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Mike-Hunt ago

Bravo! Thank you for sharing this on Voat. It's taken me a while to get the required amount of time to sit down and fully appreciate this post, but tonight I did.

I've always had an interest in the discrepancies surrounding Hess and his journey to the UK. I had always thought it a peace deal gone wrong, and a subsequent cover up by Allied forces to suppress details of a treaty that could have potentially saved the lives of millions of Europeans. The last book I read on the subject was some years ago now; The Hitler/Hess Deception by Martin Allen, so I was a bit rusty with details as I was reading through your posts. It's very interesting to read the part regarding the JQ being a point of contention between the post-war nations not releasing Hess. It certainly makes it damning if true. Not only could millions of European lives have been spared, but also the prevention of the holocaust.

That blew my mind, to be honest. If ever a "conspiracy theory" had boots made for walking, this one certainly has it polished and ready to march.

Thank you for posting.