TH3_1D10T ago


Out of all the "no, that didn't happen dipshit" moments of the day, this is what the major news outlets run? What?

JoeKerr ago

Didn't CNN do a story a while back about how people couldn't spot a fake story...They need to read it.

OhBlindOne ago

Thanks for subscribing! :)

conspExec ago

And they say we have "fake" news LOL. #PizzaGate

piratse ago

Well, Esquire said in the title and article "ALLEGEDLY". Daily mail said "DID....?" and in the article they say someone on twitter CLAIMS, and that the RCN denied it's feed was compromised. Mashable has almost the same article and title as the daily mail. So I wouldn't call that FAKE news I would call it reporting on a claim. The rest, according to the titles(I didnt read beyond titles if it made a claim of fact), did post it/make it look like it actually happened.

piratse ago

Were the other two twitter and cnn?

piratse ago

If the tweet started all this. And we have had this problem in the past, does that mean twitter can be added to the "fake news" list? I would like my news as filtered as possible before it gets to me. I don't want to put in any effort.

SocratesOP ago

All you had to do was look at the credibility of the news networks that took on the reporting. I approve of the work you do, someone's got to do the dirty work for the dolts. Keep it up man

ovix ago

Taking a minute to read an article clears up sensationalist title? You don't say. Geez people, smarten up..

SpottyMatt ago

The conspiracy is that this was orchestrated by CNN to train normal viewers that "fake news" is indeed a real thing, so they'll be prepped to disregard pizzagate and/or other corruption that comes to light in the wake of the swamp draining, when it breaks, right?

bikergang_accountant ago

So the news is basically a relay for social media, without checking anything. And they complain about social media preferring outlets that they call fake news.

We just have a better bullshit filter because we are around it. We also know they are bullshit.

piratse ago

content aggregator

something_went_wrong ago

content aggregator

In essence, that's what they've all become (nyt, wapo, cnn, et al). Essentially aggregating content from either their own op ed sections or pulling conversations from reddit, twitter, and facebook, and repackaging that as "news". Except that they continue to falsely bill themselves as "news sources".

Content aggregator Reddit is linking to content aggregator CNN, which itself is pulling from content aggregator Facebook which itself is pulling from content aggregator Buzzfeed. And nowhere in between this news supply chain is anyone actually doing any reporting legwork. Talk about a negative feedback loop.

Reminds me of what led up to the housing crisis in the US. Except the fake commodity being thrown around like a hot potato this time is "news". And of course, the major news organizations will only blame each other or smaller fishes.

iownyou ago

At this point i dont really care as long is it makes CNN look bad

Sire ago

As far as I can tell, they can be actively discrediting themselves, in order to strengthen the "fake news" agenda.

Taking a hit to cover up the Clintons' horror show.

ToastyMcFly ago

They're doing that on their own.

Foralltoosee ago

While this likely shows how easily media outlets jump on things they want to print rather than legitimate news stories (not particularly shocking), I'll take the devil's advocate approach.

If accurate, the show is on late. So with 300,000 subscribers, the majority of those subscribers were likely asleep, or getting ready to be. Also factor in that just because they were subscribed, they might not be watching. Reduce 300,000 down to a couple of thousand at most. Now consider that among those, the overlap of tech savvy users and viewers of Anthony Bourdain shows isn't that intense, so just because they saw it doesn't mean they bothered putting it on social media.

No, I don't think that only one person would actually make mention of it, but I certainly believe it's possible. Shootings in college campuses and in clubs with hundreds of witnesses have occurred with no video or phone use at all, which I would expect to see from the generation who never puts their phones away. Sometimes people just don't do what you would expect them to do.

SpottyMatt ago

Inb4 "no video from inside Pulse Orlando = it was totally a false flag."

Disclaimer: I do find it suspicious. I've never seen a gay bar in this day and age that wasn't full of cell phones taking photos and video.

Foralltoosee ago

It is suspicious, but that's kind of my point. How could not one of those cell phones take film of what was happening? I dunno, but it didn't. How could potentially thousands see porn on CNN and not post it on social media? I dunno, but they didn't? It's weird, but possible.

go1dfish ago

Love this sub.

OhBlindOne ago

Well thank you :) Glad you like it.

Wish I had more time to correct more stuff haha

tibstibs ago

Good catch, that does seem rather dubious at best.