Ratner's centre over to

Nicole Maria Argentieri 39 US attorney eastern district 271 Cadman Place same street as Hillary for America - Weiner's laptop "lost" in mail. Doc from brainy blonde

Silverlining ago

Kempner live chat silver selection

Dan Halen​"THEY BEEN GROWING BABIES IN COWS FOR TWENTY YEARS!!!" ... Alex Jones best quote

ILLUSIVE ALBATROSS​Dnc group greenberg quinlan and rosner

Your Brother​Mikail Prokhorov own's Uranium One and the Brooklyn Nets

ILLUSIVE ALBATROSS​Kelsey Mulka - Mulka previously worked at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, Michigan House of Representatives, the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research and the Refugee Development Cent

Rich Lester​Sandyhook Greenbergs

Richard Wilson​Penetrating AJ's hyperbole is harder than penetrating the atmosphere of Jupiter. But he is a genius deep down

Traci Adiska​He was having coffee wit Tameen guy at help desk

riseabuv​You guys are so funny together. Like a Seinfeld episode! Love the camaraderie

Not Sure​do a little search about the "arena" if you think alex talks about out there stuff that happens to b true

Alfred Villarreal​I think Jason was probably Hungry! how does he stay so slim when all he thinks about is food! LOL Princess Bride inconceivable clips

I know Dimitri - Dr Strangelove -

Silverlining ago

youtube comments Kempner

Or Urphy1 minute ago

I dont agree with Corsi completely re Seth Rich. Rich wasnt far along enough in his career or his life have been exposed to the cutthroat ruthlessness of some politicians and capitalists. Subtlety and deception keep the uninitiated from breaking through the veneer of respectability cultivated by those in power. Remember, skull and bones...Rich was probably never initiated and discovered the truth by accident.

paulczar15 minutes ago

The point about the Martian sex colony was a bit tongue in cheek. RDS was basically talking about the elite and their knack for pedophilia, and was basically saying they are already planning ahead, hell, they've got kids on mars. Still a dumb and irresponsible thing to say, but the point was about elite/rich/powerful pedophilia rings. Alex Jones even pushed back to RDS a few times talking about having to be careful making claims without evidence and noticeably distanced himself from some of his statements. RDS is a bit speculative and sarcastic. I like listening to everyone. I think RDS and George are both mostly right on most things in a broader sense.

TheStarseer19 minutes ago

"a few wizard of oz guys" - the core are all sabbateans...

Lev Polkovich23 minutes ago

MICHAEL KEMPNER - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin dot com/in/michaelkempner/

Charlotte Grove27 minutes ago (edited)

Long day, great work ! Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸

equineluvr ago

GTFO with this George "Dirty Bomb Hoax" Webb BS, you fucking SHILL!!

Silverlining ago

4th of July live chat silver selection

Stephen Taylor​Robert Disbrow, a Haywood Securities broker, is one of the deal makers with Uranium One


Stephen Taylor​He gave the Clinton’s family foundation between $1 and $5 million, according to Clinton Cash.


Stephen Taylor​Robert Disbrow, a Haywood Securities broker, the firm that provided “$58 million in capital to float shares of UrAsia’s private placement,”


TrueBeliever79​All that smack coming in from Pakistan in big diplomatic pouches.


Docs shredded at Rose law firm Little Rock

Stephen Taylor​Only 100 of the 25,000 people who have worked in the House since 2010 have made more than the Awan bros.

Elizabeth Burke​What about PREET BHAHARA joining Mueller team?

Dennis Doore​Preet gonna go hard like Chaffetz Gowdey and Clowney

Cherilyn Monroe​How do D.U.M.B bases figure into this scenario?

SurfinServer​Cuomo knows how to control investigation to stay clean. he is very corrupt.

SnowBlind​Traitors McCain and Graham calling for more troops for Afghanistan Gotta protect those ratlines

Cherilyn Monroe​symbology is involved, has to be

Silverlining ago


SEIU Cadman Sq and Hillary for America link -

Franz Glaus​Old York Times, the toilet paper of record? What's to be disappointed about?

Brand Gardner​WHO'S KAHLSTROM?

SEIU took over the bank - which - Union Bank? - We Unite - SEIU had it - gang counter gang strategy - Mastrich? - create controversy - Mars Camp - RDS

Wisdom Rules​Parker - PREET IS CORRUPT

VA - nursing homes - private hospitals -

BAT GIRL​Preet sat directly behind Comey when Comey was testifying

Energy Pioneer Solns Andrew Tobias Larry Summers Mark Rich

NYPD moved them on

Jason needs another rap - land of the free - NYPD

George get off - this aint Plymouth Rock

basicdata​Defango calling the COPS LOL that's funny too

DAY TIME​deep state brings over refugees to gangstalk u.s patriots

victrola13​The tiny cell on the LL of the Capitol Bldg the Fed Marshals use, isn't big enough to hold them all!

Russian Agent#420​Jason Goodman George Webb get kicked out when giving fake expired press credentials

cherylpass​SEIU cop...betcha. Unbelievable. Just watching the end. What nationality was that cop?

Donna Summers​funny how justice works, isn't it? filming in NYC gets more attention than cutting out organs and trafficking kids.

basicdata​Let Me See Your PAPERS!!

just surfin​Wonder why first cops said they could be there and the other one said NO.  because George was putting the finger on Amalgamated bank. The cops aren't SEIU are they?

justthinkin1000​Jason, renew your press pass

paradise pete73​welcome to that new world order//rinse and repeat

Melissa H​FF to the end to see NYPD shut them down

DAY TIME​expose the government funded organised gangstalking program in every city

Dr Cat​George's brain tho. Have you ever seen anything like it? [Sherlock? sl]

Silverlining ago

Sidney Blumenthal gave Hillary the Obama wasn't born in the

[email protected] - Goosifer hacks into her emails - Mar 2013 - world knows she has a private server -

Paul Combetta - NGP donor database - VAN voter database - Bernie gets data only if he links to NGPVAN

Seth Rich mentioned SR 2012 from Omaha and worked for Greenberg Quinlan Rosner - sophisticated political operative firm - created by Democrats - worked for BP - $200m ad campaign - James Carver Bob Schrom - Rola Odinga Obama's buddy - re-engineered to be Prime Minister SR no innocent baby here - he's a political science major graduating from Creighton University Omaha 2011 - he's not IT trained - so SR a political operative - compare Pagliano and Rich - McCaulif likely to be DNC Pres candidate 2020 - KEK - chair throwing Nevada primary turning point for SR - in May critical month for realising Sanders done in - June 1 NY primary - Nevada 25-26 May 2016 - by end May SR giving leads to Assange - Rosenthal Dutch tv - JA wikiL doesn't sit on material - points to SR as leaker -

Obama calls it a leak [not a hack] - SR coverup underway - huge political lie at the heart of Hillary's campaign - G intel Robert Meuler will invoke state secrets privilege re SR case

Acre 21 mysteriously closed - Kim Dot Com has doc of seizure of laptop and phone - went to SR apartment - phone and laptop confiscated by FBI/ dcmetro police - FBI think there are state secrets on phone - FBI said SR had direct communication with Gavin McFadden

7 July massive data move - 2 Russian diplomats sent to State Dept revealing Seth's data breach.

Mar 12 2017 Tony Shaefer former NSA - William Binney told Hannity - Dem security so lax multiple hacks - HRC used very secure blackberries for her own people - Sept 16 2015 breach NGPVAN software patch allowed 40min window - open to all - Josh Utretsky fired - flaw identified 2008 - Hillary's lot knew - Bernie's didn't - Amy Dacey ran SEIU and was Seth's boss -