Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

This Texan knows you arent a real russian. Just some pussy boy jew who wants to create narratives on Voat about Russia

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

fuck off vodka nigger. You and Beatle are pedos and ill report you to the shill sub

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Back before everybody graduated high school and women started being interested in how much money you make?

Yeah back when all i had to do was send a text to get some fucc with no strings attached.

Is that what you have to fuck now?

No I'm fuckin a 19 year old right now. But that's pretty much the standard at 27, expect them to have kids. And if they dont by then, well they are a fuckin abortion having degenerate slut and that's not good wifey material.

Actually business. Minored in Psych.

So you are a kike. Noted.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Yeah you got a degree in Gender Studies and helped get a tranny on the dev team. Good job faggot.

Pussy was good back then, taking virginity is a lot better than fuckin chicks with 2 keeds n sheeit. C-sections aren't as common as you would think. What am I talking about, the only pussy you have ever seen has been on a screen

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Of course you would know the difference Kevdude the Pedophile. I wouldn't fuck a 13 year old unless I woke up one day and I was 13 again. The pussy was great back then. Otherwise your accusation is nothing more than projection at it's finest.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

He already confirmed himself to be a stupid SJW dumbass faggot LARPer. He is a Bolshevik

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

a new @nogarbagetrashonly account?

All you pedos will hang soon

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Rest of the conversation. I like how the actual pedos like you and Kevdude and FuzzyWords are trying to get voat to think im a pedo literally out of the blue. Only new redditors are going to fall for your shit, and they leave because it is uninteresting. Which is why voats traffic and users has been in a steady decline for a year.