pby1000 ago

Wow! I was expectimg the typical America good, Hitler bad bullshit. I will read that book and the others listed.

It is interesting that Hitler did not invade the Vatican or Switzerland. The Vatican/Jesuits created Communism and Fascism, then pitted them agaimst each other to make money from the killing and destruction. Patton did not know his enemy. I think that Hitler did not either... Both were dupes.

Also, Hitler was a Christian, and Churchill was a Druid.

You are correct about what you say. This is NWO globalism.

daskelt ago

I need to see 'NSDAP' instead of the derogatory 'Nazi' if I am to take research seriously.

Blacksmith21 ago

Enjoy a fresh bag of dick flavoured downvoats!

pby1000 ago

You Brits are funny!

Blacksmith21 ago

Go Pats.

pby1000 ago

I hope you mean the real Patriots, and not these kneeling football faggots.

Blacksmith21 ago

Who cares? You aren't qualified to empty our trash:

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