AlternateSelection ago

They can both fuck off and shove their vaccine up their asses.

TFS ago

Those pervs would probably enjoy that.

AlternateSelection ago

I think it would be an excellent experiment to see just how many vaccine injections Fauci and Gates can taken before succumbing to the effects of said vaccines.

TripleZ ago

Why is anyone listening to a guy that purportedly wrote an OS about vaccines? I say purportedly because the whole idea that he was a child prodigy is a fairy tale told to you be jews. His dead was the head of a Federal Reserve Bank. He's a connected crypto that was put up as the actor heading up of MicroSoft. He's also very likely a ftm tranny.

No Gates, I won't take your vaccine.

TFS ago

He really looks jewish, and so does his father.

IAmTheOptimizer ago

While vaccine developers have never dared to conduct testing against a true inert placebo as such tests would likely reveal safety problems, lead Oxford developer Andrew Pollard will now give trial participants a notoriously reactogenic meningitis vaccine as a “control”– a common ploy to mask injuries from experimental vaccines.

This is all anyome should need to hear about vavccines. The fuckers won't even truly test their products.