NakedWarrior ago

There is this one quote I always look at when I'm feeling like you. "These mountains you are were only supposed to climb." Basically, the knowledge you have gained can either be a heavy burden on your shoulders that will eventually crush you under its weight or you can choose to acknowledge that evil exists, do what you can with what you can and leave the rest in other's hands. In short, make the world around you what you want it be and find happiness in that. Work on your social life, work life, and family life and make them the best you can. Find what you love doing the most, whether it be sports, outdoor activities, gaming, etc and climb those mountains.

gustodog ago

It's natural to be depressed when realizing that you live in a slaughterhouse intentionally created by an evil tribe. Wait it out. The illusion of moral authority the tribe relies on is crumbling. You're not the only one waking up.

gustodog ago


A dissident Jew that's still hated by Jews today. Read what Jesus said about the Jewish elite.

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Eurocuckistan ago

Most goats have been through your phase. This is the time where you have to prove to yourself that you are a strong human being.

Use the blackpill for your own greater good. Become strong, fit, and ready for when shit hits the fan. Being mentally unstable because the world is unstable doesn't help the world or yourself at all. Absorb all the information, but don't focus too much on it. You can only do so much yourself. Try not to burden yourself with the mental load that should be burdened by the entire world except a (((few))).

As for Christianity, I also do not believe in it one bit, what kind of God would look at semites and go: "Yeah these people are the chosen ones." ??

Even if Jesus/God is on our side, his movement sure as hell was psy-op'd since its very first day. Why on earth would God make it so that his followers genocided their way into Europe (the so called new chosen ones) instead of defending the never-ending onslaught the Arabs and Berbers brought onto Southern Europe, and later on pretty every part of Europe?

Muh crusades.... the actual crusades were waged against the Celts, Germanic peoples and Slavic peoples.

CultureOfCritique ago

I think anyone who digs deep enough encounters this malaise at some point-- you realize that everything is a lie, and now you feel massive uncertainty from not knowing what to base your life on. I don't have a particular solution, but I can say I've been there very recently (within the last year), and am currently on the upswing out of the depression. These things helped me see hope again:

  1. History goes through cycles, and we are approaching the bottom of this current cycle when all the great institutions become corrupt and things fall apart. This means there is hope on the horizon for an upswing of new institutions being created based on good principles by good people.

  2. Individually you, and each of us, have little power to change the current trends. We should strive to make what differences we can, but none of us should be burdened by the load of thinking we are responsible for overthrowing our oppressors. The day will come when all this falls into place due to events beyond our individual control, people will rise up, and all we have to do is choose a side.

  3. You have to find meaning and value in your life through the small things. Find activities that you enjoy, preferably ones that teach you useful skills or get you in physical shape.

    Embrace the opportunities you have to get out of the house, build a social network, and do activities that you might enjoy-- even if they seem daunting or even lame at first.

  4. Look more deeply into the history of the Israelite tribes, what Jesus taught about the Pharisees, and where the people we call "Jews" today came from. Although it's been perverted over the years, the original meaning of Christianity was directly opposed to the Jews of the time.

  5. Keep digging! Yes, it's blackpilling to learn that what you were taught isn't true-- but now you have the wisdom to sort the truth from lies, and an insight that gives you an edge over most people in interpreting the world. Learning more about how things REALLY work, and the cycles of history, will help you to get through the valley of depression and begin to see the light on the other side.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

If you are familiar with the bible you already have some reference. Moses killed 3000 in one day, Nebuchadnezzar killed hundreds of thousands and enslaved them for 70 years, (this was foretold by Elijah I think.) Nero killed millions and drove them from the land. as foretold by Christ 70 years earlier. The Spanish inquisition, and Hitler were also judgments for those Jews. Their judgement continues, even thought they do not embrace God yet, he has poured out his blessing on them, for a reason, and that is to fulfill prophesy. Once that is done, he will judge again, and oh boy will it be a banner day for Jews dying. Have faith, Keep focused on your own life, and soul. and most of all be patient.

Bottled_Tears ago

You can take it about 2 different ways. Let it eat you up inside and ruin your every day being or realize what the state of today is and take advantage of it and make your own life from it.

I chose the ladder. For a long time I felt hopeless but that got me nowhere. I realized the world kept moving regardless of what negativity you know of this world. You feel hopeless but don't make it hopeless for you. Make the best of what you can. Just know this is what it is, do what you can for change, hope for the best.

Maybe one day it will change, but regardless of those guys who are like "you're a pussy fight now" one day that might come, but until then focus on just you and your happiness.

SirNiggsalot ago

Have u considered studying stoicism ? It may be of some help to you. It has helped me, though I am just beginning to learn about it.

