Neinlife ago

around 80 drs have 'suicided' this year and something is fucking connected...they are all fucking bullshit like this one

SteelDusk ago

Big Pharma thinks these doctors know too much about the scam of the drug industry and had them killed.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Don't be silly, Doctors stab themselves in the chest with large knives every day.

It's not like they have direct access to a wide range of highly lethal, but otherwise painless drugs, which could be used to commit suicide.

heuristic ago

pharma is taking advantage of the state of disarray and lack of punishment on horrific crimes in this country. they saw Hillary do it and figured, why not.

Whitemail ago

What is the connection to the Clintons? I'm assuming there is one.

Flour ago

Put up or shut up

elitch2 ago

NOthing to see here goy, move along.

millennial_vulcan ago

I can believe that. What else do you know about it?

whatisbestinlife ago

who are you asking? why cant we ask someone who can do something about it. i know i can do it and i know we can do it but the whole "we" part is pretty tough

dan_k ago

Dem's will rule over your life, by hook or by crook.

TheMatrix ago

It is strange yes. But drug use is rampant in healthcare. Professionals have more understanding on how to do things safely and mask evidence. Stabbing yourself in the chest tho...

hels ago

It's odd that those who have access and knowledge to the least painful ways of suicide can commit it so violently. A heroin OD makes sense to me since a) they have access, and b) it is probably painless. Stabbing yourself in the chest? How can anyone answer that question?

TheMatrix ago

Absolutely. And the usual method of choice men use to end their lives is 'instant' and effective. Stabbed in the chest would take seconds which isn't instant.


It's the Malthusians at it. Must have a Malthusian instinct in the past. or maybe it was their bs spin all along.

hermes3xx ago

Sounds alot like the scientists dying after the Anthrax letters were sent to congress.

spherical_cube ago

Are they associated with the Clintons?

Yuke ago

The one that stabbed himself in the chest is linked to the Clinton's through Haiti. I don't know about the Heroin one.

millennial_vulcan ago


Yuke ago

It's on here somewhere, have a search.

millennial_vulcan ago

LOL. Don't think all 50 of them

con77 ago

someone witnessed the unholy birth of the antichrist

millennial_vulcan ago


carmencita ago

Uh. Oh. Very strange indeed. Kill him and throw a few envelopes around and get a coroner to lie. That Simple. Only it's not. We have the DM writing it up and the Voat Detectives Right On It.

Oh_Well_ian ago

this is see eye A mop up operations

millennial_vulcan ago

why? what did those docs know or do?

auggs ago

His family...believe that he was murdered for using and promoting controversial therapies, such as GCMaF.

What is GCMaF?

GcMAF rebuilds the Immune system to destroy cancer, infections and chronic diseases. GcMAF with 9 tests, two of them live cell activity assays.

So these doctors are finding actual cures to diseases rather than a lifelong medication regimen. Their work cuts profit for a lot of people, I would imagine, then.

Grunge ago

I've always said, there will never be a cure for anything ever again. It's all about profitable treatments, long treatments. If a cure were ever discovered, they wouldn't allow it to reach the public.

NotALawyer ago

Vasalgel for example seems to be getting vutted too

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Myrrh ;)

Sublimesati ago

If true it's the story of the century. Imagine if big pharma was not only willfully negligent but actively suppressing the truth via murder.

hels ago

It's kinda like HIV. They have drugs that will suppress the virus from turning into AIDS. As long as they are in control this will never change because any positive change would cause decrease in profits. Sad really.

KekistanEmperor ago

HIV is bullshit.

This scientist wrote a book claiming HIV does not cause AIDS. Promiscuity, drugs, poor lifestyle causes AIDS.

He's no slouch either. Standford microbiologist. We have been lied to.

piratse ago

And yet he won't actually debate with others in the field. Joe Rogan tried to get a debate set up for a long time.

KekistanEmperor ago

Joe Rogan is hardly the poster child for scientific based inquiry. The guy has that flake Graham Hancock on his show. Maybe this doctor doesn't want to be associated with crackpots.

piratse ago

He gets all kinds of people on. He's not a crack pot. The debate was offered up with other scientist. But hey, one guy came up with a theory that hasn't been corroborated by anyone with authority in the he must be right.

