Redpilled_Canadian ago

Wow this type of truth should be part of public education. Thanks for the info, mind blowing

ESOTERICshade ago

Well done kestrel9. Incredibly interesting. Obama's uncle sure got around. This information also strengthens the ties between some of the Saudi princes being an avenue of funding for the Obama/Clinton crime cartel. If this funding just got stripped in the Saudi Prince takedown affair this should be big wallop in their funding mechanism.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks, so much more to consider. If you have a chance read this:

JFK, Indonesia, CIA & Freeport Sulphur 

Consider whether it's a case study of semi-modern day Globalist template for resource control.

ESOTERICshade ago

But the biggest conflict that Freeport Sulphur would face was over the country housing the world's single largest gold reserve and third largest copper reserve:

Interesting. Sodom and Gomorra sat right on top of a huge sulphur deposit. Sulphur is used to process gold. I am wondering if somehow huge sulphur deposts cause gold to become trapped in its area or if for some reason gold and sulphur tend to settle in the same places. When the Bible said that Sodom and Gomorra was destroyed by a rain of burning sulphur from heaven I wondered if it was a metaphor for being destroyed for their gold seeking ways and depraved behavior as a result of having so much wealth.

kestrel9 ago

Metaphor or no metaphor the conclusion is the same in your observation (imo :)

In relation to the topic of CBTS and Q hints, I was very interested in the ties between the Soetoros and Indonesia during that timeline (and by default the lead into the trajectory/influence/funding of Obama's yellow brick road to the White House).

Example: Tying in the Ford Foundation, the Geithners and Dunham/Pres Obama

THE Real Scoop on Tim Geithner's dad working with Barack Obama's mom both for the CIA back when AGENCY WAS ALL OVER INDONESIA although both ostensibly worked for the FORD FOUNDATION ---

"We have uncovered a lovely bit of conspiratology. I'm not sure what it all means; maybe nothing, or maybe much. Ponder: Did you know that Turbo Tax Timothy Geithner, tax cheat (TTTG, tc) is the son of Peter Geithner, former Ford Foundation head of the Indonesian region's microfinance program, which formerly employed one S. Ann Sutoro, Program Director, and Mother of the Obamessiah? Betcha didn't."

How does the Ford Foundation fit in? Well, if you fire up Google -- or better still, head into a university library -- you'll see plenty of evidence that the CIA and the FF were like this during the period when Timmy's dad (Peter Geithner)and Barry's mom took such a keen interest in Indonesia

The former Binghamton University professor of sociology, James Petras, and other critics accuse the Foundation of being a front organization for the CIA. Petras names the exchange of high-ranking personnel between the CIA and the Foundation, Ford Foundation's big donations to the CIA-backed Congress for Cultural Freedom, the former Foundation president Richard Bissell's relationship with DCI Allen Dulles and involvement with the Marshall Plan during the 1950s, among other things. According to Petras, the Ford Foundation funds "anti-leftist human rights groups which focus on attacking human rights violations of U.S. adversaries".

Another American academic, Joan Roelofs, in Foundations and Public Policy: The Mask of Pluralism (State University of New York Press, 2003) argues that Ford and similar foundations play a key role in co-opting opposition movements: "While dissent from ruling class ideas is labeled 'extremism' and is isolated, individual dissenters may be welcomed and transformed. Indeed, ruling class hegemony is more durable if it is not rigid and narrow, but is able dynamically to incorporate emergent trends."

She reports that John J. McCloy, (see bio below) while chairman of the Foundation's board of trustees from 1958 to 1965, "...thought of the Foundation as a quasi-extension of the U.S. government. It was his habit, for instance, to drop by the National Security Council (NSC) in Washington every couple of months and casually ask whether there were any overseas projects the NSC would like to see funded." Roelofs also charges that the Ford Foundation financed counter-insurgency programs in Indonesia and other countries.

Bio John McCloy

John J. McCloy  "John Snader McCloy"

John Jay McCloy (March 31, 1895 – March 11, 1989), was an American lawyer and banker who served as Assistant Secretary of War during World War II. After the war he served as president of the World Bank, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, and chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. He later became a prominent United States presidential adviser, served on the Warren Commission, and was a member of the foreign policy establishment group of elders called "The Wise Men." 

Involvement in other key decisions An indefatigable committee member, McCloy during the war served on the government task forces that built the Pentagon, created the Office of Strategic Services, which eventually became the Central Intelligence Agency, and he proposed both the United Nations and the war crimes tribunals. He chaired the predecessor to the National Security Council. As chairman of the Army's Advisory Committee on Negro Troop Policy, at first he opposed the civil rights spokesman who wanted the Army to end segregation.

President of World Bank From March 1947 to June 1949, McCloy served as the second president of the World Bank.

Ulm School of Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung - HfG Ulm) 1953-68 On March 17, 1949, McCloy and General Alvan Cullom Gillem, Jr. testified before the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services. US High Commissioner for Germany On September 2, 1949, McCloy replaced the previous five successive military governors for the US Zone in Germany as the first US High Commissioner for Germany and held the position until August 1, 1952. He oversaw the further creation of the Federal Republic of Germany after May 23 of 1949. At the strong urging of the German government, he approved recommendations for pardoning and commutation of sentences of Nazi criminals including those of the prominent industrialists Friedrich Flick, Alfried Krupp, and Einsatzgruppe commander Martin Sandberger.[22] McCloy granted the restitution of Krupp's and Flick's entire property. He pardoned Ernst von Weizsäcker as well as Josef Dietrich and Joachim Peiper, convicted of mass murder for their roles in the Malmedy massacre.[22] 

Corporate leadership Following his service in Germany, he served as chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank from 1953 to 1960, and as chairman of the Ford Foundation from 1958 to 1965; he was also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1946 to 1949, and then again from 1953 to 1958, before he took up the position at Ford.

