Maladaptivenomore ago

There's a side note here worth noting.

Apotox produced a no-name version of a drug called Cipro. Cipro is an fluoride-based antibiotic that was mis-prescribed for minor sinus infections, UTIs, etc, and caused permanent debilitations (brittle/torn tendons, memory loss, nerve damage, etc).

Bayer is the main distributer in the US and had had eventually settled a class-action lawsuit over it.

The US military would feed Cipro to service members whenever they deployed to combat, supposedly to help just in case a service member came into contact with Anthrax. Cipro was not designed to combat anthrax nor is there any proven correlation of effectiveness towards its treatment.

Back in 2001 the Canadian Government had felt the need to stockpile Cipro, and had to cut a deal with Bayer, the drugs patent holder, so that they could let Apotex get the contract for $1.5 mil worth of Cipro to be stockpiled "in case of an Anthrax attack" in Canada.

dreamwarrior23 ago

Damn, I was prescribed Cipro after surgery years back.

datadawg ago

I used to carry Cipro when travelling in tropical countries as a 'last resort antibiotic'. I was told to take it only if necessary as it would completely wipe my system of good and bad. Took it once and it was super strong. Not sure the side efects were worth it.

Def wouldn't want to be forced to take it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Most likely, his pharm company was producing a secret drug that was being either injected or ingested by Haitians and distributed through the CF. The fact that he and his company are Canadian will prevent inquiry into his death and his role in Haiti from going any further.

datadawg ago

Been exploring monarch mind control and mk ultra stuff in connection. govt. def had black projects on these, a part of me thinks those projects went underground and were tested/deployed in places like Haiti.

In this case, the drug made would be used to accelerate the 'dissociation' process in susceptible ppl. Being in a dissociative state is key to mind control. The US govt experimented with LSD in the 20th century to do this, but I'm sure they have developed new drugs since. There have been many claims about memory wipe drugs, etc.

If we discover those kind of drugs and evidence of them being used in that way, that would be huge. The idea would be that they would be drugs used to 'subdue, brainwash, control, and train' abductees over a long period of time. This would be pretty damning.

Steinmacher ago

good work Maladaptivenomore!

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thanks much, I appreciate it.

moscowjade ago

We stacked the Clinton Body counts like cordwood...

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Damn, nice work!

Maladaptivenomore ago


Neskuaxa ago

This must be a part of the show that Q spoke of. Wonder if they caught wind of the storm, and decided to end things on their terms? Or was this another "Suicide" by the CF?

Maladaptivenomore ago

If I were to guess, I'd say the latter.

Neskuaxa ago

Seems more likely. But it is a good sign that tptb are on the run and seemingly getting desperate.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

They know what we will find in Antarctica

Christosgnosis ago

I'd say is just more CF tying up loose ends

TurboSympatique ago

Alex Jones was talking about the Cabal tying up loose end..... :)

Those fucker really deserve it!

Oh_Well_ian ago

the CF is a brass plate for the Clowns in Action

let's start calling out those truly responsible for the surge of wet op mop ups