KekistanEmperor ago

Sorry, there have been plenty of people saying that HIV does not and could not cause AIDS. I've read numerous articles over the years from various scientific disciplines challenging the premise. My point is that the Joe Rogan show is not a place to discuss serious scientific ideas as he is associated with quite a few nutjobs, Graham Hancock being one of them.

Have you ever wondered why Joe Rogan has Mike Baker on his show? An "ex" CIA operative. The last time he was on it was a pure propaganda fest. Joe Rogan has zero credibility. Keep on getting your world view from a hack "comedian."

piratse ago

Hahahah who gets their world view from a podcast? Also, he's had like a thousand guests. You think anyone that has a conversation with someone you don't agree with is a shill. Regardless of the 100s of other conversations? Yeah how dare someone try to talk to all kinds of people! And feel free to link me some independent sources and studies on how HIV "can't cause AIDS."

KekistanEmperor ago

I listen carefully to messages. Sure Rogan most of the time is harmless. Listen to him talk to the CIA guy and observe the subtle messages being crafted. It's called propaganda and if you don't think you are influenced and controlled by it, ding ding ding, it's working.

elitch2 ago

Holy shit. Do you have a world view where these companies are not doing this?

Sublimesati ago

I don't think board meetings for major pharmaceutical companies focus on literally killing homeopathic doctors. Then again big pharma is advocating drug use for just about anything and everything which stands in direct competition with alternative medicine.

FireMarshallBill ago

I believe that saying, "No matter how bad you think these people are, what they are doing is worse." *paraphrasing

Sublimesati ago

Is that a saying about the medical field? I guess everyone is a much worse person than the person we pretend to be. "There is no one righteous, no not one, for all have sinned and fall short of Gods glory"...

FireMarshallBill ago

I believe that was in reference to the "leaders" of government. There is a battle for our souls within us, and to choose good, is to be godly. We are ruled by evil.

TotusTuusMariae ago

it is just like the elite & Trump ... big pharma is in the crosshair of REAL cures.

ScottRockview ago

Did you mean REAL CURES are in the crosshairs of big pharma?

TotusTuusMariae ago

it would seem that way now but I believe too many ppl have been redpilled to the poison that is big pharma ... Trump won by God's hand & wide awake people.

Dr. Simoncini - Cancer is Fungus and curable with Baking soda think about that ... the whole cancer industry in jeopardy.

Grunge ago

The funny thing is, if absolute undeniable proof came out of this, the liberals would support the pharma companies and call anyone a nazi that wants to see diseases cured. All over reddit, twitter, facebook you would see these retards going on about "NO CURE, NO CURE NO CURES" "IF YOU WANT TO SEE DISEASES CURED YOU ARE A FUCKING NAZI"

talmoridor-x ago

And they would be useful idiots for (((big pharma)))

dooob ago

How does Trump fit into that sentence?,

TotusTuusMariae ago

because this is one more front of the same Battle.

derram ago :

Texas surgeon battling depression kills self and children | Daily Mail Online :

NY doctor found dead in bed surrounded by heroin envelopes | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

WhiteMan ago

Yes and the fact that there are another 90 doctors killing themselves also...what is going on here? Need to make some noise.

Charlez6 ago

Doctors have always had high suicide rates.

millennial_vulcan ago

what are you doing on a conspiracy website if you truly believe that? IDIOT.

Charlez6 ago

Are you implying that it's controversial? I "believe" it because, unfortunately, it's simply true.

WhiteMan ago

What ..50 doctors stabbing themselves through the heart in the space of three years? Nothing wrong here....

Charlez6 ago

That's a very different comment to the one I replied to...

WhiteMan ago

Ok...i understand your point, but these Doctors all Holistic doctors which means they practise alternative medicine as well..its fishy and some dirt needs to be excavated.

millennial_vulcan ago

Agreed! Something very strange and awful is going on. Does anyone have any insight. These deaths are obviously all cover ups for something far darker.

WhiteMan ago

It's overwhelming...