dundundunnnnn ago

His character was killed off.

This is a psyop to keep other whistleblowers from coming forward.

If "whistleblowers" are being offed, how likely are others to come forward?


knightwarrior41 ago

i was just going to post this, i believe he was suicided RIP

EffinWhiteMale ago

Isaac Kappy's Dead-Man's Switch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZxxLJILWOs

apple-bag ago


Speakfree ago

Some say he's happily living in Israel.

This guy seemed to be a huge driver in the truth movement and getting better at understanding the darkness. His last periscope was dark. Sometimes being in the darkness so long dims the light in our own lives.

Rest in peace if that be the case.

Mahkol ago

Not sure what is meant when all reports I've read say he "forced himself off a bridge."

Is that code for something ("a word to the wise is sufficient").

ColonelFlag ago

That is what I was wondering. "Forced himself off a bridge" would cover for two people trying to throw him off the bridge and him struggling/fighting back. Case was immediately closed 'suicide" who were the two people on the bridge. Who are the LEOs and safety officials who came to such a quick conclusion. Never heard of jumpers wanting to get hit by a vehicle too. Rather messy suicide? He was murdered mafia style to shut him up and warn others.

ranthasrabies ago

i heard he jumped off a 40ft bridge into an oncoming truck. Two people were there trying to stop him, and definitely not there to throw him infront of a truck against his will. They just happened to pass by and tried to restrain him, but, couldn't. Alas! Luckily its not fishy at all.

ColonelFlag ago

Yes, very fishy.

Conspirologist ago

Anyway he knew too much. With jews it's impossible to use logic.

kestrel9 ago


Conspirologist ago

This is a good example exposing how jews can sacrifice one of their own.

apple-bag ago

i do not think Isaac was who people thought he was , i think he was on the take

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey the goyims killed him because he was dropping truth about their child sex rings! Shaloms™✡️

GoyimNose ago

He should have told us the whole truth

KrazyKlownKlub ago

He made reference to Q in his suicide note on Instagram.

RicardoBronson ago

This is some Eyes Wide Shut level stuff here

KrazyKlownKlub ago

Yes it is interesting to say the least. I wish he would have been much more detailed and specific because he used a lot of generalizations, but maybe that wasn't the point. I'm not even a Q follower, but I know enough about Q to know what it's about. I'm immensely curious why he mentioned Q at all.

fluhthreeex ago

...this reads like a delusional shit-post. the fuck would goad him along into this.


read it in alex jones' voice and it sounds good. but yeah, kill them all. we are living through more gov/mil sanctioned terrorism and psychological warfare not on declared enemies of the nation, but on the people. if The People are the enemy of the state, as they have been treated for decades, then the state is the enemy of the people and needs to be removed, replaced; it is time for a second revolutionary war.

GoyimNose ago

Q is fake

RicardoBronson ago

Be more specific? Do you mean some neck-beard is larping? Because there's pretty much no chance. Psyop by the elite and/or glow-niggers? Maybe, but what isn't? I mean, since all of politics is essentially that, then Q is on par with the rest of it. And it's less fake than the mainstream news, which apparently some people still consider "real." I'm cool with the idea that everything is fake, but calling Q out specifically seems suspicious

GoyimNose ago

"trust the plan, no action needed"

KrazyKlownKlub ago

I don't have an opinion about that one way or another since I haven't read into it. I do find it interesting that to Kappy Q was an important thing worth mentioning one last time.

realnstuff ago

As expected they suicided him. But it took them ages to do so, are they using him as distraction?

TurdSlinger ago

Gotta wait a bit. Cant take him out too fast after or even normies might start to notice


More people need to wake you Up to the fact that pizzagate is very real and is happening at the highest rungs of society. You can't get into a position of power without being completely compromised. If you stunk to expose them, you die.

