BillyBobBoJangles ago

I wish that I was into Cooper when he was alive. My father and a NASA guy had an interesting conversation about one of his videos though, something along the lines of how the hell did he get those photos.

meowski ago

Can't really be arsed to go down this rat hole again, but Bill Cooper (former military intelligence) pushed alien disinfo for years then finally said the military was feeding him disinfo.

Not exactly a surprise that Alex Jones would neglect to name Bill Cooper as his source for predicting 9/11 months before it happened.

Since then AJ has increasingly towed the establishment line, and since getting on the Trump Train that really sealed it. I don't listen to his show any more but sometimes read the headlines.

Bill Cooper is a joke though.

CornyGoatWeed ago

couldnt it just be an honest mistake? If you followed up about it, AJ might have been like, "oh well then I thought about it and realized that actually I kicked off Jeff Hooper...That's my bad."

(I have thought since Endgame that AJ is compromised for Hoover-style gay videos that they must have of him, I am not defending him as above criticism or anything, but this is pretty shoddy evidence and over-reaction from Cooper over what could easily be an honest mistake)

Joe_McCarthy ago

Interesting. Sounded pretty caustic. Calling Jones a liar and all. Then right at the end he says Jones has called him a hundred times trying to get him to come on his show again... exaggeration much? I mean, who is going to believe he called that many times to get rejected over and over?

I've long wanted to read this book of his though. On a park if nothing else.

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