Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

That's because Farcebook is the 21st century version of FAGOVISION. All of the sodomites are on the farce book so they can hook up and exchange diseases.

obvoiusly ago

The C_A secret circle of friends!

TheRyanOKeoganShow ago

So... Biden was reported as being #1 in polls by the Mockingbird Media for months, then SUDDENLY Buttigieg is the sweetheart of the media? A Senior Strategist for Buttigieg is married to the CEO of ACRONYM, who funds Shadow, the producers of the Iowa Caucus distortion app, which gave Buttigieg a W by a miraculously small .1% margin, that was preemptively declared. Is this a coincidence? Buttigieg is also endorsed by the CIA and worked alongside the CIA while serving as a high-ranking Naval intelligence officer in Afghanistan.... Nothing to see here, move the fuck along.

scoopadoop ago

what a fag

Goys-R-Us ago

Because he's a deep state three letter agency asset.

SecurityReasons ago


Jungun ago


GeorgeWashingNigger ago

well sheeiittt

Smokybubbles ago

That clown glows.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Pete and Zuckerberg are Harvard butt-buddies. It's going to be hilarious watching Democrats try to sort this one out.

On-time ago

Everyone here should research and understand the connection between the CIA - Lifelog - Facebook.

And the CIA connection with many of the most corrupt / mentally ill -yet untouchable- politicians / political handlers including Obama, ape woman Valerie Jarrett, Buttigieg and others.

Rellik88 ago

Look up CIA and Pokemon Go....

mememeyou ago

The conspiracy theory freaking out Pokemon Go players:

On Tuesday (AEST), US news website Gawker alleged [Pokemon Go]'s creator, Niantec, was linked to the CIA. This followed reports spawned by blogger Adam Reeve claiming Pokemon Go commanded a list of intrusive tracking permissions for gameplay. John Hanke is Niantec’s CEO. He created software called Keyhole in 2001 and Gawker based much of its theory on Mr Hanke’s business dealings.

Keyhole was funded by a CIA venture capital firm. Most of the money used to fund Keyhole came from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).

The NGA’s primary function is “collecting, analysing, and distributing geospatial intelligence”. Keyhole was then purchased by Google and became Google Earth. Google Earth helps power Pokemon Go. Then, this passage in Pokemon Go‘s privacy policy sent internet conspiracy theorists buzzing. It read: “We may disclose any information about you (or your authorised child) that is in our possession or control to government or law enforcement officials or private parties.” [basically to anyone for any reason]

Pokemon Go tracked users‘ location, phone storage, Google account information (if you’ve joined that way), camera, contacts and activity recognition – among other access requests

On-time ago

Wow. That one was new to me.

Extraordinarily creepy, but makes perfect sense given what we know about the CIA, their methods and how they function.

Thank you anon.

This is why I love voat.

Rellik88 ago

Hey we need eyes on the target. Ok just put a poke stop in front. Now multiple cameras are in the area taking images.

Very slick

veteran88 ago

Lifelogs 287th user

BushChuck ago

Is every single politician in the USSA a fed agent?

beefartist ago

There is a big influx recently however media and intelligence have had an incestual relationship for quite a while

ALIENS2222 ago

... Yes.

veteran88 ago

Mossad agent

BushChuck ago

Same difference.

mememeyou ago

MaunaLoona ago

This is what Zuckerberg's face looks like.