TwitterBannedIt ago

I am sprinkling my 2 cents all over this thread, I usually never post in non-anon.

One spoke of being unable to wrap head around 'warrior ethos' and I'd add that stoicism is the same animal, if not the same thing.

If I understand the premise of stoicism correctly from popular usage, its the fact that John Wayne, doesnt always fight, sometimes he just shows up and says no, and thats more then enough because most of the bad men... are fucking cowards and wont enter a fair fight under any circumstances. Once a man knows this, and sees it happen, watches the wicked back away from him, little ole him, in genuine fear, then he knows something that will walk him into many battles, and walk him out victorious, without ever drawing his weapon.

John wayne might not be a great example, but I would maintain that the fake, hollywood, fantasy of that state of mind, is actually a decent representation of what Ayn Rand might call "The Perfect Man".

Ok forget John Wayne... now I'm thinking more.. Howard Rourke.

Ladies and gentlemen, Howard Rourke, a fictional character designed to represent 'the perfect man' as perceived by the author:

Howard Rourke is Integrity and reasonable self interest.

SirNiggsalot ago

I find stoicism more like just accepting things as they are, be they " fair " or "unfair" and choosing to act anyway. Death comes for us all, if you are able to choose the manner in which you go , so much the better. Kinda muddled but , hope I painted a picture.

1031grnis ago

So many of us have been where you are. It's such a shock to learn the world is not as we had envisioned. Kinda like having the rug pulled from under us. Even more disconcerting is when family and friends aren't at the point we are. But when we're down, the only way to go is up.

Learned at a great weekend seminar many years ago what makes us happy. It was moderated by several Nobel Laureates, Morley Safer, and others. This was the only topic. After three days of intense discussions, the bottom line was, creating makes us happy. Doesn't matter if it's music, art, building, gardening, making new friends, anything. I've never forgotten this, and do believe it to be true.

You say you don't have a warrior ethos. This doesn't have to be physically holding a sword. There are other ways to be a warrior. Perhaps educating others, sharing something, teaching anything, volunteering, being grateful for what you have, or nature.

One of our purposes on this earth should be to bring joy to others around us. This can be smiling at the old lady that cuts in front of us at the supermarket, smiling at the screaming kid in the store, saying something kind to a stranger. When we focus on small things like this, it will be amazing how others around us change. A sense of humor helps too. You will become a magnet for people. We all want to be around happy people.

When I lost my family years ago I was angry. Mostly at God. Then I realized if He wanted me He would have taken me too, so I must have a purpose in life. That's when I applied the lessons I learned at the seminar to my life and things dramatically changed.

So forget about feeling like the Biblical Job and start teaching that awesome son of yours about this wonderful world he has to explore. Let happiness be your sword.

pby1000 ago

And you found your way here... It is great to know that I am not alone in my thoughts and that others see the same bullshit that I see.

ShadowWatcher ago

This is my take on the topic.

Jesus wasn't a Jew, he was the creator in the flesh. Jesus was sent to the Jews because they had fallen farthest from grace and took up the warship of Idols such as baal,remphan,and Lucifer. Jews we're the people in need of the most saving. In The Book of Enoch,(which Jews tell you not to read,) It speaks of a battle in the heavens between the Creator and the Fallen Angels. Lucifer led the Fallen Angels, and the Creator empowered Archangel Michael with all of his strength to fight in his honor. Before the battle was over Lucifer took the shape of an enormous dragon in an attempt to defeat Archangel Michael. Lucifer failed as Archangel Michael use the power of God to deliver the message and strike him down. Even in the heavens the Creator chooses someone to deliver the message, no different than the dimension of the flesh. Jesus represented the Creator in this dimension. Even if you don't believe in the Creator, you have to acknowledge the Earth's most evil and knowledgeable humans believe in the angel of Light also known as Lucifer. This should make you think twice in my opinion.

You are in a transition period In your life. Depression often accompanies uncertainty. We all go through it. Learning we've been living in lies is not easy for anyone to deal with. Keep in mind lies are created to guide you in the wrong direction. It's infuriating to be lied to but a blessing to be able to see through them. You're better off than most who have no idea.

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redwing14 ago

If it makes you feel any better there's two or more ruling classes. One is the jewish global zionist + communist china on board(likely together but could be their own thing). The other is Russia, islam as their own. The last would be the germans who after ww1 were privy to zionists but became underground operating in USA.

