Antiseed117 ago

It's a big club and I'm not in it.

iamrage ago

You're way off mate

iamrage ago

No endorsement needed really. You either go to a lodge directly or apply online. Your application will be reviewed and you will be interviewed. That's as much as i can say.

In essence, It's a social club of sorts where you pursue and share knowledge/experiences, but there's a wee bit more to it.

Konran ago

I was invited to join a long time ago by my stepfather. Needless to say I told him I wasn't interested.

I think the majority of Freemasons are there to further their personal network and belong to a club of potential influencers.

There are those selected from within who are destined for other 'greater' things, though what they have to do and go through to arrive at those destinations is open to debate, the influence of secret societies like the Freemasons within the corridors of power is undeniable.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Look, you can browse the millions of threads on ATS and GLP about this but you're never going to get an honest answer to this question (though some will scratch the surface of the truth, if you have the discernment to recognize them). Fact is, anyone who can tell you what the inner secrets of Masonry are would be signing his death warrant at the hands of shadow government by doing so. Anyone who claims to know them and tells them in public (or to a stranger) is lying. There are lots of dregs in Freemasonry that attain fancy degrees to keep them in the organization, people who think they've been let in on the secrets when they haven't actually been found worthy. If you join, you'll be told there's no secrets at all, and this is to test your critical thinking ability ("Wait, if there were a secret then the existence of the secret would itself be secret").

I will scratch the surface of the truth for you, and those who can discern will discern. Any secret society or cult that exists, has the utility to be allowed to exist by shadow government (e.g. Scientology would have been bankrupted by the IRS without tax-exempt status, granted at the same time mystery buyers acquired it in the 1980s, and Anonymous was only incited against German Scientology which didn't recognize the authority of the new ownership, leading to the German government shutting it down). Shadow government has people planted in these organizations (in Masonry they're called "Illuminized" Freemasons) to select the people they want and groom them for higher positions.

dildonkers ago

It's just a much less powerful rival to the Zionists and who have been largely irrelevant for a century or two.

Estafusis ago

Ritualism serves it's own purpose. They have power exactly as much as people prescribe power to them.

iamrage ago

Nothing mysterious about them anymore. We've got several lodges here in Melbourne/Aus with the biggest lodge in Adelaide (I believe). You can register to become a Freemason at any point in time:

Core values:

  • practice universal charity

  • provide opportunities for self development

  • build friendships

  • foster moral standards

  • seek excellence in all pursuits

ElspethTirel ago

I think the frat for old dudes is the front. A legitimate organization which helps people (the mafia, yakuza, and KKK are known for helping the communities they live in too), but acts as a filter for potential candidates deeper in their system.