rongthink ago

Lets meme this up boys. Get eveyone out of the neocon school system

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago


deployable ago

It was incredible when I heard the audio recording. They were not going to let him set foot in the classroom, but has a Phd in physics and no misdemeanor record. Wife is retired captain with Q+ clearance for Northrup. The 22-23 yr old grad-students(Colorado State College) were telling their 3rd-grade pupils that after Christopher Columbus conquered Ant-Arctica in 300 A.D., they captured all of the Native-Americans. After they burned all the jungles and forest from Argentina to Alaska, they put the Indians on slave ships. Then they had to go to Germany to build midevil castles, which is why Adolph Hitler almost won the war. WTF idiots.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I guess I was brainwashed growing up. Every time we passed a school when I was a kid, my dad said, “Look! There’s a prison!” Sometimes we’d talk about how pretty the prison was or how nice and tall the fense was. I will forever think of schools as children prisons. Thanks dad! :P

edistojim ago

All three of mine went to a private christian based school, a good one. Wife stayed home as the children are spread out in ages. Although we didn't homeschool the private school worked well. Years later all are college educated and productive moral citizens. Ours may not have been the only solution but it was the right one for us. Live within your means because its possible to do what we did if you do. My grandchildren now attend the same school……and its still working.

12962707? ago

This is troubling, children are a revenue source for the left. Legislation to restrict homeschooling is just around the corner

Voat_a_Goat_Mamma ago

Why do you think they try to bust EVERY homeschool family as bad?

12967344? ago

Because children are a revenue source for the left

BlueDrache ago

Homeschooling needs to come with an exemption from the taxes that pay for the school.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

You can use the Ron Paul cirriculum for 250$/year for the entire family... Check it out.

The-Dude-Abides ago


Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

I can't say it louder on the Internet. And yeah, Ron Paul and some other people made a homeschool program for liberty minded families called the Ron Paul Curriculum. It's pretty sweet.

outside-the-box ago

How does that get your tax money back!? He's saying "huh" because your comment is out of left field.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

It won't get your tax money back but it costs very little which is also a savings. In the end you will save more money if you spend little to nothing on something than if you spend a lot and get a bit of it back on a tax return.

outside-the-box ago

School taxes are part of your property taxes, and the number you pay is exact. There is no property tax return. Saving money when you spend is orthogonal to not having it confiscated from you. One does not have much, if anything, to do with the other.

JastheMace ago

Ummmm, what about those who don't have kids?

BlueDrache ago

If you're white and of childbearing age ... why don't you have kids? Oh, right ... I forgot ... (((reasons))).

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Fuck you man make white babies.

ChildishPengu1no ago

Public schools need some accountability when it comes to the ideology that they give to children. Reading, Writing, and Math aren't necessarily political, but put a red haired fire spitting single 40 year old woman as teacher and they will soon feel the "patriarchy". I think some idea of oversight needs to be given to teachers. Homeschooling is not socially good for children, yes sometimes children can be well adjusted but only if homeschooling is done well. Done poorly, homeschooling becomes socially damaging.

BlueDrache ago

"Not socially good" ...

Ok, that argument's been BTFO several times and you're just using libtarded bolshie logic and parroting talking points.

ChildishPengu1no ago

I assure you I am a conservative. I came here to escape shills on /r/conspiracy. I have just been through high school and understand the impacts to kids that go through alternative schooling. It works for some, but not for all. Just don't assume it is a great solution in all cases.

Ina_Pickle ago

I have been home schooling for a decade now and have at least another decade to go unless the youngest is placed in private school.

Ina_Pickle ago

I have been home schooling my children for about a decade now.

I've gone from a time and place where I had to cajole my spouse and explain my reasoning to friends and family.