From 1954 to 1970, he was chairman of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations in New York, to be succeeded by David Rockefeller, who had worked closely with him at the Chase Bank.

McCloy had a long association with the Rockefeller family, going back to his early Harvard days when he taught the young Rockefeller brothers how to sail. He was also a member of the Draper Committee, formed in 1958 by Eisenhower.

He later served as adviser to John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, and was the primary negotiator on the Presidential Disarmament Committee. In 1963, he was awarded the prestigious Sylvanus Thayer Award by the United States Military Academy for his service to the country. On December 6, 1963, he was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, with Special Distinction, by President Lyndon B. Johnson

From 1966 to 1968, he was Honorary Chairman of the Paris-based Atlantic Institute.  

If that's not a Political Globalist of interest I don't know who is. Yet it remains just one piece in an intricate network of people/places/events.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yet it remains just one piece in an intricate network of people/places/events.

Vindicator ago

Crazy graphic. Saw one wrong item, though. Melinda Gates is not Jewish. She's Roman Catholic. Their kids attended Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, a prestigious girls' high school run by an order of nuns founded during the French Revolution.

kestrel9 ago

LMAO!! There it is...

kestrel9 ago

For a few weeks I've been researching into the topics included found in this link. Came across this thread which lays out so much of what I had been finding out. I had hoped to do a thread, but every time the question became, 'Where to jump in?'.

Case in point, does one start with Obama's Uncle Cecil Goeldner (CG) and Obama's cousin Debbie who married Abdullah Al Ahmadi and became 'Layla Cecil Goeldner of Saudi Arabia'? And how there is a photo of her husband Abdullah Al Ahmadi helping present an award to Alwaleed bin Talal?

Or is it better to start with CG's background in Boeing and his career working at Systematics, and his wife (Boeing ties), aunt of Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama's mother (Chapters of her life opens up a can of worms about Obama's political grooming).

Virginia Dunham Goeldner is Obama's aunt on his mother's side. This is the story of her family, IN LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. And it all ties into the Clintons and the Bushes, drug-running and bank spying: the Global Mafia.

For 30 years, he worked in the company that was linked to the Vince Foster and Mena Airpot drug running scandals: Systematics, Inc. AND he had his pilot's license.

Hillary and the Rose Law firm represented Systematics in the 1970s and 1980s.

CG and Systematics:

Cecil distinguished himself as a pilot and later as an employee of a company called Systematics, now known as Alltel, where he installed some of the first data processing machines/automated banking programs. 

Throughout his career, he traveled extensively to places such as Greece, England, and Puerto Rico.   "I was the first technical person our clients saw. As soon as I acquired a check, I was the one to make new systems operable. The National Bank of Greece was our first client," he recalls.     "There was another trip, this one to Saudi Arabia, that he speaks of in detail.  No one wanted to go there, but I agreed to," he said. Virginia usually traveled with Cecil.  

There's so much to post about all of that...

One could have began here as well: Here's a "jackpot" background link to answer your query highlighted in bold type above:

"Vince Foster crime scene witness linked to Saudi royal family"

[link to]

...summarizing some of the most pertinent information that is provided at this link.

  1. The Saudi Arabian government secretly funded Al Qaida, Hamas and Islamic Jihad by laundering money through Florida charities run by USF Professor Sami Al Arian ["the Al Arian network"]. The Saudi Arabian government did this at the bequest of then Saudi King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud [and uncle to early Obama funder Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal] who ruled Saudi Arabia from 1982 to 2005 and is the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

  2. The Saudis supported the above mentioned terrorist groups because they did not want there to be an independent democratic Palistinian state. In the minds of the Saudis a democratic Palestinian nation would be a cancer in the Arab world, a destabilizing example of freedom that would threaten Arab dictators everywhere. King Fahd confirmed this attitude when he said, “next to the jewish people, we hate the Palestinians the most.”

  3. Deputy White House counsel and Clinton aid Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park off the George Washington Parkway in Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., on July 20, 1993. The Oslo Accords were a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine which was announced in September 1993, but never implemented. Salvador Astucia, author of Opium Lords, a book that investigates Zionist connections in the JFK assassination, harbors the thesis that Vincent Foster was murdered as part of a campaign to derail the Oslo Accords.

  4. Astucia states that Vince Foster may have been involved in the Oslo Accord negotiations, as a sort of "special representative" for Hilary Clinton. Astucia further postulates that Foster's murder was a "message" to Hilary from the Likud [the major center-right political party in Israel founded in 1973], saying that peace could not be tolerated.

  5. According to eyewitness testimony, the body of Vince Foster was initially seen with no gun nearby, then with a semi-automatic handgun, and finally with a gun that apparently was not the same gun as the one Vince Foster actually owned. Autopsy reports may have been falsified to hide the existence of a neck wound in addition to Foster's head wound. Finally, handwriting analysts claimed that an alleged "suicide note" by Foster was a crude forgery. Thus, it is very possible that Vince foster's death was a murder rather than a suicide as the U.S. government contends. 

Those are just some of the potential places to start trying to untangle the subversive Saudi/American political hairball that created Barry Obama and Hillary Clinton.