sknabcv2 ago

This honest to god hurts me. The thought of someone doing this to my daughter makes me unbelievably pissed off.

When will this shit end? We need a fucking crusade. Unironically, we need a crusade.

Celtic_Cross ago

Nope. Uh uh. As a dad, I can't read this kind of shit anymore. I'll go find the prison they a are in and go full Law Abiding Citizen.

I've watched some shit on the internet I regret but my spirit will not abide this kind of thing at all. I have wrestled with the depths of my own sinfulness, but this.....I don't understand what dimension this even comes from. I must not be a child of Satan. My Father is in Heaven.

Secret555 ago

Vile, repulsive waste of flesh. Demons and monsters truly walk amongst us.

SirNiggsalot ago


BadBoyBubby ago

So vile, I had to read the title twice to wrap my head around it.

Antiracist10 ago

Kinda makes the guy with the pozzed bull appear saintly.

jewsbadnews ago

Fucking nig-

seattlethrowaway ago

they should all ride the lightning

ex-redd ago

killed by Fabian Gonzalez....


I used to work with a retired narco. He said that 100% of every meth house he busted had wired sex shit going on.

gazillions ago


"Michelle Martens, did not have a criminal record in New Mexico, but later told investigators she would seek men online to engage in sexual acts with her two children, including Victoria, while she allegedly watched for pleasure.[12][13][14][15] The New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD), located in the state capital, Santa Fe, had previously received five phone calls regarding the Martens' household, mostly from Michelle Martens herself, beginning in 2015.[16][17] Michelle Martens allegedly met Fabian Gonzales on an internet dating service, PlentyOfFish, about a month prior to the killing.[13] Jessica Kelley had been released from prison only four days before the murder.....

35-year-old Michelle Martens; her boyfriend, 31-year-old Fabian Gonzales; and Gonzales' cousin, 31-year-old Jessica Kelley, were arrested at the scene"

Because women can't be pedophiles and rapists. Anyone that says that should be punted into the ocean and fed to the sharks.

There's some strange shit going on with the district attorney Raul Torrez who said it isn't true.

ForTheUltimate ago

atleast killing your own children is a self-correcting problem.

Samsquamch ago

Man that's dark, too dark for a friday. Fuck.

goatboy ago

Their left eyes...

drakesdoom2 ago

I think it's time to bring back execution by boats.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Was that an auto-correct, or was there some kind of execution by boat I haven't heard about?

Do they have them tread water and then run them over with a speed boat?

drakesdoom2 ago

No you to them up, then cover them in small cuts, then cover them in honey, then place them in a row boat, then place another row boat on top of them. They get slowly eaten alive by bugs or the next few days, you can stretch it out to a week or two by force feeding them water.

tastelessinvective ago

was there some kind of execution by boat I haven't heard about?

Keel hauling is where you throw a guy overboard and drag him across the underside of the ship with ropes:

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Kill the degenerates first.

M346 ago

That wasn't very nice of them. Weird that the cousin was a female.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

As always the jedia tries it's hardest to make the spics seem white

tokui ago

Any video?

Alzapua ago

I don't even want to see this shit it's so sad.

insanitea ago

I accidentally clicked thinking it wouldn't be this much.

Fucking clown world. =(

Asashio ago

This is why they invented shit like the iron maiden.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Electric chairs for the whole lot of them

Pedro_J_Pattywagon ago

Old Medieval Rat Torture, or that barrel fly torture thing.

Crensch ago

Livestreamed torture. Fuck the easy way out. Starve them, too. Cage them with sewage and food waste so they have to eat roaches and rats to live.

AR47 ago

Are you morbid?

You purpose we sensationalize this and allow our children to see it as normal? The fuck is wrong with you? I see all these purposed acts of such violence and yet it always boils down to impotent rage.

Always that way here, and you seem to think someone will do it for you, but even the one voat user that had the chance took her own life, but managed to scare people in her last moments.

Sad thing is that you don’t even know who she is.

Rather than trying to incite someone else to do your vision perhaps you should act? I mean you seem to have all the best ideas.....right?

Crensch ago

Are you morbid?

I'm a realist. Nothing unhealthy about watching scum suffer for misdeeds this egregious.

You purpose we sensationalize this and allow our children to see it as normal?

What? Punishments being worse than the crime, so it's actually a deterrent for doing the crime? Sure.

The fuck is wrong with you?

Look around you. What REAL crime has a punishment that makes it not worth committing? Not many, and less if you have money.

