23373687? ago

Isnt that the spirit cooking witch?

Burn her at the stake.

23373207? ago

he resigned tho.

23372988? ago

This is more of satanist's cabal recruitment video than MS commercial. Remember, they have to show the word or their magic won't work. Now we know for sure who's ol Bill.

23372007? ago

We just need to kill all of these satanic fucks. It's really the only way.

23371568? ago

I've never heard of her, but all I need to see is that fucking nose to know.

23369279? ago

Ol Bill is really starting to show his jew colors.

23367992? ago

Well, I officially think he's a satanic if you are involved with this woman.

If anyone has done their research on this vile witch, she is pure evil.

She is literally banned from going back home because the country claims she is a witch.

If hell does exist, and so do spells and curses, this lady makes me believe in them.

23371191? ago

Freemason prayers to a Pentagram, Prayers to Al Lah through the Shriners, the Jewish Mystics, Rome, Elite of Europe, Satanic... Luciferian... Masonic... http://archive.fo/nkrkR

23369838? ago

Satanic Jewish

23368431? ago

It's worse than that. She's a two bit whore for attention, and money. She's there to convince idiots that their spiritual needs can be served up in one dimension and that it's all about consuming. She is worse than evil, she's a fake, hypocritical money grabber administering the cult of the one percent globalist communist trash to morons through the one percent controlled media.