22126886? ago

Aww, someone got triggered

22098747? ago


22348805? ago

Remember when Sean Connery said it was ok to pimp smack a woman who was acting totally crazy irrational? https://voat.co/v/mgtow/3637795/22348617

22097718? ago

I got a nut just like that that lives by me somewhere. She walks though, walks up and down the street screaming at apparently nobody. No phone or hands free devices as far I can tell and there is nobody with her even on the other side of the road. Got me. I cussed her out once and that was prolly the wrong idea cuz she just screamed more and now at me. Total whack job, found her eating lunch being the dollar store on top of the dumpster. I could never imagine being that whacked out. Makes me feel totally normal and I'm not sure I that's a good thing, totally. I pride myself on being different, not following the herd.

22097427? ago

"Crazy" is a bit redundant isnt it?