I see all these purposed acts of such violence and yet it always boils down to impotent rage.

Nobody really cares what you see, or what emotion you want to put on what you see.

Always that way here, and you seem to think someone will do it for you, but even the one voat user that had the chance took her own life, but managed to scare people in her last moments.

More of your cryptic retard-speak. Context is entirely missing, indicating that your mind is so fucked that you can't communicate this thought from beginning to end. So many questions I'd have to ask just to begin to understand what the fuck you're trying to convey; but I'm honestly just not that interested in what a retard wants to say to me.

Sad thing is that you don’t even know who she is.

No shit; nor do I care.

Rather than trying to incite someone else to do your vision perhaps you should act?

Thanks, FBI. I'll get right on that.

I mean you seem to have all the best ideas.....right?

I do. I also know how to use ellipsis.

Don't you worry, buttercup, the moment SHTF I'll be sure to do things that'll make Vlad seem like a bedtime story to limp-dick faggots like you. You'll watch the videos of what happens and know it's me.

Soyboy69 ago

Look around you. What REAL crime has a punishment that makes it not worth committing? Not many, and less if you have money.

Nonsense, plenty of mild "crimes" have a punishment that make them not worth committing like having with a girl a couple years below the age of consent, or disciplining your wife and kids.

AR47 ago

Go ahead and cherry pick all the tidbits you can as it is what you are best at.

Putt already said law enforcement was watching and you don’t care to even know why do you? Na you want to be seen as that fearless badass with the big words and tough talk.

You won’t do a fucking thing when the shit hits the fan. You can’t as you only talk. You talk all the time on here. It is your stage of performance and adoration.

You are here every fucking day now. Seriously you are. Your addicted to this place and it’s seething hate because you know you can possibly control something.

So dismiss what I said as rambling because it suits your narrative, and after that go ahead and accuse me or anyone else that calls your bluff when you normalize morbid behavior.

Seriously you used to be better than this.

Crensch ago

Go ahead and cherry pick all the tidbits you can as it is what you are best at.

You mean addressing every thought, one by one, instead of how faggots like you do it, where you address a few, ignore the rest, and pretend you've really done your part in responding?

Putt already said law enforcement was watching and you don’t care to even know why do you?

Smarter people than you already know why.

Na you want to be seen as that fearless badass with the big words and tough talk.

Kek. You want to be seen as someone with a 3-digit IQ.

You won’t do a fucking thing when the shit hits the fan. You can’t as you only talk. You talk all the time on here. It is your stage of performance and adoration.

This is my entertainment. Low-IQ faggots like you are fun to pick on. Thanks for telling me what I both won't, and cannot, do; I'm sure it makes you feel like a man telling a stranger on the net what he's capable of, or willing to do.

I suppose you have to try and feel better about yourself somehow, since your intellect will never get you the satisfaction you crave.

You are here every fucking day now. Seriously you are. Your addicted to this place and it’s seething hate because you know you can possibly control something.

I control all kinds of things - with words. Something you could never do. Not because you don't want to, but because you simply do not have the requisite equipment upstairs to even begin to hold a candle to someone else in a battle of wits.

Your wits are like your legos - either planned out for you in advance, a trash heap of crap, or a complete abortion of your own creation.

So dismiss what I said as rambling because it suits your narrative

"I'll speak cryptically of things you don't know or care about and pretend I've won because you don't know or care about what I've said."

You're a clown.

and after that go ahead and accuse me or anyone else that calls your bluff when you normalize morbid behavior.

Accuse you of what? Is English not your first language or something? This is how you write. This is your level. Incomplete thoughts, incoherent arguments, absolute horseshit to parse through and try to make sense of.

Seriously you used to be better than this.

I've always been better than you, but it was easier letting you believe I gave a fuck about you than having you retard-babble at me like the freshmeat crew. You were annoying at best, but for a while there I didn't mind you so much. I could have even wound up giving a fuck at some small point, but goddamn you make it difficult for anyone that values clear communication to like you.

I realize you're autistic, or retarded, or whatever it is you are, but I don't pull punches just because you're not equipped to step into the ring.

You're out of your league. I've left you alone for the most part since you've been back, but whatever small amount of fondness I had for you, or desire to not start shit, is waning. Keep at it; I'm sure you can convince yourself that your luck will change one day.

Just know that I make my own luck, and you could make a pact with the Jew god and still not manage to hold any ground on this forum of text.

AR47 ago

All you do is talk. Just talk talk talk.

You will always be here ......talking.

Crensch ago

All you do is talk. Just talk talk talk.

