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bopper ago

It's been wild lately. I've seen too much coordination between Q and Trump's tweets to disavow as a Larp. You may be interested in this clip by Anonymous, speaking of why Trump banned all cell phones and other devices the other day (yesterday?), why he cancelled his London trip, the Pentagon audit and the missing 30 some odd helicopters, and finally, what Trump is to reveal the 15th about the coup against him centered around the dossier. Dossier was used to get warrant to spy. White House is on some kind of military lockdown. Very interesting. Don't feel obligated.

Asvnoyi ago

Interesting, here's the secret plane he mentions in Florida. It came up on Google Earth search. But according to the video we just saw it was "allowed" to be seen.


HardCorps ago

This is somewhat common to set an aircraft out at a certain time to say " see what we have?" One time long ago there might have been some brand new MiGs parked on a runway somewhere to show some certain folks what the US got ahold of. If our guys are showing this new one, you can rest assured the message is this - "we have more, and they will fuck you up bad, go ahead and try something."

srayzie ago

Wow thank you for posting this.

bopper ago

Thanks very much I will check this out, just got your comment. I've been wanting more info.