MedChiller ago

Anything popular or commercial has a Satanic agenda.

2Smedleys_butler ago

Ever hear about David crosby claiming producers would perform rituals during the mastering process?

3141592653 ago


blumen4alles ago

No but I would not be surprised to.

SirNiggsalot ago

Kill your parents my evil minions , bwaaahahaha

gosso920 ago

And here I am, playing my LPs backwards...

Shotinthedark ago

Wow are we back in the 80's?

Misskylie42 ago

Dae see the pizza

knightwarrior41 ago

yeah most artists are in to the occult and satanism,it makes sense because that's the god of this world

mitoriomyt ago

Not satanicat all!

thebearfromstartrack ago

Its amazing how cheaply people sell their souls.

Rellik88 ago

Whats funny is they think they are not satanic, while metal bands pretending to be satanic are not.

Maroonsaint ago

Somebody posted I think it was a Katie perry music video where she’s food or something. Man that shit was so creepy

M346 ago

Every song has to have a sprinkle of degeneracy. Even john anderson somebody slap me, one of the lines is something like she wants a husband but no time soon.

FishsticksForever ago

Damnit! Is that Taylor Momsen?

petevoat ago

Weird how the hex looks like a jewish symbol.

Interruptedagain ago

This is nothing new. It's been around a long time.

It has probably been debunked but, I was always told that ac/dc stood for anti christ/ devil child. As proof folks would point out ALL their songs! Highway to hell, hells bells, burning alive, damned....

I always hated that because they had some incredible music! Just really bad lyrics.

TripleZ ago

It's because they're bi-sexual.

Shotinthedark ago

If you play 'bark at the moon' backwards it says warship satin over and over

Interruptedagain ago

Where can I find me one of those record players that play backwards!?

I've looked and looked and can't seem to find one anywhere!


Shotinthedark ago

Well you go down to your local record store and look in the Satanist section you can get all your devil worship needs there.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Angus Young's sister suggested the name after seeking AC-DC on the back of an electrical appliance.

blumen4alles ago

ac/dc stood for anti christ/ devil child

never heard that, thanks!

penisse ago

In my teen years, they said it was « After Christ, Devil Comes ». But I sure think they were never satanists.

When asked about always making similar sounding music by journalists, Angus Young answered them to listened to Bob Marley. I think reggae and the whole ganja tribe is a satanic thing.

Interruptedagain ago


And like I said, it has probably been debunked, but from their songs you can see why it was started.

holofan4life ago

The name Diamanda Galas popped into my head the other day. I never listened to her. Thought I'd finally find out what she was about. All I needed was to see the thumbnails of her videos to nope the fuck out.

I read some comment that went along the lines of, "Calling her a Satanist is too simplistic. She does such good work advocating AIDS support and abortion rights" LOL!!!

bman0321 ago

Slayer, cannibal corpse, no low hanging fruit? What about baby shark?

Shotinthedark ago

Doot Doot doot doot doot doot

Warnos44 ago

Leave baby shark alone. It's one of the few songs I can sing.

RoryBellowsLives ago

The least satanic people appear to be the ones going on about worshiping Satan overtly.

Fuck_SRS ago

I dont know who any of these people are but those of us in the black metal community have been doing that shit for ages, and we do it better.

kojre3 ago

with respect to those who gave birth to it all (heavy metal)

in music-- but never figured whether just manic

depressive by "substance" or advertising the

existance (subliminal) black sabbath-

to add "VENOM - 01-Black Metal first 20 seconds

reminds me of "the mule - deep purple,

****was fireball lyrics point at female but

"burn through my soul" and "where you from

its a long way" - female enticement and satan?.

only real method to find truth of all is

"take your body to a corpse".

kojre3 ago

wall of sleep-----

or - disappear when the wizard is near.

Boomie ago

What are the Satanist artist you know of/suspect?

Lady Gaga is an easy one.

I like "The Correspondents" but some obvious occult imagery going on.

Marilyn Manson? Used to listen to him a lot.

If the song is promoting nihilism thats usually a good sign it was written by satanist.

mitoriomyt ago

Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift. Check out The Vigilant Citizen, it's a good resource pointing out how pervasive satanism is in pop culture.

Tekedo ago

Lana del Rey sings a lot about the chateau marmot (she lived there at one point) and basically being a child prostitute.

Trope_ ago

That song “Counting Stars” is easily the anthem of trashy losers if you listen to the hedonistic lyrics. It is a glorification of the struggles of the working class person that submits to mindless indulgence and will never escape his disposition.

bubbahicks ago

Collective Soul..A couple of their album covers have a pentagram front and center.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

I thought the lead singer was a Christian

Shotinthedark ago

They're a Christian band

bubbahicks ago

Yeah, I always thought they were pretty benign. Was surprised when I saw the album cover the other day.

Thin_White_Duke ago

Holy shit. Their self titled album.


Warnos44 ago

Their MO is to be whatever is needed for maximum effect.

Thin_White_Duke ago

I can never figure out if David Bowie was one or was trying to warn us.

TripleZ ago

They tried to make him a knight but he declined. By virtue of the fact that he was given the chance to be Sir David Bowie, he's one of the.

And don't forget Ziggy Stardust, the first rock androgyne.

Thin_White_Duke ago

He also stated later on that he never liked the gay shit and felt it forced upon him. These statements came soon after his fascist period.

I wonder if he realized what was going to happen.

TripleZ ago

He also stated later on that he never liked the gay shit and felt it forced upon him.

I didn't know that. Maybe he turned down being a knight because he was fed up. He supposedly was thinking of joining a Buddhist temple as a monk at one point (before he was famous). I never know how much of the story we're told is real or hype though.

Thin_White_Duke ago

In a 1983 interview with Rolling Stone, Bowie said his public declaration of bisexuality was "the biggest mistake I ever made" and "I was always a closet heterosexual." On other occasions, he said his interest in homosexual and bisexual culture had been more a product of the times and the situation in which he found himself than of his own feelings.[

TripleZ ago

Still, you suck a cock because you felt pressure to? IDK man, I don't think that holds up under scrutiny.

Thin_White_Duke ago

Not disagreeing that it was degenerate. I read some article though about a guy who went way down that rabbit hole before realizing it's truly disgusting nature and coming out hetero.

TripleZ ago

I think we need Maroonsaint to clarify. You contact him, OK?

Thin_White_Duke ago

Hard pass

Maroonsaint ago

Michael Jackson gave a few hints

Thin_White_Duke ago

Definitely. He hated kikes.

SurfinMindWaves ago

No offense, but...hahahahaha.

Thin_White_Duke ago

I'm not offended. I'm not really sure why you're laughing though.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Because there are so many red flags about Bowie. His androgyny, his "wife", his behaviors and lyrics. I snorted when I read that because I thought you were joking at first.

Thin_White_Duke ago

He was an earlier adopter than most of the internet and I heard his account threw out some conspiracy theories and red pills years before red pills were a thing.

I also wonder if his last album was a warning beyond just it being about his death.

blumen4alles ago

Just about all pop singers. Katy Perry is one.


I wonder what kind of people control the music industry...

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buckhorn ago

I usually think of Scandinavian black metal bands going for this aesthetic but I guess jews makes sense too.

blumen4alles ago

That would be the jews, Worf :)