Tallest_Skil ago

Want to explain the echoes around the first ideology in history to openly denounce kikes?

SarMegahhikkitha ago

I did.

Tallest_Skil ago

Aha, sorry; read too fast.

gabara ago

@SarMegahhikkitha is some kind of muslim. Just search for "Sar Megahhikkitha" in google translate.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

SRS has spamming Voat saying that me, one of the top posters to /v/IslamUnveiled back in the day, is secretly a Muslim, as a pre-emptive strike because they found out we were going to post that Gabara (the SRS ringleader) is an Israeli city from the Talmud, where Jews were "martyred", and that it means "The Godfather" in Arabic. (You can copy the Arabic from the Wiki article and see it's the same as I linked). But now they they've struck pre-emptively, they can say we were "just copying them".

Here is SRS deleting a post they made (because /v/realProtectVoat highlighted it), full of SRS commenters saying how much they love Muslims.

gabara ago

You're the Duke of New York Number One!