Another conspiracy is that the zionist jew is fighting against another enemy, one that's a carryover from pagan days. the jew, the german, and the pagan aka devil worshipper, all are embedded in the government in one way or another. Literally it's 3-4 different characters, and its hard to tell which is ideal, or if a new thing can supersede.

anthonylancer ago

We are more powerful than we think. The mind has an influence on material reality. We have to dodge the traps and find the real god (as opposed to a false god like the demiurge).

japanification ago

Thanks for all the thoughts. I should probably add that I have a 3 year old son. Bright blue eyes, shining curly blonde hair, sunny disposition, highly intelligent, diligent, focused, empathetic and kind. I truly believe this world doesn't deserve him. Thinking of him growing up in the future they have planned for us haunts me. I can't sleep, the rage and anxiety is overwhelming. I don't trust Jewish psychology or (((Christian))) spirituality but I need something to repair my soul. I wasn't brought up to fight a battle, I was raised to keep up appearances for in the JewSA.

They say good times breed weak men, weak men bad times and bad times strong men. Well, I'm one of the weak men facing bad times. I want to change but the warrior ethos is so foreign to me. I just think it's too late for me.

TwitterBannedIt ago

Once you were just as innocent, just like my children, like all children.

This world corrupts us all, and no, it doesn't deserve us.

As for the 'warrior ethos', I too feel the churn and madness, but it is not mine and I will not claim it. Spit in the eye of madness and say no.

That is the warrior ethos:

I see,I Hear, I understand, I will not submit.

The post below mine (TheBone) is absolutely correct. You cant stand out and shine by blending in, dont do whats expected... do what is right. You cant lead a revolution and change the world alone, but you can stand in mute defiance, unwavering, with your scowl denying the truth of the danger.

Let all the trappings of this world fall upon you, for they are meaningless to the man who will not suffer it's machinations. You know the beast like social machine exists, tell it no, plainly and loudly. Do what is right, you do know what it is.

If it hurts, do it anyway.

TheBone ago

Look within. Your happiness lies there. Do what you can but realize you cannot do everything and you can't save the world. That's all our jobs. Be self responsible, self accountable, help whenever and however you can without expectation of compensation unless by prior contract and bring no unwarranted harm or malice upon others or their property. Live by those 4 things and life tends to work in your favor. Karma does work and you'll never find happiness "out there" no matter what they try to sell ya. Do right, do good by your own moral and ethical standard and defend those who try to do the same. Fuck all the rest.

Frankenblock ago

That Jew you speak of created you. (((They))) hate everything because they hate Him first.

If you have any interest at all in learning about Him, one tiny scripture opens everything. "God is love". That is the prism, that is the key.

a1 ago

going to agree with beefartist, you can control whats in your sphere, do the best you can for you and yours

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TheVOATangel ago

let go

SumerBreeze ago

You don’t need to worship Jesus - just look at that cross and realize that jews kill their own. It wasn’t the first time, either, and the jews killed plenty in false flag attacks pretending to be outsider terrorists not only in the 1900s and 2000s, but way before - it is even archived in the bible many times.

Jesus was killed because he preached that the jews aren’t the chosen - but we all are.

Don’t worship - appreciation is important to understanding, it doesn’t mean it has to be your favorite thing. I appreciate soccer, but I don’t give a shit about watching it or remembering names or scores.

DillHoleBagHands ago

In Christianity, the connection between God and the Jews was severed when Christ was crucified.

"And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." Matthew 27:50-51

Christianity must refuse the idea of (((tolerance))) or be destroyed by it.

gustodog ago

Very good point. Given Christianity is about opposing evil the idea of tolerating a predatory tribe is antithetical.

pby1000 ago

The Jews are chosen by Satan, not God, the Father of Jesus.

Yes, there is an ancient battle that we forgot we are fighting.

beefartist ago

Congrats! You are at the beginning of the next phase...something many people here on voat aren't even close to. Now that you realize all about (((they))) and the jews and niggers blah blah blah the natural question is what next. You should be somewhere in between red and black can't do SHIT about your government, let alone world governments so you have to stop focusing on that and focus on what you CAN do. You CAN read the bible, you CAN find a wife, you CAN have children, and you CAN build a strong, safe family, street, neighbourhood.

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ch3f4554551n ago

This is an existential crisis. You must create meaning for your life. Understand ragnarok -- the good guys lose, and the world is destroyed. Be a good guy anyway. Your options are to fight for purpose and meaning, or lay down and die. I know what I choose, and it has nothing to do with Jesus, or winning.

Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Fight for what's right, and go down swinging, regardless of the state of the world.

TwitterBannedIt ago

Boom. This guy gets it.

Do what's right. Period. Regardless of the pain it may earn you.

The very essence of western manhood, that old culture was so highly praised because it was so highly effective.