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Scroobius ago

Yo, I read this when you had it on r/conspiracy. I very much liked it and it entertained me for hours as I further looked into the people and events involved. Added bonus was seeing how many fags on reddit got so butthurt at the notion of Germany attempting peace negotiations with England. People really think all Germans were only evil and nothing else. In 100 years I think the entire history of WWII will be completely rewritten.

allonthesameteam ago

I have not had time to read it. Curious about the "attempting peace" part you allude to. Did Ger try to pull the plug but the Allies kept the war going?

Scroobius ago

I read it a while ago but as I remember it he was meeting a member of the royal family Duke of something or other. The royal family has bloodlines to Germany and was pro peace but the powers behind the government and behind Churchill wanted to profit off the war... But he ditched his plane and was picked up by churchills men not the duke's. Section 4 and 5 cover it I think. Read it though, pretty interesting evidence that it may be the case and other Nazi's, like Goring, knew the plan and delayed any Luftwaffe action.

allonthesameteam ago

It's all so crazy. The "We are good and they are bad" stories don't work for many folks anymore.