Strangers would ask my children where they went to school. Responding with "at home" would garner us looks that I interpreted as "oh, so you are one 'those' families"

About 5 years ago there was a noticeable shift in national consciousness about the benefits of home schooling. When people found out I teach my children, instead of an odd look and "that's nice", I would get stories a

deployable ago

My old bosses were kind of Bernie leftists, but put their kids in Catholic grade-school, even tho were sort of atheists. Then started homeschooling them 2/3 of the day and kids were allowed to take a few classes at public small town schools. My little brother, a Bushite, had to pull his girl out of one of the best public lab/charter schools in CO Springs, because they only spend 1/4 of their time teaching language/math/science. All these people have lots of degrees, and own their little businesses, so can do this. Fuck this for-profit charter school crap that show terrible results. Go back to super-small schools, part-time or volunteer secretary, no principal. Like Insurance companies, universities, hospitals, there are millions of junior administrators that really shouldn't be trusted to sharpen a piece of chalk, much less our childrens' brains.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Id rather find a good teacher and,directly pay them to teach a group of neighborhood kids. Split the costs between the parents and take donations, do fundraisers, etc.

glassuser ago

Most homeschoolers do the thing with hiring a good teacher and paying them directly.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

DEFINITELY not most... Have you ever even interacted with a real homeschooling family????

glassuser ago

Dude, I'm from one.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

And your parents hired a private teacher to educate you directly? Really? Maybe all the homeschooling families I've known (30+ at least) were just outliers then, weird

glassuser ago

We had regular (weekly or semiweekly) group tutoring sessions with professional educators, usually with significant career experience in the fields they taught, contracted and paid directly by the parents. Almost every home schooler I knew did. Obviously I'd have some selection bias because of that, but we associated with lots of home schooler families outside of academic settings too, and almost all of them did similar things.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Team homeschool. Only way to fly.

deployable ago

Yup, indeed. I live in a small county, less than 15G pop. Assessor and Collector and Clerk were part time jobs 30 yrs ago. Now when you go in to pay property taxes, there are 5 beatus slob fatties that are talking to their fatherless kid on the phone. This is what you hear... "If I ussie my Ipod for a crowbar, kin I unstick my keypad so make my submitshun form to get the medical leave vacation/surgery?"

gentlemanadventurer ago

Home School co-ops are a real thing that needs more promotion. It also quells the concerns of "socialization". Might even build a stronger, more local community.

yewotm8 ago

You know they're gonna start bitching when it turns out that most co-ops are 100% white

by2inthemorning ago

Years ago when I made the mistake of putting my kid in the K-12 program ,there was a group that was breaking off to form their own co-op and surprisingly it was not all white. Only reason I turned it down though was because I met some of these people before at other k-12 meetings and they bragged about how they cheated. So nope.

Germ22 ago

I didn't know this was a thing. Sounds amazing.

giantthrobbingcock ago

The socialization is actually backwards, homeschoolers have better socialization skills across a broader spectrum of ages instead of limited to their own age groups.

gentlemanadventurer ago

My socialization comment wasn't directed at you, more towards those that believe the opposite of your statement.

giantthrobbingcock ago

I was only adding to your comment. :)

gentlemanadventurer ago

I'm aware, I was doing the same, well more of a clarification. Good show.

aileron_ron ago

Best thing ever, You the parent has the final say as to what a school teach's you kids.

Phyuck_Yu ago

How long until homeschooling is banned because schools aren’t getting enough funding? I guess they’ll just have to import more retarded brown people to make up the difference.

Ina_Pickle ago

We already won that fight in the courts. Basically, the law is that a child has to be educated. It was never specified as to where and how. Since private schools are allowed to exist (and always will because no way will the wealthy send their kids to school with us plebs) , then other forms of education aside from government schools must also be allowed to exist.

On another note, many of our presidents were first educated at home. Makes it difficult for the state to claim that home schools are not adequate.

Reymrgapurple ago

a free society needs to honor this like the teachings of ghandi or martin luther king jr.

Onlio ago

I wish all parents were able to get their children out of those hell holes

gentlemanadventurer ago

Live within your means, keep the mothers at home. It can be done. It won't be easy, but it's better than feeding your children to the jews.

immatureusername ago

Im unemployed at the moment. The misses is still stay at home educating our younguns. There is no such thing as public education. It is a government propaganda mill.

Voat_a_Goat_Mamma ago

Keep at it. It gets better. We did that for five years. My husband couldn't find a single thing for work. I pulled in what I could form my little gigs, but it was never very much. I also homeschooled my children right alongside my husband.