Silverlining ago

2157 Panic in DC. Lisa Page testifying against Peter Strzok? Q

2158 Panic in DC. Bruce Ohr [in effort to save Nellie Ohr] testifying against Rosenstein, Yates, Lynch, and Comey? Q

2159 Panic in DC. Steele req non_extradition to U.S? UK-US extradition treaty 2003. Q

2160 Rats running. Timing is everything. Enjoy the show. Q

2161📁 Another wave of attacks coming? Nothing to See Here. Q

AHistoryOfBadMen ago

Not to try to hijack the thread or anything (I'm still getting the hang of Voat on iOS) but, does anyone remember a post asking us if the Coast Gaurd reserves had been activated? I just saw a post from my buddy on spybook that he'd been activated.

Silverlining ago

I did a quick Duck Duck search - nothing jumped out - I imagine any activation is related to Hurricane Florence - where is buddy based?

Blacksmith21 ago

I think the storm is about to hit us. Ironic.

wonderfuldonut ago

Yes, it has to be one to ponder for sure. Irony not lost on this spec in humanity

Blacksmith21 ago

Hammer time.

wonderfuldonut ago

Of that in my humble opinion I cant say, as I do not know. however, this could be about applying leverage! If one looks at business deals, leverage is usually the thing that brings about a change. Heart wise I hope it is Hammer Time more than anyone can imagine.