25094023? ago

24932231? ago

Great job saving her.

24927393? ago

As a dive master, it is not uncommon to see this level of freak out. 99.9% 0f the time it's a woman. I've been diving since age of 9 without spazzing out.

24928739? ago

Great lesson for life in general. When shit gets weird slow down and think.

24927245? ago

How is that even possible? If I were at any depth and panicked Id think the ONE thing I'd know and think about was that tank and regulator. Every other damn thing in the world can wait. That 20' great white? yeah fuck him until I get my air and I know where that shit is. Its attached to you for god sake.

24927459? ago

maybe she got a bad mix in the tank. nitrogen narcosis makes you dumb.

25415800? ago

I'm a qualified diver and at the relatively low depths that newb divers go to they just use basic compressed air.

24928860? ago

bad mix

Tanks are mandated to be regularly inspected along with equipment used to fill tank with air. There is not a bad mix of air that would fill a tank.

nitrogen narcosis/the bends

Absolute shit assessment taken from context of video.

The probability of either of those 2 circumstances happening are zero.

24928911? ago

We don’t know how long they were down there for lol

Stopped making sense at “mandated”.

You are a dick.

24929331? ago

we don't know

Any body with dive experience knows its a beginner class or dive from context of video. Instructor would not place lives in danger and they are clearly no deeper than 35 ft judging on rate of ascent.

You are a faggot with no dive experience.

24929391? ago

You just said nitrogen narcosis is the bends...

You can fuck off now please.

24929710? ago

2 circumstances

Your comprehension of English isn't up to par, nigger faggot

24929724? ago

Ok sugartits

24928575? ago

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. She was lower down than the rest of the group and you can clearly see her flipping her shit before the regulator leaves her mouth. The fact that she freaked out the way she did is actually good, because most people trip so hard they forget they're under water.

24927057? ago

Fuck that's terrifying. The near silence almost makes it worse.