vastrightwing ago

They will organise a large protest on September 21 in front of the government buildings in Bern

Simply install a few 5G antennas where the protesters will be.

sheasie ago

meanwhile: full steam ahead in AmeriKKKa

nobslob ago

I've heard that once 5g is active birds fall from the sky right into your hands fully rotisseried and ready to eat! Make sure to carry your favorite bbq sauce on you at all times once the 5g rollout happens.

dundundunnnnn ago

Problem - reaction - solution

They will turn the "curse" of hacking into a blessing. Israel will be a light unto the nations. Whatsapp, Pegasus. UN of the internet. Netanyahu wants a UN of the internet. Sanhedrin wants to destroy the UN and have a new UN in Jerusalem. Supreme court of mankind in Jerusalem, complete with a UN of the internet.

  1. ISRAEL Hacking the World -

  2. The Times of Israel - From Jerusalem shall come forth cyber security -


1. 5G + RFID + NFC (near-field communication) = technological control system -

Eternal enslavement with the mark of the beast enforced by 5G/RFID/NFC + AI and community policing.

Nano implanted transceivers are responsive to electromagnetics and rogue cell tower frequency ops.

Can anyone guess why 5G is getting such a mega-push?

TwistedSista ago

Things aren't too good in Switzerland these days, but their flag is a huge plus!

kissaki ago

Nice one, have an upvoat

dundundunnnnn ago


Adrianmc ago

Anti 5G = hate speech. guarantee you that one's coming.

vastrightwing ago


Maroonsaint ago

Maybe they can use the 5g to make me stop caring. I wish I was like everyone else. I didn’t care.