You will always be here ......talking.

Is that what you're telling yourself today to feel better about your inadequacies?

"I could win against you in real life!"

So beta.

AR47 ago

No you would never win.

Here is why. You are consumed with this place and your need for the adoration of others. It’s why you would sit there and think this matters.

You actually found so many ways to say I am stupid that in all likelihood you used a thesaurus.

Yet instead of being negative as you were and always are I was actually socializing with actual people last night when you were typing that out.

We were laughing at all that shit you typed out because you actually believe that what you would say to anyone here matters. You know who would do that?

A woman would actually get so emotional they would sit there and let that anger fester. Now sure you can go ahead and dissect this reply by each word and type out your reply and within a couple hours I will come back here and so will the same people that laughed at you last night.

We will no doubt laugh again because it is what you are best at.....talking.

You are not a person of action. You are one of instigation. Well failed instigation really because ain’t one mother fucker here going to do anything you purpose.

They will do their part and upvoat you because this place and you are creatures of minimalist effort.

So go ahead and vomit our that word salad. Show us all that impotent rage.

Crensch ago

You actually found so many ways to say I am stupid that in all likelihood you used a thesaurus.

Imagine being so stupid that despite what you've seen of my writing, you think I need a thesaurus to destroy you.

Keep projecting your own limitations onto me. Whatever helps you feel better about your inadequacies.

HonkyVitamin ago

man and his cousin rapes and dismembers his girlfriend's daughter while girlfriend watches? meh.

hyperbolic suggestion for severe punitive justice against said scumbags? better write several paragraphs on why that's unacceptable!

Crensch ago

Well said. You can stay.

Tzitzimitl ago

minion shit

this was acceptable


"gonzales" fucking spic

badpunsinagoofyfont ago

Yep. And remember that spics are white as far as crime statistics are concerned.

Nickblueberg ago

he looks pretty white to me. Gonzales is a Portuguese surname (unlike the hispanic/Spanish Gonzalez) so he has no heritage from Mexico or Central America. He's probably a "Portuguese-American" or "Brazilian-American"

SheogorathsPride ago

He's going into the system as Caucasian for sure

ModernChonger ago

Spics rape and murder at levels that make even some nigs jealous. I wish we could permanently close the southern border and get the invaders here the fuck out.

zxcvzxcv ago

Final Solution: invade mexico

Drkadrka ago

I don't want to occupy Mexico to rebuild it for shitskins like we tried in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we invade Mexico, I insist upon purging anything darker than a paper bag from the 45th parallel to the Panama Canal. Then we will have a new homestead act. It'll be huge.

zxcvzxcv ago

^^this is what I meant. Invade. Take the land. Send the mexicans to Venezuela. Continue doing this southward until we take control of panama. build a wall at panama. rename the panama canal as the 'panama moat' and build a drawbridge over it. Then stand at the top of the tower and yell this at anyone who approaches: "And now remain gone illegitimate faced buggerfolk! And, if you think you got nasty taunting this time, you ain't heard nothing yet! Daffy English kniggets! Thpppt!"

Flywolfpack ago

Fuck it, get all of America. Save the rainforest from niggers.

Diggernicks ago

Beyond final solution: gas all Catholics

(Mexico is 80% + catholic)

MisterGrieves ago

I guess this will be another case where the prison system will step up to provide the appropriate punishments when the court fails to?

Celtic_Cross ago

I'd scheme how to go to to the same jail and cellblock they were in so I could corner them out of view and cut their abdomens open with a dull shank and then start pulling organs out.

MouseExperimenter ago

The mothers in the generation before the very last in Mouse Utopia attacked & jettisoned their young and sometimes retracted them back into the womb as an abortion.

0fsgivin ago

This is why birth control and strong borders are vital for the continuity of the white race. Hell, of the HUMAN race.

Conway ago

My first assumption was the kid was getting in the way of drug use but, I have to wonder if you are onto something.

robotpenisinsertor ago

Anyone else think murdering your child in front of you is a turn off? I kinda do, but hey, im not a liberal

badpunsinagoofyfont ago

Yeah, to be honest, watching the apple of my eye be brutally and painfully murdered would be kind of a boner kill, but I won't judge because kink shaming is a form of bigotry.

Moln0014 ago

If I saw someone attempting to do this to my daughter, the person, or persons end up in the nearest trash dump as compost

Charliethebum ago

If that skeevy tweeker even said hi to my daughter I'd break his fucking jaw

robotpenisinsertor ago