Pizzagate 101  http://magaimg.net/img/sxt.gif



Newfag rundown on the players http://magaimg.net/img/7d6h.jpg

It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker  http://magaimg.net/img/2ql.jpg

Comet ping pong connection  http://magaimg.net/img/7wm7.jpg

Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6j.jpg

On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail http://magaimg.net/img/7d6k.jpg

And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6l.jpg

Comet ping pong false flag shooter  http://magaimg.net/img/7wma.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7wmg.jpg

Elsagate rundown


The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL  http://magaimg.net/img/7j92.jpg

They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6c.jpg

It's all about the adrenochrome  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6d.jpg

Justin Beiber snaps because he was pimped out  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6e.jpg

Sex trafficking of children on YouTube  http://magaimg.net/img/7wlu.jpg

More #pizzagate  http://magaimg.net/img/7wm3.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7wlx.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7wly.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7wlz.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7wm4.jpg

Tony Podesta smocking Trump tweet  http://magaimg.net/img/7wm1.jpg

Anderson Cooper slips up, #pizzagate  http://magaimg.net/img/7wm5.jpg

Israel children farming  http://magaimg.net/img/7wme.jpg

Allister Crowley and human sacrifice  http://magaimg.net/img/7wmf.jpg

CultureOfCritique ago

That was a crazy rabbit hole I fell into for the last hour. Thanks for the info, I gotta look into this further

expose ago

careful, that dude spams a lot of fraudulent bullshit:


culture of critique is awesome btw. unlike that dude, kevin is legit.

CultureOfCritique ago

Thanks for that too. I had seen some of his other copypastas and didn't make the connection that it was the same guy. Still, the child porn / sacrifice rings stuff is interesting, even if the sources are dubious


Sure fren. This is a big one. When I came across it during the election I had rage mixed with sadness mixed with illness.

Conspirologist ago

Good post. Anyway it's better to post links to pages, instead of just pics.

expose ago

he won't listen because he's a spamming fraud. proof:



Sorry fren, this is what I got. Memetics is very powerful

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Alex jones is a Israeli shill and kappy is a massive distraction

Time4puff ago

What is dead may never die... can't wait for his secrets to come out.

TheTrigger ago

Didn't see that coming a mile away.

fightknightHERO ago

There is a reason why we don't see any honest Jews these days and this is one of em

Jews kill their own "traitors" without hesitation, without remorse

they are definately Satanists in the literal definition of the word

Neil_Kiggers ago

wouldn't you?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

WHy are all the main youtube pizzagate components jews?

Seaman, Kappy..

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

A Jew decides to leave the tribe and go against his own people so they quiet him immediately

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Holy fuck, I can't believe Isaac is dead... He named so many names so I guess it was a matter of time. Fuuuuck. This was definitely Not suicide.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Shit. I saw that video. Didnt he say he isnt suicidal and that if he was to turn up dead, to be suspicious.
Something to that effect.

Metanoiac ago

Watched it this morning. It did. It also said he did something bad. That he betrayed us all. He wouldn't say what. Someone asked him if he hurt a child, he replied that it was nothing like that. Clueless as to what it could be.

STACKS88 ago

He was running a donation scam with Vegan Mikey and taking a cut. In his last Instagram post he mentions being in debt and gambling. In his last Periscope video he talks about how he betrayed people, that he was a Judas. Also in his last video he talks about doing something really stupid, hurting himself, "in the blink of an eye". It's not hard to make one bet and ruin your life.

Perhaps he was in debt to a loanshark and had no way to repay.

HillBoulder ago

This could be it. He really was running a scam with vegan Mikey and if he owed the wrong people money for a debt then it's definitely a plausible explanation for what happened.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Hmm this is pretty crazy. Its too deep of a rabbit hole,for,me,to,stay paying attention. But this may be the best way to attack our enemy and turn the tide to,our advantage

TwitterBannedIt ago

He made a new video a few days ago.

Looked repentent, if I was his mob boss, I'd whack him too.

smokratez ago

Was only a matter of when, once he began talking about the truth. Rip bagel nigger.

Joe10jo ago


Gigglestick ago

Oh look, a good Jew. But he does look more Greek than Jew.

Whizwit21 ago

I remember moving to south Florida in my early teenage years and everyone mistook me for Jewish because down there you are either from Latin America or Jewish. (I’m a light skinned Italian)

Gigglestick ago

I’m a ginger, so neither.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

Too much sunshine there anyway.